January / February 2024

GL Fireworks

Happy New Year To You and Yours!

In this Edition:

Boat Rack Lottery Link, Our New GM, Grand Lake Events, Ash Disposal Reminders, No Band-Aids While Swimming, Watch Out For Mountain lions, STR Fees Increase, Building Criteria Changes Coming, Chili Cook Off -Bingo, 2024 Event Calendar

boat racks

Boat Rack Lottery Link

Attention Home Owners: Please use the link provided below to be included in the 2024 boat rack lottery.

Boat Rack Form

Our New General Manager

You've had the opportunity to meet our new GM, Randi Clark at the December board meeting. We hope you were able to take advantage.

Our community is quite large and has several areas of focus that may take some time to learn all the ins and outs of how this place runs.

If you see our WL50 Loader, we affectionately call Wilson, going down the road, don't be surprised, it might just be Randi. Remember, you've seen her picture, she just has a thousand or so faces to meet. Welcome Randi!

Grand County Events

Just because it's winter doesn't mean there's nothing going on. Check out Grand County Events.

Go Grand County

Go Grand Lake

No Sledding or Tubing

On CLCC Roads

Please stay safe this winter. Sledding and tubing on our CLCC roads and office access road is prohibited. We have received reports of several close calls over the holiday. Pulling sleds, tubes, skiers, and snowboarders behind vehicles is also prohibited. Provide a safe environment for youngsters to play within your private property. Fort building in our roadways can only lead to accidents. Please make sure your guests and renters are aware of these rules!

The Grand Lake Nordic Center offers a free tubing hill to enjoy. See link below. Don't let a good time end in tragedy.

Grand Lake Nordic Center Website

No Sleddng
sled accident
new year

With the start of a new year, many people make a list of “New Year’s Resolutions”. Here are some thoughtful resolutions for responsible CLCC residents, guest and renters.

CLCC New Years Resolutions

I resolve to:

  1. Never park on CLCC private roadways or lots, which interferes with snow removal.
  2. Double check your Home Owner's AppFolio account and update contact information that may have changed.
  3. Make the time to review your homeowners and vehicle insurance.
  4. Make sure your property can be easily located in case of an emergency. Be Wildfire Ready
  5. Sign up for Code Red in Grand County.
  6. Meet some neighbors. Attend some CLCC events, you may just make some new friends.
  7. Drive safely. 15MPH on all CLCC roads.
  8. Outdoor lights should be motion sensor or timed off by 10pm. Let's enjoy the night sky.
  9. Keep your pets leashed on all community property.
  10. Make sure your curb stop water shutoff can be easily accessed in case of an emergency.
  11. Double check your batteries in all fire alarms and carbon monoxide detectors.

Dispose Of Ashes Safely!

We all enjoy the warmth and crackle of a nice wood fire this time of year. Especially after a long day at the slopes or hitting the trails. Every winter we encounter too many close calls regarding improper ash disposal. Safe ash disposal is necessary in keeping our community protected from fire danger. Improperly discarded ashes can easily pose a severe fire risk.

Charcoal, charred firewood, and ashes can remain hot enough to start a fire for many hours, even days, after you think the fire is out.

As a safety precaution, treat all charcoal, charred wood, and ashes as hot.

Recommendations for homeowner’s:

  • CLCC ash cans are located outside the dumpster area to the right of the enclosure.
  • Have a metal bucket at your home for ashes to cool before bringing them to the ash containers provided by our trash facility.
  • Do NOT place your household trash into the ash can!
  • Allow charcoal and wood to burn out completely and let ashes cool at least 48 hours prior to disposal.
  • Never place ash and coal debris in the compactor or recycling area.

Please remind your family, friends, guests and renters of these safety procedures.

ash container

Be Aware Of Your Surroundings!

Just a reminder to stay aware and alert while out and about. Last winter, Parks and Wildlife had to be called in to CLCC community to relocate several mountain lions that had become a problem to our homeowners.

We live in the mountains, and so do they. These beautiful and majestic creatures would much prefer a mule deer over our family pets but as the snow gets deeper they tend to follow the path of least resistance to find food which is unfortunately, plowed driveways and roads. This is why we tend to see them more often during the winter on our roads and under our decks.

Thus far our office has received no reports of sightings in our community, but remember, if you see something, say something.

Even though human attacks are extremely rare, remember these big cats are hunters of opportunity, and like all mammals will fight to protect their young.

I Am Stuck On Band-Aid!

Yet when you swim,

Band-Aid is not stuck on you!

Our pool has been overwhelmed with a literal Band-Aid infestation. Our maintenance staff finds them everywhere from the pool deck, in the skimmers, floating on the surface, and worst of all in the filters. Yes, in those closets off of the pool deck there lives a complex array of machinery that circulates the water constantly, keeping it warm, clean and bacteria free. It is not designed to house Band-Aids, and whatever comes with them. We all get scrapes, papercuts, and boo boos are just part of being a kid. But keep in mind, larger wounds heal best when kept dry and clean. In those cases it would be a good time for some ping pong or pool table practice.

So help us keep our pool clean and functioning properly by removing all Band-Aids before you or your youngsters swim.

Click below to listen to Justin Patrick's talk. (athletic blogger)

Stop Wearing Band-Aids In The Pool

no bandaids
floating bandaid

Attn: Snowmobilers

Please feel free to use your snowmobile to get from one place to another while on CLCC private roads, but joyriding is strictly prohibited. There is no joyriding permitted on the lake! A full list of regulations can be found on our website, or click the link below.

Owners Regulations, Article XII.

Stay informed of trail conditions with link below. Enjoy safely!

Grand Lake Trail Groomers

STR New Fees

Those who rent your homes, be aware that yearly CLCC Short Term Rental fees are now $200/ year. As approved at the October BOD meeting. As always be

reminded, short term renters are not permitted to use CLCC amenities. Most importantly, your home owner badges should be inaccessible to your rental guests.

building permit

Building Criteria Changes Are Coming Soon

The board will be working with the ARC committee to review our building criteria and make some clarifications and changes to existing articles. We will notify you as soon as these changes have been put into place.

Chili / Dessert Cook-Off

& Bingo Night

Saturday, February 17th

5pm - 6pm

At The Clubhouse

Bring your best chili and favorite dessert!

(Enough for everyone to sample and vote.)

Gift card prize to be awarded to the top two in each category.

Bingo Night

Immediately following

6pm - 7pm

We will play 6 Bingo games with family board games as prizes.

chili cook off

The Battle Of The Chili Returns!

snow berm 2

Snow Berms Happen

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, we need to remind everyone again that there is no way to avoid snow berms across your driveway. We have gotten multiple calls regarding this annoying inevitable winter issue. Our maintenance staff is responsible for the main community roads. Unfortunately

plowing snow always leaves a berm behind. So please contact your private driveway plow operator or get out your shovels. Winter in the mountains has just begun.

Save the dates:

Camp Columbine Returning


4th of July Week

Tentative dates:

Tuesday, July 2nd

Wednesday, July 3rd

Friday, July 5th

It's a great chance for CLCC kids to meet while working on fun crafts.

columbine kids

Office Hours

For In Person Visits

Monday - Friday 1pm - 4pm 

Closed Saturday - Sunday 

[email protected] 


Clubhouse Fall- Winter Hours

Monday, Wednesday, Friday

4pm - 8pm

Saturday 12pm - 8pm 

Sunday 10am - 6pm

Closed Tuesdays and Thursdays 

Lap Swim - Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, 9am-12pm, 

Sunday 9am-10am
