Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex Pride Month, 2022

• Use multiple barriers to prevent your child
from getting to the pool. If one fails, another
may buy you precious time to recover your
missing child before it’s too late.
• Surround your pool with a four-sided isolation
fence, with a self-closing, self-latching gate. [.....]
  • Never leave infants, children, or the frail elderly unattended in a parked car
  • Drink plenty of fluids. Don’t wait until you’re thirsty.
  • ​Open windows to allow fresh air to circulate when appropriate.
  • Dress in lightweight, loose-fitting clothing. Use a hat and sunscreen as needed.
  • During the hottest parts of the day, keep physical activities to a minimum and stay indoors in air-conditioning and out of the sun. [....]
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) encourages parents, teachers, child care providers, and others who work closely with children to filter information about the event and present it in a way that their child can understand, adjust to and handle in a healthy way...
June is National Internet Safety Month. The goal is to raise awareness about online safety, in particular, for children and teens.
Adults can help reduce the risks by talking to kids about making safe and responsible decisions. These free resources from the FTC can help you talk to your kids and teens about cyberbullying, sexting and texting, online privacy, social media, virtual environments, and more. Read more