Welcome to the Enews for January 5

The latest resources, news and more.
Click on headlines or pictures for more details.  
Contact enews@leeds.anglican.org with your news. 
The Revd Canon Robin Gamble, Bishop’s Advisor for Church Growth in our diocese, has recorded a New Year’s Message to be shared by churches. Referencing Psalm 23, Robin urges viewers in 2023 to look to God as the Good Shepherd. Find out more here
A Christmas video message from Bishop Nick called for prayers for the dispossessed and the marginalised as we marked the wonderful strangeness of the Saviour’s birth. The short film may be viewed here and Bishop Nick’s words may be read here.
What it means to be a disciple in today’s world is the focus of our newly published Rhythm of Life 2023 Lent course. Consisting of five sessions, the course includes a mixture of online materials and videos, which are designed to be used by your parish. Find out more here
Wakefield Street Angels are looking for new volunteers to help keep people in Wakefield safe in the evenings. The Street Angels are looking for people 21 years old or older, who can be free for a few hours on Friday or Saturday nights, and are caring, confident and enjoy helping others. Find out more here
An effective church website is an essential part of reaching your community and keeping people up to date with what's happening. Church Edit is a website builder developed especially for churches. To celebrate working with churches for 20 years they have a special offer this January of 20 months free. Visit www.churchedit.co.uk for more information. 
For more diocesan and regional news, visit www.leeds.anglican.org
Dates for 2023
Diocese of Leeds Synod:
  • Saturday, March 18
  • Saturday, July 15
  • Saturday, October 14

Church of England General Synod:
  • Monday, February 6 - Thursday, February 9
  • Friday, July 7 - Tuesday, July 11
  • Monday, November 13 - Wednesday, November 15

#DustAndGlory: A Lent journey of faith, failure and forgiveness: Ash Wednesday (Wednesday, February 22) to Easter Day (Sunday, April 9)

