A Monthly Newsletter for Residents

of Buena Vista Ranchos

Neighborhood in Tempe, AZ

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April 2024

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Welcome to

The BVR Round-Up!

We've made some changes to BVR's monthly newsletter. This new e-newsletter format will provide greater interaction, allow for more images and links, and provide more flexibility in content.

We hope you like the look of The BVR Round-Up! We appreciate your patience as we work out any kinks. Send feedback here. Please forward this to any household members who might like to be sign up.

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Annual Egg Hunt is a Springtime Tradition!

Come join the Annual Egg Hunt on Saturday, March 30 in the BVR park. Children collect eggs and search for special prizes. It's a chance to enjoy the wonderful springtime weather with your neighbors. There will be yummy breakfast food and coffee. All are welcome! Contact Mary Madine with Questions.

The event begins at 9:00 am. The first group of egg-hunters (walking to pre-school) starts at 9:15 am, don't be late!

If you will be participating in the egg hunt, please drop off 12 pre-filled plastic eggs per child who wants to participate in the hunt to 1018 E. Buena Vista by Friday March 29 at 8:00 pm. Fill with things (candy, toys, stickers) that won't melt. Leave eggs in big basket outside the door.

-By Mary Madine

View Flyer Here

Garden of Weeding:

Stinknet Alert

Spring rains have blessed us with flowers and greenery in the neighborhood, but with that also comes the weeds. They say that there is no such thing as a weed, that it’s just a plant out of place. Well recently, there is such a plant way out of place from Africa that has invaded our desert and presents a serious fire fodder once dried.

The invader is called Stinknet. It’s an offensive name for such a cute little plant. But it gets its name from the pungent smell of creosote oil that provides the fuel for fast and hot burning. It’s now in our neighborhood and all over town. I’m requesting that we each do our part to keep it at bay by pulling, bagging and tossing in garbage can, not green waste. Gloves recommended.

The little yellow ball flower disperses millions of seeds once dried. Help save our desert from this minion of malice. See link to article for more information. 

-By Katy Holditch

Board News

New Board Roles Assigned

April marks the start of BVR's fiscal year and the beginning of terms for the board. Welcome to our new board members for their first term: Jen Leon, Margie Green, and Mark Babington. And congratulations to Cindy Mueller for being re-elected for a second term. The board has assigned the following positions to each board member:

  • President – Cindy Mueller
  • Vice President – Joey Farina
  • Treasurer and Trails Chair – Katy Holditch
  • Secretary – Jen Leon
  • General Maintenance Chair – Gary Lindsey
  • Irrigation Chair – Mark Babington
  • Park Landscape Chair– Margie Green
  • Pool Chair – Tim Farley
  • Equestrian Chair – Dave Martin (non-Board Member)
Contact Info

Treasurer's Report: No Dues Increase and Earning Interest

I have accepted, once again, the position of board treasurer for this year. Our new budget was passed with no increase in dues. Our board has been a great steward in managing their areas of fiscal responsibility. Our board has been diligent about investing reserve funds into laddered CD’s to ensure funds do not sit idle, but instead earn interest for the neighborhood (5.15-5.25 percent).

I encourage you to read your quarterly statement to make sure you are current with your account or see if you possibly carry a credit. Keeping our accounts current and accurate helps the board plan realistically. Thank you, Danielle Jarczyk, for your service as our previous board treasurer.

-By Katy Holditch

Meet the Irrigation Chair

Hello. I'm Mark Babington. I live on Calle Monte Vista, and I'm the new Irrigation Chair. Starting with the April 8th run we will be getting irrigation every 2 weeks until October. It alternates from morning to afternoon to late evening, so if you are signed up for recurring water delivery, please check the schedule after 4:00 pm on the Saturday before delivery to know when your time to take water will be.

In the spirit of cooperation, if you can't take yours, arrange with a neighbor; we are all responsible for taking our water delivery on time. And this is a team effort, so if anybody sees a leak anywhere on one of the trails or a stand pipe spilling over, please reach out to me via text at 480-540-3407.  Thx

-by Mark Babington

Landscape & Trails: Greening Up

I am happy to have Margie Green (perfect name BTW) on the board and learning the ropes for the park landscape and common areas. Margie has gone through the Master Gardener program with Cooperative Extension, so her knowledge of plants will be very beneficial in this position. We will be working together, sharing knowledge and planning improvements. I will continue managing the trails and also taking on the treasurer’s position for this fiscal year. Everything is greening up and about to bloom, so go out and enjoy spring in BVR.

