Jim Moran Sr. –
Vice President of Sales
Start Date 9/14/83
How did Jim Moran Sr. come to work at Fox Valley Fire & Safety?
Jim grew up in Highland Park where he was a golf caddy at Northmore Country Club. After high school Jim went to Eastern Illinois University for one year while he applied for the Evans Scholarship. The scholarship is full tuition and housing, awarded to caddies that have a strong caddie record, excellent academics, demonstrate a financial need and outstanding character.
Two great things happened that year, Jim met his wife, Rita, at Eastern and won the Evans scholarship that allowed him to transfer to Indiana University and earn his degree in Finance.
After graduating from Indiana, Jim and Rita married and moved to Elgin, where Jim answered a newspaper ad for a salesman at Fox Valley Fire.
Jim started out as an extinguisher and commercial cooking system sales representative. Jim thought this would be a stepping stone in his career. It was a stepping stone, but a stepping stone to a 40 year career right here.
In the mid 80's Jim's sales success and leadership elevated him to Standard Products Manager where the sales force expanded, and Emergency and Exit Lights were added to the mix. In 1998 Jim became an owner through the buyout of our founders and the original ESOP. Jim continued to lead all the way to today, as a member of our Management Leadership Team.
When Jim became manager, Standard Products contributed approximately 2 million annually. Through growth and leadership the division topped 10 million for the first time in 2019 and is consistently exceeding that mark.
Jim leaves his position in great hands with a fellow named Jim Moran Jr.
Jim and Rita are the proud parents of four adult sons, who with their wives, have graced them with eight grandchildren. There will surely be pool parties most every day this summer at the Moran house. Enjoy!
Thanks for everything Jim!
In 1983:
Movies: Scarface; Trading Places; Star Wars - Return of the Jedi; National Lampoon's Vacation; Risky Business; Flashdance.
Top Music Event: Michael Jackson perfomrs "Billie Jean" at the Mowtown 25th Anniversary TV special and intorduces the Moonwalk....people lost their minds and immediately tried to mimic the moves.
Other Top Hits; "Every Breath You Take" - The Police; "Flashdance" - Irene Cara; "Beat It" - Michael Jackson; "Down Under" - Men at Work
Motorola introduces the first Mobile Phone to the public - it's enormous, heavy, only does one thing, and we love it.
Microsoft releases the very first version of Microsoft Word.
Toys introduced: Cabbage Patch Dolls; G.I. Joe with Swivel Arms and Battle Grips; Glo Worm.
Oh my!
Retirement Date 1/13/23