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A Message from Joe and John
Thanksgiving Photo Contest
Be sure to grab a photo of your holiday table, and submit it to our photo contest. We'll feature the submissions the week after Thanksgiving, and you can vote for your favorite.

The top two vote-getters will receive their choice of either a ham or turkey dinner from The Honey Baked Ham Co. The meal you choose will be shipped directly to your house for you to enjoy.
Your Thanksgiving Recommendations
Check out some recipe suggestions below
Casella Construction Christmas Party
We look forward to seeing you there!
Time to Vote!
Nominate Employee & Manager of the Year
Nominate by the end of the day on December 10th to participate in the 2021 Employee Choice Awards.
Spread Some Holiday Cheer
Send in your video for our company toast!
We received a lot of feedback from last year's "Pass the Eggnog" video toast, so we're going to do it again this year! Grab a cellphone, and have someone take a quick video of you passing your drink of choice - and have fun with it! We had some pretty creative submissions last year, let's see if we can top it!
2 Quick Tips:
  1. When recording your video, hold your cellphone horizontally (as opposed to the vertical position that we use 99.9% of the time), and
  2. Receive your "eggnog" with your right hand, then Pass it off with your left hand
Did you miss last year's video, or need a refresher? Click the video below to see last year's video:
Jobsite Photos
Kelly Staples and Dick Wobby sizing up high wall safety at the Clarendon Quarry mine
[Photo submitted by Joe Matteri]
Send in your jobsite photos!
Did you grab a photo at a jobsite last week?
Share your photos with us, we'd love to see them!

Click "Upload Job Photo" to send in your recent jobsite photos!
Click below to see what you missed:
Thanksgiving Photo Contest & Save the Date!
Thank You, Veterans
Weekend Recap & Community Praise
Casella Construction, Inc.
Phone (802) 773-0052
Fax (802) 747-7992