November 28, 2019
Happy Thanksgiving from the SS United States Conservancy!
Image courtesy of Conservancy New York City Chapter co-chair Paul Stipkovich.
On this day of Thanksgiving, we have a simple and heartfelt message: thank you! 

Without your continued support, the magnificent SS United States simply would not still be with us.

We are grateful for your generosity, and so thankful for the rich and multi-layered history that America's Flagship represents to her many supporters.

We're thankful for the opportunity to share the above depiction of the Big U in the Big Apple, courtesy of the Conservancy's New York Chapter co-chair, Paul Stipkovich.

And we're envious of the ship's passengers who enjoyed "Thanksgiving Turkey a l' United States for 1957," per the recipe below. (According to the Big U's chef, Otto Bismarck, the cooking time for an 18-20 pound Mount Vernon Turkey was three and a half hours.) 

This Thanksgiving, we send our warmest wishes to you and yours!
Image donated by Robert Scofield, in honor of Michael Persico.

Note: The full recipe is available upon request.
"[The SS United States ] was built at a time when 'made in America’ really meant something, and that is a legacy that cannot be lost."   — H.F. “Gerry” Lenfest (1930-2018)
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