Hello Friends,
Your incredible outpouring of support for families in need gives hope, even in the midst of unsettled times. Especially at this time of year, we want to thank everyone who gave to provide a nutritious holiday meal (and leftovers to last all week!)

Family to family, neighbor to neighbor, person to person,
every donation and action helps. Your compassion helps us provide for families facing hard times. Each of them would thank you personally if they could.

We're sharing your FY21 impact numbers below, with an enormous THANK YOU to you for helping make that impact possible. 2.6 million pounds of food equates to 33 full tractor trailer loads of food given right here in Loudoun. 2.16 million meals filled the plates of our neighbors - fresh milk, eggs, produce, meat and more. Thanks to you, we're able join together to make sure no one goes hungry.

In case you missed our special Thanksgiving video, we're sending it your way again.
From Loudoun Hunger Relief to you, our sincerest wishes for a wonderful Thanksgiving!