DC Office of Human Rights Newsletter | Volume XIII | June 2019
In Living Color: Happy Pride Month
Photo courtesy of ClotureClub.com
The District of Columbia has the largest LGBTQ+ population by percentage in the country at 9.8 percent, according to a study conducted by the Williams Institute at UCLA Law School . DC has come to represent a safe space for the LGBTQ+ community , which is why thousands of people will be pouring into our city over the course of June to celebrate Pride Month.

As inclusive and diverse as DC is, the amount of hate crimes reported to MPD in 2018 increased 62 percent overall, with the number of hate crimes targeting the LGBTQ+ community nearly doubling. These troubling statistics indicate that we must remain especially vigilant in the face of hate and intolerance, but also love fiercely and unapologetically. We must not let fear stifle the LGBTQ+ community's shine, beauty, or contributions to this city.

Empowerment is also important in combating intolerance and discrimination. In the District, sexual orientation and gender identity and expression are protected traits under the Human Rights Act. That means if an entity uses that as a basis of discrimination in employment, housing, public accommodations, or in educational institutions it is unlawful. But we must do more to safeguard, hire, protect and respect the vibrant LGBTQ+ community in DC. So we are calling on community, allies, and organizations to point out injustices and discrimination in any form. Happy Pride Month!
Trait of the Month : Matriculation
This protected trait makes it illegal to discriminate against someone based on if someone is enrolled in a college, university or some type of secondary school . For more information or to file a complaint, visit our website; ohr.dc.gov .
This Month's Spotlight
June is Pride Month! Check out all the fun activities the Capital Pride Alliance has planned this weekend! Be sure to check out the Pride Festival this Sunday, June 9th from Noon until 10pm and stop by OHR's booth (along 6th and Pennsylvania) for exciting giveaways and information on your rights!

Join Mayor Bowser and the DC Office of Aging and Community Living for their 8th Annual Senior Symposium on June 19 from 8am to 2pm at Ballou High School (3401 4th St SE). The theme this year is:  Connect, Create, and Contribute and will feature dynamic speakers, educational workshops and over 70 exhibitors, including OHR!

Highlights from OHR
Back by popular demand, OHR relaunched it’s #FastWithDCMuslims campaign last month to raise awareness and combat Islamophobia. On Friday, May 31st, OHR staff, as well as staff from the Mayor's Office of Religious Affairs, Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, Office of Unified Communications, and the Justice for Muslims Collective fasted in solidarity with DC Muslims to shed light on anti-Muslim discrimination in DC and beyond.

ICYMI, we released the Language Access Program's FY 2018 Annual Compliance Review just in time for Immigrant Heritage Month ! The report provides an overview and analysis of citywide efforts to create equal access for individuals with limited- or non-English proficiency and to meet the requirements of the DC Language Access Act of 2004.

Featured Director's Note
Dear Neighbors, Stakeholders and Partners,

I love June. It's one of my favorite months of the year. Beautiful weather, cookouts, pool parties, but most importantly...it is a month where I feel like I am seen. It is a month where I feel like I am heard and I am listened to. Because June is Pride Month . A time where the LGBTQ+ community gets to celebrate who and what we are: beautiful, brave, and vibrantly thriving.
With hate and intolerance flowing so freely from the Nation's Capital, we must continue to lean on each other for support, for encouragement, for fortitude, and for sanctuary. In the face of bigotry, we must dance harder, live freer, and love endlessly. That is part of what this month is about. Celebrating the arduous path to this point in our community's history and how far we have come. Yet, we have so far to travel still.
The LGBTQ+ community has a presence in nearly every industry imaginable, from fashion to construction to politics. Yet we are still discriminated against routinely. My community is also the target of hate crimes far too frequently, which is why Mayor Bowser has invested in resources and tools to help residents report bias-related incidents.
On a more joyous note, please join my office, the Mayor's Office of LGBTQ Affairs for our 2nd Annual District of Pride event on June 22nd. The night will feature queer artists from across the District and showcase that DC is home to the nation’s best queer performance art.

Happy Pride Month DC! Rainbow Power!
Yours in service,
Sheila Alexander-Reid, Director of the Mayor's Office on LGBTQ Affairs
DC Office of Human Rights | 202.727.4559 | ohr.dc.gov