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Inside This Issue
  • Upcoming Events
  • Announcements
  • Religious School Corner
  • Yartzeit Dates
  • Other Information
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Upcoming Events
Upcoming Shabbat Dates
  • Friday, April 19 - NO SERVICE - Happy Pesach!
  • Friday, April 26 - 7:30-8:30 Shabbat Service
  • Friday, May 3 - 7:30-8:30 Shabbat Service
  • Friday, May 10 - 7 pm Family Service and Ice Cream Celebration *changed from original date of May 17
  • Friday, May 17 - 7:30-8:30 Shabbat Service

*Save the date for the family picnic: Sunday, June 2nd

No Shabbat Services April 19
In light of it being Erev Pesach, we will not be holding Shabbat services on Friday, April 19th.
Congregation Am Echod Sisterhood is proud to present our 52nd annual Lox Box/Deli Box Fundraiser

This is a wonderful way for you to enjoy some delicious food and support our educational, youth and community programs. This is our biggest fundraiser of the year and we need you, your friends, co-workers and neighbors to help make this a success! 
lox and bagels
Lox Box $30.00
  • ½ lb Lox (Nova or Salty)
  • ½ Dozen Bagels
  • 8 oz Plain Cream Cheese
  • Large Ripe Tomato
  • Large Juicy Onion
  • Luscious Dessert
Deli Box $30.00
  • ½ lb Kosher Style Corned Beef
  • 1 lb Kosher Style Salami
  • Loaf Seedless Rye Bread
  • Kosher Style Dill Pickle
  • Mustard
  • Potato Chips (4 snack bags)
Deadline to order is
April 21st by noon.

Pick up May 5th 8:30 AM to 11:00 AM
15 Commerce Dr. Suite 115 Grayslake, IL 60030
Next to the Grayslake Post Office. Delivery is available.

Email questions to: pbf0930@att.net
Click the image for a
printable order form:
Give us Your Tzatzkehs!

We'd love to have tzatzkehs* (give-aways) to include with the lox & deli boxes. If you (or your business) have items to give away to those who order lox boxes, please drop off your donations by April 21st!!

* pens, magnets, note-pads, sticky-notes, mugs, key chains....
Religious School Corner
Sunday School Seder
Yarzeit Dates
May their memories be a blessing...
Jewish people believe in the eternity of the soul. It is a common belief that by saying Kaddish, remembering a loved one, and giving tzedaka in a loved one's name, we help his or her soul gain merit from our good deeds. You may perform this mitzvah by making a donation to the temple in memory of your loved one.
Yartzeits beginning the week of April 19th:
Ben Boxerman
Beryl Stephens
Birl Edward Stephens
Leo Tannenbaum
Sonia Fertig
Marian Singer
Abe Goodman
Geraldine Kahn
Regina Kast
Shirley Josephs
Alvin Israel
Albert Neiburger
Bertha Rose
Alvin Lefkowitz
Harry Schwartz
Dora Temaner
Meyer Langer
Fannie Shubert
Eleanor Hirsch
Bessie Waldman
Other Information
Please support these local businesses!
Want to see your business card advertised here? Please send an image of your card (JPG, GIF, or PNG) to Deb Moran at communications@amechod.org . The cost of an ad is $120/year.
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Hanukkah 2018
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