March & April
Step 3: Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.
Step 4: Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
"The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous, 2nd edition, copyright Overeaters Anonymous, Inc. All rights reserved.”
Living the Step Principles
Step 3: Faith: Trust tomorrow to God but do today what I think He would have me do to prepare for tomorrow. Faith that God will give me what I need to deal with whatever comes. Surrender control of the world to God.
Step 4: Courage: Face & deal with life as it is, not as I wish it were or think it ought to be. Don’t hide and isolate. Face and deal. Courage is not the absence of fear, it’s doing it anyway. Watch for my own faults and my part is conflict.
-Don C., CT.
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March & April
The OA Traditions - Am I Practicing These Principles, too?
Tradition Three: The only requirement for OA membership is a desire to stop eating compulsively.
*Do I welcome every type of compulsive eater, or are there some types I’d rather not have in OA or in my OA group?
*Do I focus my comments on the things we, as compulsive eaters, have in common?
*Do make it a point to speak to newcomers, even if their appearance or attitudes are not inviting?
Tradition Four: Each group should be autonomous except in matters affecting other groups or OA as a whole.
*Do I feel there are only a few right ways of doing things in OA? Do I respect the right of others to have practices different from mine?
*Do I consider the welfare of OA as a whole in making group conscience decisions?
*Do I practice the Principle of autonomy by taking responsibility for my own actions and avoiding attempts to control the actions of others?
"The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous, 2nd edition, copyright Overeaters Anonymous, Inc. All rights reserved.”