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Support Talented Needy Female Students of Science!

We wish you Happy Holidays and a Healthy, Successful New Year in 2023!

These are the unfortunate times of major financial difficulties in Turkey!

Let us help female students who are in extreme & urgent need while trying to study.

They are our future. Many of their families lost relatives, jobs and income.

For the coming 100th year of the Republic and Atatürk's reforms of women's rights and education, we are concentrated in helping female students.

In addition to celebrating the Turkish German scientists Prof. Özlem Türeci and Uğur Şahin of BioNTech and Prof. Feryal Özel of Georgia Tech, we are also celebrating the accomplishments of our recent female graduates of ITÜ. They are our heroes! They are researching and publishing on science.

Scholarships are determined through the Scholarship Committees of the central ITÜ MD in Istanbul and the ITÜ MD in USA. Charitable nonprofit donations are tax-deductible.

You can make memorial donations named in memory of a special person.

One student's total scholarship is $ 375.

Every amount counts! Monthly giving is possible, like $50 or $75 per month.

Please help and donate now or give monthly amounts by clicking.

Thank you!

We will increase our scholarships from the USA and Canada from the current 100 students since 2020 to 140 with your help. The current worldwide total is at 600 per year for both boys and girls.

İTÜMD Istanbul Central Scholarship Committee:

Chair: Halit Zaim - Fujitsu Turkey & Balkans Gen Manager 1989-2014

Co-Chair: Sibel Kerimoglu - Metag Construction Board

Members: Pinar Efendioglu, Tolga Ulutas, Murat Hilkin, Cengiz Gülenler, Mürüvvet Killi, Pinar T. Öztürk (İTÜMD Manager)

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