-by Katy Holditch

Equestrian Report

Hello, BVR Equestrians and Neighbors. This month we've completed adding additional wood chips to both arena bases. This has worked out so well that riders were safely able to use the arenas the same day as it rained. We're also working on the new equipment storage area that should be completed later this month. More pics as progress continues. As always, ride safely. 

-By Dave Martin

From the Community

4-H Hosting Gymkhana

🍀🐴Buena Vista Mavericks 4-H Horse Project will be hosting a BVR Neighborhood Gymkhana 🤠 on Saturday, May 4. Registration starts at 10:00 am; show starts at 11:00 am.


All are welcome to participate: Friends, neighbors, kids, & adults!! We will have the following classes: 

  • Lead line (horses will be supplied)
  • Ages 8-11
  • Ages 12-14
  • Ages 15-24
  • Ages 25+


We will have three events for each age/skill division. Classes will be $10 each, plus a $10 arena fee for non-BVR residents. A portion of the proceeds will be given to BVR Neighborhood, Maricopa County 4-H Horse Finals, and Child Crisis Center. We will have a raffle, hamburgers, hot dogs with great sides, and a silent auction. Contact Cindy Martin.

-By Cindy Martin


Tempe Cracking Down on Street Racing

Tempe PD launched Operation: Silent Nights this past weekend. This is our proactive effort to combat street racing and its associated crimes. The following recaps our enforcement efforts from March 13 through March 16:

  • 19 General Offense Reports
  • 20 Arrests (15 misdemeanor & 5 felony)
  • 1 Juvenile Referral
  • 1 Firearm Seized
  • 11 Vehicles Towed
  • 19 civil citations
  • 1 Case for Follow Up (Felony Flight)

-By Jennifer Adams

Tempe's Annual Neighborhood Celebration

Hi Neighbors, As a member of the Tempe Neighborhood commission I want to let everyone know about Tempe Neighborhood Celebration on Saturday, April 6 from 9:00-11:00 am at Kiwanis Park Fiesta Ramadas. There will be free food, games, and activities for the whole family.

There is also a donation drive to help Threadz, an organization that provides teens with toiletries and clothes. I will have a box outside my door

1075 E Buena Vista Drive if anyone can contribute. I would love to make a big donation from BVR! 

Click Here for More Information

-by Stacy Novis

The Recap

Game Night in the Park

Game on! Biz Kid$ organized a fun Game Night in the Park on March 22. Attendance was light, but we had enough kids to make it a success. A HUGE thank you to:

  • Vivienne's mom, Leslie, who saved the day with her amazing tacos and ran to the store and purchased bottled water
  • Linda Lee who brought super fun games, candy, and snacks
  • Liz Lambert for the yummy banana bread
  • Marlena and her sister Brynn for the cookies and fruit for dessert

Pictured (left to right): Brynn and Marlena Nicolson, Kate Hoffman, and Julia Lambert.

-By Katy Holditch

Upcoming Events


BVR's Annual Egg Hunt

Date: Saturday, March 30

Time: 9:00 am.The first group starts at 9:15 am, don't be late!

Location: BVR Park

Egg Drop off Location: 1018 E. Buena Vista by Friday March 29 at 8:00 pm.

Contact Mary Madine with Questions.

Bulk Trash and Green Organic Pickup

Dates: April 1-5

City of Tempe collects Bulk Trash and Green Organics from the curb. Please don't put anything out until 10 days prior.

Click here for more information

April Book Club

Date: Monday, April 8

Time: 6:30 pm

Location: Vicki Normandin, 8612 S. Newberry Ln.

Book: Miss Benson's Beetle by Rachel Joyce

A light dinner will be served. This is a social gathering, and reading the book is optional.

-By Liz Lambert

Please RSVP

April Board Meeting

Date: Tuesday, April 16

Time: 6:00 pm

This meeting will be held virtually.

Email the board to submit items for agenda.

Zoom Meeting ID: 833 8275 0835

Password: 809246

Zoom Link

April Coffee

Date: Thursday, April 18

Time: 9:30-11:30 am

Location: Lora Wait, 1012 E. El Freda Rd.

April's BVR Coffee is hosted at Lora Waits' newly remodeled home!

Bring a treat to share and a neighbor.

-By Karen Korinek

Please submit content for May's BVR Round-Up before April 21.

Submit Content Here

See past issues of The BVR Round-Up Here.

Residents of BUENA VISTA RANCHOS, connect with your community.

Create an account on the BVR website in order to access the full calendar, reserve facilities, sign up to get emails from the board, and more!

To be part of our facebook group, search for "Buena Vista Ranchos Tempe."