November 22, 2020
Democratic Headquarters
71 South Dixie Highway, Suite 6
St. Augustine, FL 32084

Telephone: 904-825-2336

Monday - Friday
11:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Please note: This is a long email. be sure to click on the link below
to expand and read the entire email.
Have a Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving!

The Democratic Headquarters will be closed exceptionally for Thanksgiving Week - Monday, November 23 through Friday, November 27.

In the event of an emergency, you can contact Chair Nell Toensmann
at 904-484-4960 or First Vice Chair John Pilecki at 215-896-8656.
306 Electoral College Votes ( no change)...
Now More than 6 Million Voter Edge
and the counting continues...
Trump Continues to Refuse to Concede...
306 Electoral Votes
Joe Biden
79,794,851 votes (51.0%)
232 Electoral Votes
Donald Trump
73,768,688 votes (47.2%)
President-elect Joe Biden delivers a speech on building the economy
The speech begins about 1:13:35 with Kamala Harris introducing Joe Biden.
A Mix of Videos and Current Online Articles
50 Ways to Leave the White House
As the summit’s host, the kingdom hopes to showcase its advances, while critics
see an opportunity to pounce. But the virtual event will have a lower profile.
NYTimes by Ben Hubbard

And then President Trump left the virtual summit to plan golf....
WHEN YOU GO AWAY - A Parody for the Election |
Neal Phillips & Don Caron
This parody song was posted before the election, but it encompasses
so much of what was wrong with the Trump presidency.

Stephanie Murphy, Val Demings, Chris King, not to mention Bill Nelson.
Robert Reich outlines how Trump's fleecing of America continues.
Watch the video below and visit his website:
for more videos and articles from our former Labor Secretary.
President Obama is Scared of Sasha and Roasts Donald Trump
Jimmy Kimmel Live November 20, 2020
Be sure to watch the last few minutes of the video when they surprise one of
Obama's supporters who thinks she is attending a book reading. It is beautiful!

A Promised Land is a forthcoming memoir by Barack Obama due to be published on November 17, 2020. It is the first of a planned two volumes that Obama has written following his tenure as President of the United States from 2009 to 2017

Crown Publishing Group
From the Florida Democratic Party Chair Terrie Rizzo

Dear Democrats,

We all can now take a collective sigh of relief and celebrate the start of a new chapter for our country, knowing that President-Elect Joe Biden is headed to the White House with more votes than any Presidential ticket in history, and Vice-President-Elect Kamala Harris will also make history as both the first woman and the first Black and Southeast Asian Vice President. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will work tirelessly to improve the lives of every single American. Their inclusive, clear-eyed leadership is precisely what we need to restore the soul of this nation.

Let's also congratulate each of the 286 Democratic candidates who won across Florida. And I thank all of our down-ballot Democrats, our Party leaders, our staff, and all of our amazing volunteers who gave their blood, sweat, and tears to help Democrats win. All politics is local, and winning local and municipal races must continue to be a key pillar of an effective strategy in Florida.

It's clear we have much work to do, as a nation and as a state, but Joe Biden has never given up when things are difficult, and neither will we. Again, from the bottom of my heart, thank you to each and every one of you for all of your hard work!


Terrie Rizzo
Florida Democratic Party

Georgia Senate Runoffs to Determine Senate Rule in Congress
You can make calls to support the Democratic Candidates in the
Senate runoff election that will take place on January 5, 2021.
We know many of you are looking for best ways to assist our neighbors in Georgia secure the two U.S. Senate seats heading for runoff elections. Georgia Democrats Executive Director Scott Hogan provided this Mobilize link for those out of state who wish to volunteer to make phone calls.

Please share this link with your Democratic networks and let's help send Jon Ossoff and Reverend Raphael Warnock to the Senate!

Click on the candidate names to visit their websites for more information
and to make contributions to their senate campaigns.
Indivisible St. Johns

Click on the link above for information about more action items, including outreach to Georgia for the Senate runoff.
New COVID-19 Cases Still Out of Contol... Still no Mask Mandate!

As of Sunday Noon (November 22)

There are 7,952 cases in St. Johns County with 91 deaths!

