St. Patrick Parish News & Updates

March 15, 2024 | Issue 11

A Word from the Pastor

March 15, 2024

As you have seen, the repairs to our church have become a longer project than we expected. I want to use this space today to update you on our progress.

You may recall that it started with removal of a huge beehive in the bell tower and tenting the church and other buildings for termites. That project revealed both the extent of the termite damage as well as the water that was leaking into the church building. The damage to the belltower was repaired. 

Speaking of water intrusion, we discovered that our windows in the church (above the stations of the cross) were allowing water to leak into the walls. After consulting with architects and contractors, we decided that all 14 windows needed to be replaced. The windows were ordered and have arrived. You will notice that they were recently installed on the Tamarack side of the building. The other 7 will be installed after Easter. 

Again, due to water intrusion, it was also necessary to replace some wood and to make repairs on the stucco on the outside of the church which had deteriorated due to age. We began on the Tamarack side of the church and are working our way around the building along the north side and ending at the main doors of the church. Finally, there is also water intrusion from below in the music room of the church. Workers will need to dig an exploratory hole to inspect the flashing. Then we will be able to determine the extent of the work that needs to be done.

You may have noticed that we are gradually replacing the kneelers in the church. This is through the efforts of Rick Nelson who is moving systematically through the church. It will take a while to complete, but Rick is saving us a lot of money.

In addition to the church, we are also repairing air vents in the parish offices, rectory and parish hall. Many of them were leaking during the recent rains. New signage is also planned for the entire property.

Two major projects are still waiting to be undertaken. We know that we need to replace the roof of the parish offices and the parish center. Those buildings will also need stucco work and painting. Likewise, the house of Tamarack (where Fr. Azam and I live) is in desperate need of window replacement and siding. We are trying to plan for these projects as time and budget permit.

Your generosity has made it possible for us to continue with these necessary repairs. The wonderful response to our increased giving campaign last fall has provided the means for this important work. Please continue to be generous so that we can continue.

Special thanks to Maria Gonzalez, our Parish Manager, for her diligence and patience in following all of these projects to completion while securing the best pricing.

In one Heart,

Fr. Ron 

 [email protected]

Breastplate of St. Patrick

As we celebrate the feast day of our patron saint, listen to this musical version of the Breastplate of St. Patrick sung by Sarah Hart.

Palm Sale

The Hispanic Community's Catechists will sell palms after all Masses the weekend of March 23-24.

We invite you to look at the handcrafted palms made by artisans from Southern Mexico. We thank you in advance for your cooperation. All proceeds will go towards the Ministry of Catechesis.

Three Day Lenten Mission

Continue the spirit of Lent by joining our three day Lenten Mission:

Day 1 – March 18 at 7:00 pm

Fr. Ricardo Chinchilla, CJM will speak about the passion account from the gospel of Mark and show how we can discover Jesus anew as our Messiah.

Day 2 – March 19 at 7:00 pm

Taizé Prayer around the Cross is a meditative and inspirational time to enter into the mystery of our salvation through chants, Scripture and prayer. We offer this again because so many people have enjoyed this peaceful, reflective time of personal and communal prayer in past years.

Day 3 – March 20 at 7:00 pm

Our annual Lenten Penance Service concludes our three day mission. As always, many priests will be available to hear individual confessions. 

For more information about our Three Day Lenten Mission, see the Lenten brochure which is available through our website, or at the doors of the church.

31st Annual Good Friday Walk with the Suffering

 March 29, 8:30 am - 11:00 am

Students from Cristo Rey High School will reenact Jesus’ journey to Calvary. The procession through downtown San Diego will begin at the San Diego Rescue Mission (120 Elm St).  Join Bishop Felipe Pulido and representatives from various organizations that serve the needy in walking and offering prayers and reflections on social justice issues. Free parking at the San Diego Rescue Mission parking structure. All are welcome!

Walk information here...

Lenten Food Drive

The Knights of Columbus will be collecting items for the Annual Lenten Food Drive to benefit Catholic Charities, St Patrick Parish Food Bank and Showers of Blessings. The food drive ends this Sunday March 17.

Sharing with those in need is an integral part of our Lenten almsgiving. Look at the attached flyer to discover how you can contribute.

Food Drive info here...

Bible Marathon

A Public Reading of the Gospel of Mark

Saturday, March 23, 2024 — 9:00 am to 11:00 am

A “Bible marathon” is an ancient practice of publicly reading the Word of God (cf. Nehemiah 8:6-8). In a Bible marathon, the community reads the entire Bible for days. But don’t worry! We won’t be doing that! Since this is Liturgical Year B, which uses the Gospel of Mark, we will only read the entire Gospel of Mark in the parish church.

