Happy New Year Everyone!

We hope you, your family and team had a wonderful Christmas Holiday... and we are so grateful to have you in our lives and the LifeWave LiveYounger Community, 

In 2023, LifeWave continued to grow and evolve faster than ever, and we want to extend a heartfelt Welcome and Congratulations to so many New Customers, Brand Partners, Managers, Directors and evolving Leaders at all ranks and levels. 

What a blessing it is to be part of David Schmidt’s shared vision to enhance and extend lives, and like many of you, in our heart of hearts, Robin and I believe that David, LifeWave, and all of us are divinely guided and infinitely blessed to be here together.

So right now at the cusp of this New Year, it’s the perfect time to briefly reflect back on some of the lessons, learnings, challenges, laughs, blessings… and lives you have changed…. and then with grateful hearts, bid 2023 farewell!

And today, January 1, 2024, we get to boldly step forward with intention, joy and increased determination to continue sharing the LifeWave products, opportunity and community with Customers and Brand Partners around town.. and around the world. 

Let's do More in 24… and we also have more to share with you today!

Below is an outline of a few enhancements and additions to our LiveYounger Success System, all intended to better serve you and your expanding LifeWave teams.

We look forward to working together and helping YOU to create your best year yet in 2024!

Blessings from Bozeman,

Gregory & Robin Blanc Mascari

LifeWave Sr. Presidential Directors

New Years Day 2024

Questions for Completing 2023 and Creating 2024

Click To Download

Updated 2024 Wkly Call/Zoom Schedule

MONDAY New Year's Day - No Calls... Happy New Year!

  • On January 8th we will resume our Monday Morning Miracle Call @ 8am PT/11am ET on LiveYoungerChat.com
  • On Jan 8th, we will also resume our Monday Community Call & Training @ 6pm PT / 9pm ET on LiveYoungerZoom.com and start our 2nd Book Club Review of Atomic Habits by James Clear. Click here to order: https://www.amazon.com


  • NEW: Our evening Testimonial Tuesday Call is reverting back to its previous name LifeWave & X39 Introduction w/ Guest Health Practitioners and will be slightly restructured in order to be better suited for guests. It will be @ 6pm PT / 9pm ET on LiveYoungerZoom.com (no longer on LiveYoungerChat.com)
  • Part 1: A very brief overview or LifeWave and X39
  • Part 2: Testimonials 
  • Part 3: Interview with different Health Practitioner each week.
  • Part 4: Wrap-up, how to get started, and invitation to get back with the person that invited you.
  • NOTE: As much as we have enjoyed having open Q&A's on this call, we felt that: (1) we were going down a dangerous public rabbit hole with our practitioners providing medical advice and (2) this was making the call a little too complicated and confusing for guests and new members.
  • To fill that gap, we have created a new Facebook Private LiveYounger Chat Group, described below.


  • Director Mastermind Meetings will continue @ 8am PT / 11am ET … RSVP for Directors and above only 


  • 30-Minute Business Training will continue @ 8am PT / 11am ET on LiveYoungerChat.com 
  • NEW: Spanish LifeWave &X39 Intro, Testimonials & Brief Opportunity @ 4:30pm PT / 730pm ETon ConnieZoom.com  


  • NEW: X39 Share & Learn with Connie Lucas and Health Practitioners @ 4:30pm PT / 7:30pm ET on ConnieZoom.com

NEW! Private LiveYounger Chat Group

  • This is a new private chat is only available for Brand Partners that are also members of our LiveYounger Private Facebook Group LiveYoungerFB.com
  • This is a new safe place where LY BP’s can freely interact with each other… asking questions, sharing results.
  • This is NOT a place to share or solicit use of any other branded products, companies or services, and violation of this guideline will be cause for removal from the group. We all need to keep this a safe and LifeWave focused place
  • We encourage everyone to continue referencing symptoms rather than diseases, but because it is a private one-on-one chat environment for members only and not designed for marketing and advertising, we won’t be as strict about this as we must be on our websites and public zooms.
  • We are all busy, so please keep you posts brief as possible
  • Three ways to Access the new LiveYounger Chat Group.
  1. From your COMPUTER go to LiveYoungerFB.com and in the upper left corner, click on CHATS.
  2. From your smart PHONE go to Facebook > Groups > LiveYounger and click on CHATS.
  3. If you have the FB MESSENGER APP on your computer or phone, you should also be able to access it from there