The Hummingbird Messenger April 2023

Female Costas drinking from a Cape Honeysuckle in Surprise, AZ.

Image courtesy of - Hilary Joy Morejon

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Check out Bob Coate's phenomenal video showing the various points of excitement of the 2022 Sedona Hummingbird Festival. We all had such an incredible time and can not wait for our next one!

Hope to see you all there!

Check this video - Bob Coates showing the excitement from the 2022 Sedona Hummingbird Festival!
Click Here to Donate to Sedona Hummingbird Festival

Page Springs Cellars

Beth Kingsley Hawkins, Executive Director of The International Hummingbird Society, receives a generous donation from Luke Bernard, Director of Sales and Marketing for Page Springs Cellars as the last bottle of their 2020 specialty hummingbird wine was sold.

Page Springs Cellars owns Colibri Vineyard in Portal, AZ in the southeastern part of the state, where fifteen different hummingbird species have been recorded. Colibri is Spanish for hummingbird, so it was especially appropriate to have a collaboration with the Non-profit Hummingbird Society to further its mission.

The red wild ferment Mourvèdre wine was created to honor the passing of Dr. H. Ross Hawkins, who founded the Society in 1996. The donation from the wine sales will help greatly to further the dual mission of the Society: First, ‘Conservation’- helping with habitat restoration and land acquisition for the spectacular and critically-endangered Marvelous Spatuletail of Peru in partnership with the American Bird Conservancy, and second, ‘Education’-holding our 9th three-day festival July 28 –30, 2023 at the Sedona Performing Arts Center. Renowned wildlife artist, Sri Lankan-American Gamini Ratnavira depicted our year-round resident, the Anna’s hummingbird, on the label. He will be sharing his art and demonstrating how he paints a hummingbird at the upcoming Sedona Hummingbird Festival.

The event includes three days of expert talks on hummingbirds and a free Hummingbird Marketplace with stunning original hummingbird art and a celebration of guitar music, face painting, food trucks, birding trips and live raptors and Pash Galbavy as Happy the Hummingbird Spirit who will help anchor attendees’ dream wishes.

Tickets go on sale May 1, for more information, go to or call the Society whose headquarters are located in the Village of Oak Creek, Sedona (928 284 2251) or

e-mail [email protected].

Hummingbirds are Migrating!

It's that exciting time of year when spring is in the air... flowers are blooming... and hummingbirds are migrating back from Mexico! The Ruby-throats are migrating in the east, and the Black-chinned are returning in the west. Have you seen any? If so, be sure to track your sighting on Hummingbird Central. This will help others see the different variety of hummingbirds as they make their journey!

Hummingbird Central

2024 Calendar!

We are happy to share with you the back of our new calendar! We are so thrilled with how it turned out. We still have 14 calendar spaces available! For a contribution of $250, dedicated spaces are available for loved ones, in memory, in honor of someone, kudos to the society, or a tribute to your favorite hummingbird. If you are interested in having a spot in our next calendar, please email us at: [email protected]

Calendar will be available at our 2023 Sedona Hummingbird Festival!

Book Review Spotlight

New Hummingbird Book illustrated by Glenn Bartley:

Hummingbirds: A Celebration of Nature’s Jewel

Princeton University Press C. 2022

Glenn Barley is a superb photographer and a regular contributor to our official Hummingbird Society Calendar. In fact, the cover of the book sports a Black-billed Streamertail in flight that we featured in our 2020 calendar. He will also have three of his images in our up-coming 2024 calendar, including the Marvelous Spatuletail!

His book is a stunning photographic guide to the wonderful world of hummingbirds – in more than 540 color photographs, illustrating all 101 genera, and over 2/3 of the continent’s 369 species. It covers all aspects of hummingbirds in a lively text by Andy Swash, presenting the latest meticulously researched scientific information and up-to-date details about every species, including their conservation designation. It truly is a celebration of all aspects of hummingbirds and their world.

This book was a surprise gift from members,

John and Ann Tundermann.

 (Click image above to see book on his webite)

Book Review:

Birds: Poetry in the Sky

by Christian Spencer


Christian is a superb bird photographer living in Brazil and he truly portrays hummingbirds as art! He is famous for capturing images of the rainbow prisms of light on the wings and tail of the hummingbird. He graciously offered his Wings of Light image for the cover of our 2021 hummingbird calendar as a memorial to our founder H. Ross Hawkins as it portrays the hummingbird flying to the light, perhaps to somewhere over the rainbow. Christian discovered the delightful natural phenomenon that when the hummingbird flew with the rising sun striking its wings, a beautiful prism effect appeared. Amazingly, the light detracted through the hummingbird’s wings and tail creating the rainbow colors. The photos contain no digital manipulation and reveal a secret of nature that cannot be seen with our eyes. 

The first 50 pages are all under the heading Winged Prisms: Hummingbird Rainbows. The 2nd chapter is called Feathered Jewels: Hummingbird Portraits. Thus the first 70 pages are exclusively hummingbirds.  The chapters that follow are: Poems written in the Sky: Birds in Flight; Immersion: Birds and Water; And Green Shelter: Birds and Trees and include other birds.

The book is wonderfully large: 13 ½ x 11.

The text and titles are also written simultaneously in German.

This book will be at our raffle table at the festival to go to the lucky person whose number is drawn. It is valued at $70, which included shipping from England. Like the hummingbirds themselves, the book is truly a gem!

Te Nues Publishing Co. Nov. 2022

Nest Update!

The two babies that built their nest outside of the Hummingbird Society have successfully flown the coop! We are so thrilled that they are healthy and exploring the world on their own. Looking out the window two weeks later, Beth had a surprise. One baby returned and actually sat in the nest again for a few moments - a first and so sweet!