The goal of this spiritual exercise is not to memorize the passages, but to bless our tongues as we read the Word of God; our ears as we hear the Word of God; and our hands as we hold the Word of God.

Lenten Penance Services

Our parish Lenten Penance Service is this Wednesday March 20. Click below to see the remainder of the Lenten Penance Services in the parishes of North County.

Schedule here...

Have You Seen the Movie “Cabrini”? 

Evidently, the author of this article from America Magazine liked it. In his article entitled “I was worried ‘Cabrini’ would be another sappy religious movie. I was wrong,” he tells why his fears were allayed. He recommends the movie. 

Read about the Mother Cabrini movie here...
Watch Daily and Sunday Masses Livestreamed from  St. Patrick Church here:

Online Giving Reminder

If you currently use Online Giving for your electronic giving, please make sure you login to the application frequently to make sure your payment method is current and your donations are being processed.

Remember to set up your Easter donation!

Click on the Online Giving icon below to create or access your account.

Catholic Trivia

"Catholic Trivia”... not because they are trivial but because these might be things that not everyone knows. Test your knowledge by reading the five questions, remember your answers (or jot them down), then click the link below to find the answers.

  1. What is the theological term for the belief that Jesus was fully human and fully divine and that those two natures are united in his person?
  2. What is the common term for the belief that our one God has three “persons,” Father, Son and Holy Spirit?
  3. What was the 4th century heresy that denied the divinity of Christ?
  4. How many titles of the pope can you name?
  5. According to the official Catholic Church tally, how many popes have there been?

Feel free to email Fr. Ron with ideas for future Catholic Trivia questions [email protected]

If you have other members of your family or your friends who would like to be on our email list, just let me know or write to Mary McLain at [email protected] We will be pleased to add them.

Masses are available on our website

We have a YouTube channel where we have daily and Sunday Masses.

YouTube channel here...
Answers to Catholic Trivia here!
Online Giving
Read all of Fr. Ron's newsletters here

Fifth Sunday of Lent – Year B

First Reading

Jeremiah 31:31-34

Jeremiah tells the people that the Lord will make a new covenant with them, planting the law within their hearts.

Responsorial Psalm

Psalm 51:3-4,12-13,14-15

A prayer for God’s mercy and forgiveness

Second Reading

Hebrews 5:7-9

Through his sufferings, Jesus gained salvation for all who obey him.

Gospel Reading

John 12:20-33

Jesus teaches his disciples about the way in which he will be glorified by God, and a voice from heaven is heard to affirm this teaching.

Background on the Gospel Reading

Today’s Gospel reading is taken from the Gospel of John. We are reading much further into John’s Gospel than we have for the past two weeks. Chapter 12 of John’s Gospel is a preparation for the beginning of the passion narrative to follow. Jesus has just raised Lazarus from the dead—an important sign in John’s Gospel, which inspired many people to believe in Jesus. This event also marks the turning point in Jesus’ conflict with the Jewish authorities. John’s Gospel tells us that the Sanhedrin met after this event and made plans to kill Jesus. In the 12th chapter of John’s Gospel, Jesus is anointed at Bethany and enters Jerusalem in triumph. We again see evidence of the significance of the raising of Lazarus to this event; John reports that the crowds also gathered to see Lazarus.

Following his triumphant entry into Jerusalem, Jesus predicted his suffering, death, and Resurrection and prepared his disciples to believe in the salvation that his death would accomplish. Using the metaphor of the grain of wheat, Jesus presented the idea that his dying would be beneficial. He also taught that those who would be his disciples must follow his example of sacrifice. This theme will be repeated in John’s account of the Last Supper, when Jesus washed the feet of his disciples as an example of how they must serve one another.

The final section of today’s Gospel might be read as John’s parallel to the agony in the garden. Unlike the Synoptic Gospels, the Gospel of John does not record Jesus’ anguished prayer in the garden of Gethsemane before his arrest. Although comparable words are found in today’s reading, Jesus gives a confident response to the question he raises when asking God to save him from his impending death. After announcing his conviction that it is for this purpose that he came, a voice from heaven speaks, as if in answer to Jesus’ prayer. This voice, like the one heard at Jesus’ baptism and at Jesus’ Transfiguration—events reported in the Synoptic Gospels but not in John’s Gospel—affirms that God welcomes the sacrifice that Jesus will make on behalf of others. In John’s Gospel, Jesus teaches that this voice was sent for the sake of those who would believe in him.

