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Happy Valentine's Day my dear ones,

I've been dragging my feet this week in writing my Wednesday Wisdom Newsletter. When I procrastinate, I've learned that I have some deep resistance to the project or topic and should I just leave it alone? The Yoga Philosophy (and many others) teach that there is fertile ground for self growth when there is resistance and to be curious about in exploring the WHY I put off writing about love, I realized it's because this is a tough day for me. Not because I don't have love in my life...I've got the love of a wonderful husband, the love of my children (but why won't they return my Valentine's Day "I Love You" texts :( and I'm blessed to still have have the love from my two parents and many friends.

So, what is left...oh I know, it's the love for oneself that is hard to examine today! That's a work in progress and it means complete self acceptance with no judgement. Go ahead, let that sink in for a breath.

The Yogic 8 fold path...the 8 Limbs of Yoga as written in the Yoga Sutras by Patanjali starts with the ethical disciplines, the Yamas and Niyamas. As is true in most of the wisdom teachings from Yoga, the most important information comes at the beginning of the text. And you guessed it, Ahimsa, or nonviolence comes first. What can be said about Ahimsa is that how we treat ourselves regarding "violence" towards self shapes the way we treat others. Another way of saying this is by loving all of yourself first this allows us to fully love others.

This Valentine's Day I hope that you once again fall in love with your beautiful, talented, kind, funny, compassionate loving self.

Love you all and myself, XOXO Ginger


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Candlelight Restorative Yoga Class with Ginger

Sundays 7pm-8:30pm

SEVA Yoga in Yardley, PA

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Are you ready for 2024? Discover how the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda and some simple changes to your food and lifestyle habits can, over time, help you achieve your health goals?

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Limited 1:1 Ayurvedic Health Counseling appointments are available this Winter, reach out today to schedule yours and start your journey to better health in 2024.

Ginger Solomon, MS

Ayurvedic Health Counselor, NAMA Board Certified

Ayurvedic Practitioner in Training (Sept. 2024)

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