Duval County has 40,369 cases with 564 deaths! 
Florida has 921,827, identified cases with 18,152 deaths!
Daily cases in Florida currently over 8,000 per day

The US has more than 12.104,978 cases with 255,959 deaths!
Coronavirus Disease 2019
CDC is responding to the novel coronavirus outbreak

Tips for masks from the CDC website below:
Democratic Meeting, Clubs and Headquarters Merchandise
St. Augustine Democratic Club to be Re-Establised.

In previous years, there was an active St. Augustine Democratic Club, which - unfortunately - became inactive. There are a number of people who are interested in re-booting the St. Augustine Democratic Club that would encompass the central and southern areas of St. Johns County.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the St. Augustine Democratic Club, fill in the attached membership form and send in a check in the amount of $20 (membership fee), payable to St. Augustine Democratic Club and return to: Attention St. Augustine Democratic Club, Democratic Headquarters, 71 South Dixie Highway, Suite 6, St. Augustine, FL 32084.

Interested members will be notified by email of the Zoom organizational meeting.
St. Johns County Democratic Executive Committee
Zoom Reorganization Meeting
Thursday, December 3, 2020
6:30 PM

On Thursday, December 3, 2020 at 6:30 PM, there will be a reorganizational meeting of the incoming Democratic Executive Committee with the election of officers for the next four years. The new DEC consists of the Democrats who filed to be candidates and were elected for Precinct Committeemen and Precinct Committeewomen in June for their respective precincts. This reorganization takes place in December every four years following the presidential election.

In early 2021, the Florida Democratic Party will also hold a reorganization meeting with new officers elected to lead the party at the state level. Following the state reorganization meetings throughout the US, the Democratic National Committee will also elect new officers for four-year terms. In this way, the official political parties have the opportunity for renewal on a regular, pre-determined basis.

DEC Membership
The membership of the Democratic Executive Committee is restricted to the number of registered Democrats in each precinct to one man and one woman per precinct for less than 1,000 Democrats, two men and two women for 1,000 or more, but less than 2,000 Democrats, and three men and three women for 2,000 or more Democrats.
Congratulations to the incoming officers of the Environmental Caucus of St. Johns County.

Chair, John Pilecki
Vice-Chair, Jill Garramone
Secretary, Nana Royer
Treasurer, Christopher McDermot

For more information about the Environmental Caucus of St. Johns County, contact John Pilecki at 215-896-8656 or The state membership fee is $10 per year.
Northwest United for Progress Democratic Club
Nominations are now being accepted for officer elections. Would you like to be on our board of directors? 

We are always looking for smart and talented people like YOU!!   All officer positions are up for election including President, 1st-Vice President, 2nd Vice President-Membership, Treasurer, Secretary and Parliamentarian. 
  • All terms are for two years.  
  • Nominations from the floor and candidates will be announced on Monday, January 11 and the election for officers will be Monday, February 8, 2021.
  • All candidates must be club members as of December 31, 2020.
Interested?  Please send your note of interest to

Join now and get membership through 2021 for only $20.00!! Membership is our principal source of income for the year. Membership by December 31 will entitle you to vote for officers in February.  

Please mail your payment of $20 per person to NWSJCP,
P.O. Box 600332, St. Johns, FL 32260.
Democratic Headquarters offers a very limited selection of
T-shirts, Hats, Magnets, Bumper Stickers,
Yard Signs, Buttons, and Masks.
Democratic Tree Ornaments are also on offer.

Please Note: By Florida law, we can only receive cash donations
of $50 per person, per campaign cycle (November 4 - August 2022
For any amount over $50, we request payment by check or credit card.
And for any donation of $100 or more, please provide your occupation.
Or by check payable to SJC DEC and sent to Democratic Headquarters.
Please Note: Contributions to Political Parties are not tax-deductible.

If you have information for the St. Johns Democratic newsletter, please send it to:
For more information contact:
St. Johns County Democratic Party | 904-825-2336

71 South Dixie Highway, Suite 6
St. Augustine, FL 32084

The Office is open Monday to Friday 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM
and is often closed on Public Holidays.
Office closed exceptionally week of November 23 - 27.