Jay Heritage Center 

March 2014 Newsletter Volume 6


The Muse Politic
A Musical History of the Forming of Our Nation 
Sunday, March 23
3pm - 5pm

 What tunes did George Washington, John Jay and other members of Knickerbocker Society tap their toes to at the inaugural ball? What European dances found new popularity in early America? 


Join us for a lively afternoon of songs, ballads and musical manifestations of the Federalist vs. 

Anti-Federalist debate.


Leah Gale Nelson, Violin;
Andrew Rutherford, Lute

Seeds to Schools
For Educators and Volunteers
Friday, March 7th
8:30am - 1:00pm
If you are a 
K - 12 teacher or a community volunteer, now's the time to think about nurturing young citizens and creating an edible garden at your school. Join us for a free half-day collaborative workshop Co-sponsored by the Rye YMCA. 

What better way to spend President's Day
than to fill your March calendars with lectures, concerts and workshops about American History and Landscape?
Fresh from their acclaimed performance on Broadway in 
Twelfth Night and
Richard III, Priscilla and Grant Herreid will regale us on March 23  with dances and tunes familiar to the Founding Fathers and their allies like Lafayette, Steuben and more. Together with colleagues, Andrew Rutherford and Leah Gale Nelson they'll present a patriotic program like no other (see sidebar at left). 
Read more about our artists here at "Everything's Coming Up Bagpipes." 
Talking Textiles with Virginia Whelan
Filaments Conservation Studio
Sunday, March 30th 3pm - 5pm
Next on March 30th - who do we turn to to conserve the rare textile pieces that have been donated to the Jay Heritage Center? Come meet Virginia Whelan - feel free to bring a photo of that treasured family sampler or heirloom American flag.
Virginia is a textile conservator and sole proprietor of Filaments Conservation Studio, based outside Philadelphia, PA. She specializes in historic needlework and fine textiles offering conservation consultation and treatment of a variety of textiles including samplers, silk-on-silk and painted silk embroideries, needlework and woolwork pictures, flags, and banners. Recently she helped restore an artifact that stood witness to one of the most historic moments of the Civil War - the Battle of Gettysburg. 
Clients include cultural and educational institutions like the Jay Heritage Center, historic house museums, foundations, and individuals. Click here to read more
 and Coming in April....

Click on the video below for a preview!

Poor Old Shine - Weeds Or Wild Flowers // Big Old Big One
Poor Old Shine - Weeds Or Wild Flowers // Big Old Big One
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