"IMAGES" Photographic Art Gallery
March 2022
Dear friends,
Welcome to my monthly "PHOTOBLOG" newsletter, which I have been publishing for several years and have enjoyed sending to friends and clients in order to keep them informed of my current photographic interests, new works, upcoming exhibits and other Gallery events.
A new "subject" is at the center of each Newsletter, with which I present a short series of pertinent images along with any needed description and details, in order to allow my viewers to become more actively part of the discussion.
Most of the imagery displayed will be eventually on view at "IMAGES" Art Gallery, 14406 Detroit Rd., Lakewood, and of course I always welcome anyone's comments and interest in my work; the Gallery remains open these days, in spite of the current unfavorable circumstances, and I would be very happy to extend to all an invitation to contact us so that a personal "safe" time for a visit could be conveniently arranged.
Any of these and other images could be custom printed/framed and become part of your art collection, based on your specifications and desires.
Over the years my "recipients" list has gradually grown, thanks to your interest and support, and I encourage you to share this "PHOTOBLOG" with friends and art lovers in your circles.
More of my photography on view at www.mellinophotography.com.
A sincere "thank you" for your interested attention,
Marcello Mellino.
As a photography enthusiast and practitioner, I have always loved and admired the art of "monochrome" images, where the possible distraction from natural colors is taken away, leaving only the image with its strength being solely in the composition and the conceptual process involved. Hence, the difficulty is to choose the proper one to carry forward the idea initially visualized, and then to craft all that is visually needed to reach the desired impact.
Here are several monochromes of mine I have enjoyed in time, some of which you might have seen before; they all have a story behind, and often a message I found well worth. Describing them at length is rather difficult, hence it might be best to simply allow their visual presence to "speak" to the viewer.
Please enjoy the time, and let your mind travel free!
A variety of places, subjects and ideas are presented to you this month; you will see nature, Cleveland, Italy, Florida, people...countless hours have gone in the selection and the final creation of these images, all of which are a "chapter" in my personal photographic growth and evolution.
To all my best wishes for a safe, very healthy, enjoyable, productive and "sunny" Spring season...which here in Cleveland is really a BIG thing!
"IMAGES" Art Gallery remains open, in case you had wondered...please drop in if you see the lights on, or call ahead and we'll be happy to welcome you back in person!
