My father used to say that the older he got the faster time went. Until I got to be his age when he said that, I never really understood his words, but do I ever understand them now!
Here we are in The Fall of 2024. So much has happened this year in my world and in the universe. Many shifts. When I think of the fall, I am reminded of my youth on the East Coast and shuffling through the crunchy fallen leaves when my mother took me on my weekly hikes. I love the sound of that combined with the crisp autumn air.
The first few days of this month coincides with the long Labor Day weekend, The end of summer and the beginning of fall usually put me in the mood for reflection and contemplation as I feel another year end is coming. Mid-month between September 16-18 brings us the beautiful harvest moon which is the name of the full Moon closest to the first day of autumn, when the day and night are of equal length.
In my last newsletter, I mentioned how I've been reading a lot of fiction and I've continued to do so. This past month, I was taken in by Joyce Maynard's masterful storytelling and compelling family sagas. Recently, I've heard that she's been called, "the queen of family sagas," and I'm not at all surprised.
Her stories are truly captivating and her writing is a gift to the literary world!
Please enjoy my reviews below.