In today’s Gospel, we also hear Jesus speak about the cosmic framework against which we are to understand his passion, death, and Resurrection. Through his death and Resurrection, Jesus conquered Satan, the ruler of this world. In this way the world is judged, but the judgment is not condemnation. Instead, through Jesus’ dying and rising, salvation is brought to the world.

Create a Clean Heart in Me

This Sunday’s Responsorial Psalm is taken from Psalm 51. Take some time to reflect on its beautiful and powerful message. The version here is sung by Vanya Castor for Jesuit Communications in the Philippines.

Easter Sunday Pancake Breakfast

Boy Scout Troop 748 in Carlsbad is celebrating Easter with the entire community again this year as we host our 66th annual Easter Sunday Pancake breakfast. We're returning with our traditional menu of pancakes, scrambled eggs, and fresh fruit, and of course your cup of morning coffee, tea, or milk. Advance tickets are $7 (just $10 at the door) and as always, the proceeds will help send our Scouts to summer camp and a variety of other activities throughout the year!

They will be at all Masses on the weekends of March 16/17 and March 23/24 selling tickets. We thank you for your support.

Easter Boutique

The Altar Society's Annual Easter Boutique will be held the weekend of March 23rd and 24th. We are looking for donations of gently used items to sell at this event (please no furniture or clothing) We also need Easter Baskets and toys to fill the baskets for the children.

31º Viacrucis anual “Caminando con los que Sufren,”

Viernes Santo, 29 de marzo, 8:30-11:00 am. Estudiantes de la preparatoria de Cristo Rey escenificarán el camino de Jesús al Calvario. La procesión comenzará en la Rescue Mission (120 Elm St, Centro de San Diego). Representantes de varias organizaciones que sirven a los necesitados, incluyendo el obispo Felipe Pulido, caminarán en oración y reflexionarán sobre temas de justicia social. Estacionamiento gratuito en Rescue Mission. El evento será en inglés. ¡Todos son bienvenidos! Más información en

Haga clic aquí:

Un Saludo de

parte del Diacono Miguel,

“Jesús les dijo, ‘El que quiera servirme, que me siga, para que donde yo esté, también esté mi servidor. El que me sirve será honrado por mi Padre”. (Juan 12: 20-33). Hoy celebramos el V Domingo de Cuaresma, cada día más cerca de las fiestas Pascuales. Jesús siempre nos invita a que no busquemos el reino de este mundo, sino busquemos el Reino de los Cielos, la Vida Eterna. El Evangelio de este domingo San Juan escribe de estas palabras, muerte y fruto. Jesús nos dice que Él morirá, pero que por su muerte en la cruz habrá mucho fruto. Y nos pide a nosotros que hagamos lo mismo que Él. Que no nos preocupemos de las cosas de este mundo, no porque todas son malas, sino que estas cosas del mundo son pasajeras. ¿Qué llevamos con nosotros cuando nos llega la muerte? NADA. Las cosas del mundo nos engañen y nos hacen pensar que más tenemos y más felices seremos. Pero eso no es verdad. Lo que nos da paz y gozo, dignidad y esperanza, es Jesús, nuestro Señor y Redentor. ¿Qué nos pide Jesús? Que seamos como un grano de trigo que es sembrado, con amor, y después se mira el fruto, especialmente en nuestras familias. No es fácil morir a uno mismo, nos cuesta, requiere humildad, confianza, fe y perdón, todo esto nos hace vulnerables. Hemos sido condicionados a hacer todo lo contrario, ser independente, egoísta, autosuficientes. Hemos construido muros a nuestro alrededor para protegernos de otros. Pero Jesús nos dice que esto no es necesario. Que nuestra mirada se mantenga fija en Jesús, que muere en la cruz y resucita tres días después destruyendo la muerte para toda la humanidad. Esa es nuestra herencia. Vivamos con esa fe y sirviendo a otros cómo Jesús nos enseñó.  

“Rito de Paz”. Haga clic aquí:
Explicación: “¿Por qué se reciben Tres Sacramentos en la Vigilia Pascual?” - Haga clic aquí:
Otra Reflexión: “Ha Llegado la hora…”. Haga clic aquí:
Estudios Bíblicos en Español del Padre Ricardo Chinchilla, cjm... clic aquí


Hablemos del Grano de Trigo

3821 Adams Street

Carlsbad, California 92008


  • Our parish offices are open, Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 12:30pm and 1:30 to 4:30pm

  • In case of emergency, you can always reach a priest. Call the parish number 760-729-2866 and press number 6 which will connect you directly to one of our priests.

  • If you know someone who does not receive our emails, please forward this to them, or have them reply to this message.

To email a priest at St. Patrick Church click the address below:

[email protected]

Read our Sunday Bulletin here
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