Your Credit Risk Management Company Since 1984

Happy Thanksgiving! May you and your family enjoy a grand feast and loving company.

TGA is pleased to announce the addition of two new staff members to our Loan Review Team!  A big welcome to Senior Credit Consultants Ed Chin and Tom Dunning. Congratulations! You are amazing additions to the Team.

Click on pictures for full profiles.

Ed is a seasoned banking professional who has held executive level positions including: Senior Credit Officer, Chief Risk Officer, Chief Marketing Officer, Head of Compliance and Chief Credit Officer.

Tom is a also a career banker with extensive knowledge and experience. He recently retired as Vice President Commercial Loan Officer. Prior to that position, he was the Manager Commercial Banking and Senior Vice President Commercial Group Manager. 


Remote Work

On 03/01/2023, TGA became a fully remote organization. Remote and flexible schedules not only provide our employees with job satisfaction, increased work-life fit, and less stress; but also benefits TGA through decreased turnover and reduced absenteeism.

Don't worry, TGA will still come onsite to do loan reviews, if that is your preference!

TGA Launches a New Website

Click on picture and check us out!