Weekly e-Newsletter
Volume 51 | December 29,2020
Two Ways to GET BACK Some or All of your 2020 Donation

Federal Taxes: With the CARES Act, if you donate up to $300 in cash to a qualified organization such as the Human Services Campus, Inc. (EIN 46-3333160), your adjusted gross income will be reduced up to $300. If you are married and filing jointly, your deduction is still limited to $300. Taxpayers can take this deduction whether you itemize or take the standard deduction. Please check with your financial advisor or visit: https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/special-300-tax-deduction-helps-most-people-give-to-charity-this-year-even-if-they-dont-itemize for details.

State Taxes: It's this simple:
  1. Help people end their homelessness by donating to the Human Services Campus
  2. Claim a tax credit of up to $800 on your 2020 Arizona taxes!
Basically, the state of Arizona allows you to redirect your state tax liability to the non-profit of your choice. If you redirect your taxes to help the Human Services Campus end homelessness in our community, it won’t cost you a cent! Win-Win!!
We Need Your Support in our Bid for More Beds
As you may have heard, our bid to add more shelter beds was continued at the City of Phoenix Planning Commission for a second time. We present our case on January 7th for the Planning Commission’s action. We are using the next week to build awareness around the hearing and garner as much support as possible. 
Our social media platforms are the best way to get this done in the amount of time we have, so we are writing to ask you to do one or more of the following to help us:
 -- Write a brief paragraph or letter of support. Fired up. From the heart. Email [email protected] stating your support for Case #: Z-SP-2-19-7.

-- Follow us on our social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Youtube
-- When posting, sharing or retweeting: Use the hashtag: #BeLikeMike
Please let us know if we can TAG YOU in our social media posts IN SUPPORT OF this campaign by sending an email to [email protected]. Bold, visible leadership exemplifying the support we already have will generate the word of mouth needed to push this forward.
We cannot do this without you!
Human Services Campus | 204 S. 12th Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85007 | 602.282.0853 | hsc-az.org