Happy New Year!

What to Expect in an AA Meeting!

There are a variety of formats for A.A. meetings and each meeting takes on the feel of their local area. At most meetings you will hear members talk about what drinking did to them and to those around them. Most members also share what actions they took to stop drinking and how they are living their lives today.
The purpose of all meetings is for A.A. members to “share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.”

Common Meeting Formats

  1. Discussion - Leader or Chair opens with a Topic
  2. Speaker - are often open meetings
  3. Beginners-usually led by a member who has been sober a while & focus is on steps
  4. Step, Tradition or Big Book- study of these are a foundation of personnel recovery.

Meeting Types
Meetings are typically listed as "open" or "closed" meetings.

  • Open meetings are available to anyone interested in Alcoholics Anonymous’s program of recovery from alcoholism. Non-alcoholics may attend open meetings as observers.
  • Closed meetings are for A.A. members only or for those who have a drinking problem and “have a desire to stop drinking.”
At both types of meetings, it may be requested that participants confine their discussion to matters pertaining to recovery from alcoholism.
Whether open or closed, A.A. group meetings are conducted by A.A. members who determine the format of their meetings.

What is Sponsorship?

Did you know>>> Alcoholics Anonymous began with sponsorship. When Bill W., only a few months sober, was stricken with a powerful urge to drink, this thought came to him: "You need another alcoholic to talk to. You need another alcoholic just as much as he needs you." He found Dr. Bob, who had been trying desperately and unsuccessfully to stop drinking, and out of common need A.A. was born. The word "sponsor" was not used then; the Twelve Steps had not been written; but Bill carried the message to Dr. Bob, who in turn safeguarded his own sobriety by sponsoring countless other alcoholics. Through sharing, both of our co-founders discovered, their own sober lives could be enriched beyond measure. A.A. has some wonderful literature.

Caution: Busy Life
Work, travel, caretaking, school...how could one ever get enough meetings? As success in career and personal life grows program can start to slack. In early recovery we get involved in fellowship activities, like conferences, retreats, making coffee and other AA events. As life gets better meetings start to become skipped. As a reminder do not let the gifts one received from keeping you out of meetings. Zoom or phone meetings are a solution.

Ego has a way of telling us; hey I have 10 years of sobriety; I do not need 2 or 3 meetings a week. In just a few months feelings of irrationality and discontent and then wonder why? Making excuses of exhaustion or too early and not make it at lunch or getting off in time. God does for us, what we cannot do for ourselves. The Grapevine is a wonderful way to get a meeting by print, and or go to the AA website to find a phone meeting. The blessings of headsets allow us to attend an AA meeting anywhere.
Did you know Grapevine is now on Instagram!
Reference from: October 2021 Grapevine Guiding LightG
I was like a magician when I drank.
I could make a bottle of whisky disappear!
What have we learned about alcoholism?

The first thing we have learned about alcoholism is that it is one of the oldest
problems in history. Only recently have we begun to benefit from new approaches to the problem. Doctors today, for example, know a great deal more about alcoholism than their predecessors did only two generations ago. They are beginning to define the problem and study it in detail.

While there is no formal “A.A. definition” of alcoholism, most of us agree that, for us, it could be described as a physical compulsion, coupled with a mental obsession. We mean that we had a distinct physical desire to consume alcohol beyond our capacity to control it, and in defiance of all rules of common sense. We not only had an abnormal craving for alcohol, but we frequently yielded to it at the worst possible times. We did not know when (or how) to stop drinking. Often, we did not seem to have sense enough to know when not to begin.

As alcoholics, we have learned the hard way that willpower alone, however strong in other respects, was not enough to keep us sober. We have tried laying off for specified periods. We have taken solemn pledges. We have switched brands and beverages. We have tried drinking only during certain hours. But none of our plans worked. We always wound up, sooner or later, by getting drunk when we not only wanted to stay sober, but had every rational incentive for staying sober.

We have gone through stages of dark despair when we were sure that there was something wrong with us mentally. We came to hate ourselves for wasting the talents with which we had been endowed and for the trouble we were causing our families and others. Frequently, we indulged in self-pity and proclaimed that nothing could ever help us. We can smile at those recollections now, but at the time they were grim, unpleasant experiences.
P-1 This is AA

There will be some walk-in registration but limited the cost will be $55.
Safety in the State of Nevada: masks are required for all guest and employees in all inside public spaces regardless of vaccination status.

Birthday Meetings in Bullhead City

Friday Night Live-841 Hancock Rd Bullhead City AZ
First Friday of the Month is Birthday Night

Marina Group 384 Marina Blvd
Bullhead City AZ
Last Saturday of the Month is Birthday Night Starts in February 2022

Sub-District 09-903

Workshop: Step 8-9 & 10
February 5, 2022
City Bible Church 922 Marina Blvd Bullhead City
Time 1:30 - 4:00 pm>>> More information to be announced soon

Group Contribution

3 Legacies Gp. $25.00
Alkys Only Gp. $100.00
As Bill Sees It Gp. $00.00
As Good as it Gets Gp. $400.00
Back to Basics Gp. $00.00
BHC Women's Gp. $248.00
Candy Mtg. Gp. $90.00
Cone Mtn. Newcomers Gp. $225.00
Couples in Sobriety Gp. $271.42
Drunken Donuts FF $30.00
Drunken Donuts Gp. $370.00
Four Horseman Gp. $632.20
Freedom & Joy Gp. $250.00
Friday Nite Live $722.05
Friends of Bill W. Gp. $150.00
Golden Slippers Gp. $97.00
Laughlin Gp. $606.00
Marina Gp. $6290.00
Needles Desert Gp. $200.00
Our House Gp. $50.00
Searchlight Gp. $00.00
Share Gp. $158.00
Sober on the Mount Gp. $300.00
Sun Gp. $3675.00
Sunday Nite 12 & 12 Gp. $70.20
Surrender Gp. $100.00
Top of the Hill FF $170.00
Top of the Hill Gp. $450.00
Up the River w/o a Paddle Gp. $100.00
Wed. Nite Men's Stag Gp. $375.00
Working Toward Serenity Gp. $00.00

Year to date Totals from Gp $16,169.47 Thank you Groups
  • Tuesday 10am-5:00pm
  • Wednesday 10am-5:00pm
  • Thursday 10am-3:00pm

We're looking for more 2 volunteers to extend the office hours for Thursday.
Central Office has Newcomer Packets for sale for Groups $2 each
Central Office Activity
Recap of October 2021
  • Agenda | November Minutes no
  • Total phone calls into November office: 130
  • Office visit 13
  • Volunteer hours 38.5 (4 volunteers)

Meetings at Central Office:
  • Intergroup Meeting 2nd Monday @ 6:00 PM
  • Dist. 09-903 Business Meeting 3rd Monday @ 6:00 PM
  • River Roundup 3rd Saturday of the Month @ 9:30 AM
  • Treatment Committee 2nd Wednesday of the Month @ 5:00PM