
Forbes Magazine recently had a great article about the importance of gratitude. It said, "Grateful people take better care of themselves and engage in more protective health behaviors like regular exercise, a healthy diet, [and] regular physical examinations." And so at Thanksgiving time, here are a few of the blessings I am most grateful for:

GOD - for always being there providing guidance and blessings

Family - for their unconditional love, kindness, and all the fun

Team - for being an inspiration to me and supporting my vision

LifePlan families - for trusting in me and the team and sharing your lives with us

Life's Challenges - for helping me grow and be stronger

It's easy to be happy when life is going smoothly. But, then there are days when the best laid plans go wrong or tragedy strikes. Maybe one of the easiest and most effective ways to turn things around is to focus on gratitude. 

The holidays can be a very hectic and stressful time of year. If you feel yourself getting caught up "in the crazy", STOP! Write down 5 things you are grateful for. (Maybe even keep a gratitude journal.) It may help sooth the frayed nerves. 

Happy Thanksgiving and Many Blessings.

Your Family's Personal Attorney,

Roasted Brussels Sprouts

If you’re new to roasting veggies, this simple roasted brussels sprouts recipe is an excellent place to start.

Here's how. Enjoy!

Send us pictures of your favorite Thanksgiving dishes here, we would love to see what you ate!

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How do I know if a loved one left a Will?

If a friend or loved one has passed and you are unsure if they had a Last Will and Testament, there are a few practical ways of finding out.


1.   If you have access to their home, search through their belongings and try to locate important documents. Often desk drawers, dresser drawers, safes, or lockboxes will contain official documents.

2.   Did your loved one have an attorney, a CPA, or a financial planner? Those professionals may know whether or not a will was executed and may know the location of such a document.

3.   Check with the county clerk and see if a Last Will and Testament has been deposited with the court.

4.   Check your loved one's bank for a safety deposit box. Many people store their important paperwork in their safety deposit boxes.

5.   Check with other family members to see if anyone else knows about a Will being executed during your loved one’s lifetime.

6.   If any other legal work was performed for your loved one, check with that attorney. They may also know about the Will.


Finally, contact our office if all else fails and you cannot locate a Last Will and Testament. We can help you determine the intestate laws so that you can still administer your loved one’s estate according to the law.


We specialize in educating and helping you protect what you have for the people you love the most. Contact us here to learn more about how we can help.

Free LifePlan™ Workshop

Give one hour at the workshop, get a lifetime of guidance.

Attend a FREE estate planning workshop!

In-person - Choose from Grand Rapids, Holland, Norton Shores, or Portage.

Grand Rapids - Fri., Nov. 25 - 10AM
Holland - Wed. November 30 - 1PM
Norton Shores - Sat. Dec. 3 - 10AM
Portage - Friday, December 9 - 1PM

On-Demand - Learn about estate planning when you are ready, at your convenience. There is no specific time - tune in when it works for you. Simply register, and we will email you a link. >REGISTER HERE

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