My Dear Friends,
This year marks a significant milestone for our school. Here at Notre Dame Cristo Rey, we are celebrating 20 years of Educating for Life! Looking back, I am inspired by the hundreds of lives transformed through education and empowerment at NDCR.
As we gather with gratitude in our hearts this Thanksgiving season, I am especially thankful for the unwavering support of friends like you who have been instrumental in the success of our school.
Now, as we look ahead to the future, we have an exciting opportunity in front of us: a $500,000 matching gift that has been made to celebrate this anniversary milestone. It is a gift that will provide much-needed financial aid to our current students and replenish our Alumni Emergency Fund. This fund helps our college-going NDCR alumni stay in school by covering the costs of necessities, from tuition, books, and health insurance to groceries and medicine.
However, the only way to unlock this gift is to meet the matching gift goal by January 31, 2024. Thankfully, we are well on our way!
As of this writing, we have raised approximately 60 percent of the amount needed to unlock this incredible matching gift. While this represents remarkable progress, we still have more work to do, and we need your help!
This week, as we give thanks for the blessings in our lives, please know that your support of NDCR is at the forefront of my appreciation. Your generosity allows us to provide our young scholars and graduates with a beacon of light, hope, and opportunity in an increasingly troubled world.
I wish you the gift of faith and the blessing of hope this Thanksgiving. May our good and gracious God repay you a hundredfold for your support of our NDCR scholars and mission!
With love and gratitude,