Rhythm of Life Lent Course: Resources available here 

Step Forward Conference: Saturday, March 11

Thy Kingdom Come: Thursday, May 18 - Sunday, May 28

World Environment Day: Monday, June 5

Ordination of Priests: Saturday, June 24 or Sunday, June 25

Ordination of Deacons: Saturday, July 1 at Bradford Cathedral

Creationtide: Friday, September 1 - Wednesday, October, 4

Diocese of Leeds Generosity Week: Sunday, September 24 - Sunday, October 1

COP 28: Thursday 30 November - Tuesday 12th December
Living and Learning
Starting on Wednesday, January 11
A course designed to help Christians feel more confident about sharing their own personal faith story without feeling uncertain about what they believe, or anxious about difficult questions. A great way to get your church talking about their faith. This course is open to clergy and laity. Find out more here
Tuesday, January 17 at 7.30pm
A chance to find out more about the Rhythm of Life initiative and have your questions answered. Hosted by Bishop Tony Robinson and the Rhythm of Life Steering Group. To register your interest and to receive the Zoom meeting link, please email RoL@leeds.anglican.org
Tuesday, January 17 at 7pm
Every quarter you can come together with others who are working out what God's call means to them. This will take place at Church House Leeds and sandwiches will be provided beforehand. The Venerable Andy Jolley, Archdeacon of Bradford, will be the guest speaker and will talk about Christian Leadership. Find out more here
Starting on Thursday, January 19
A Diocesan Lay Pathway for lay people who are unable to commit to becoming Licensed Lay Ministers but still feel called to a preaching ministry on an occasional basis. Please note that applications for this course must be received by 12 noon on Wednesday, December 21. Find out more here
Saturday, January 21 at 10.30am
A morning for new, continuing and those interested in becoming Parish Disability Reps. It will take place online and will include prayer, a Q&A session, group discussion and worship. Find out more here
Starting on Monday, January 23
This new enquirers’ course is open to anyone who seeks a deeper engagement with the person of Christ. This course is a new model of relational and experiential Enquirer’s Course by Sam Wells. Find out more here
Wednesday, January 25 at 9am
A day course at the Trinity Centre in Bingley to explore how to make our churches more inclusive to members of all communities. This course is open to both clergy and laity. Find out more here
Thursday, January 26 at 7pm
A Zoom workshop for church leaders and volunteers. Join members of the Children, Young People and Families team as we share and discuss creative ideas around seasonal activities which enable us to engage and build relationships with families. Find out more here
For more Diocese of Leeds training visit the Digital Learning Platform
Events across the diocese
Starting on Tuesday, January 17 at 8pm
You're invited to Alpha, a place to explore the Christian faith in an easy and friendly environment. Each session starts with food in small groups before watching a talk on a question of faith. Then there's plenty of time to share your thoughts - you can say anything you like or nothing at all. Find out more here
Wednesday, January 18 at 11am
Join the Church Urban Fund to learn how to create churches where stigma is tackled, appropriate support is available, and participation is at the heart. Corin Pilling of Sanctuary Mental Health Ministries and members of the Together Network will help to explore how faith offers an opportunity for building a community of mutual support and participation. Find out more here
Candles in the Dark
Sunday, February 5 at 6pm
A celebration of worship, inspiration and encouragement at Bradford Cathedral. An evening for anyone who wants to see their church growing. It will be organised by the diocesan Leading your Church into Growth team and will feature guest speaker, Sophie Jelley, the Bishop of Doncaster.
Leeds Diocesan News continues to be produced in digital form, containing important news and views from across the Diocese of Leeds. Download and view the latest edition here.
A new 2023 Rhythm of Life Lent Course has been created for churches across our diocese. The Rhythm of Life is an initiative that offers an opportunity for Christians to re-align and keep Christ at the centre of our daily lives. Discover the materials for the Lent course here on the Digital Learning Platform
The Digital Learning Platform is a place where you can discover, resources, events and online courses to enable you to dig deeper as a disciple of Jesus. It includes a number of learning areas. Why not check it out here?
The latest edition of the Prayer Diary is now online to download.There are fresh prayers for Sudan as well as prayers for Tanzania. Download prayers here.
The Revd Canon Robin Gamble, Bishop’s Advisor for Church Growth in our diocese, has recorded a New Year’s Message to be shared by churches. Referencing Psalm 23, Robin urges viewers in 2023 to look to God as the Good Shepherd. Watch the video here
In response to the cost of living crisis, churches across our diocese have begun to open their doors to the public as Warm Spaces. One of those churches is St Paul’s Ireland Wood who have set up a weekly space on a Monday teatime called Warm Welcome. Watch the video here
...is the name of Bishop Nick's blog and his most recent entries can be viewed here.
We are looking for someone to join our team to help grow generous and financially sustainable churches. This post is fixed term for four and half years and is full time. Find out more about this role here
Ripon Cathedral is seeking a positive, proactive, individual to become their new Marketing Officer and assist in the delivery of their marketing strategy. Find out more about this role here
Ripon Cathedral is currently seeking a Development Officer to join their Development Department. The post holder will assist the Director of Development and Development Manager in delivering the cathedral’s fundraising strategy and securing new income across all income streams. Find out more about this role here
Useful Links & Information
For safeguarding issues, contact our advisers on:
safeguarding@leeds.anglican.org or call 0113 353 0257 
Carla Darbyshire - Safeguarding Team Leader
Jenny Leccardi - Safeguarding Adviser
Narinder Lyon - Safeguarding Adviser
Nikki Rose - Safeguarding Adviser
Moves and Appointments
Revd Sharon Brown to be Priest in Charge of Knottingley with Kellington & Whitley & Priest in Charge of Womersley (Wakefield EA)
The Who's Who directory lists clergy & diocesan staff (email addresses & phone numbers). Access it here 
Contact us with your news
Please contact the Communications Team with your news for future editions. The Enews is published twice a month. The next edition will be sent out on January 19. Area news stories to enews@leeds.anglican.org  
© Anglican Diocese of Leeds, 2023
Church House, 17-19 York Place, Leeds, LS1 2EX
 0113 200 0540

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