Hello VHM Unit Owners,
Mark your calendars and spread the word! We opened our doors on June 8th to become a place for guests to finally get out of the house and enjoy a sandy beach with pure ocean breezes.
We are excited to announce a special promotion. When you stay with us for 3 nights, you get the 4th night free.
We have and will continue to tirelessly follow the CDC guidelines to ensure that the Vineyard Harbor Motel will continue to be a safe haven for our guests.
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As our Facebook visitors increase, our page will more likely show up on our supporters news feeds and those of friends, prompting people to find out more about our motel.
The Board has been hard at work getting the property in shape for the season. Enjoy the photos below that illustrate our preparations and improvements.
Christine and our friendly staff are ready to greet visitors. If you visit this summer, please be sure to thank them for their hard work. Think about showing your appreciation by buying them some goodies or lunch.
Enjoy your summer!