Ron Childs called home. Our truck has broken down and the only help available was from Ron and Jerry's daughter-in-law Dannette, who came like a trooper and thought to bring a very thick rope. While we were waiting for assistance, we prayed for everyone who came our way. A little boy informed us that the entire village had not eaten for a couple of days. Our team had an idea - we had two chickens in the back of our truck. Let’s bless them with the chickens.
You won't believe the wild adventure of how we got back from the middle of nowhere. But don't worry, we made it back before dark! The guys came up with a genius plan and tied our truck to her vehicle, making for an hour and a half of pure excitement as we were dragged back. It was like playing crack the whip all the way! As we approached town and the traffic started to pick up, we were worried about navigating the roundabout just before dusk. Dannette made another call to find her husband had gotten home. He met us at a stop just before the roundabout. Neal, who was able to take the car the rest of the way and save the day. It was definitely another unforgettable experience, filled with laughter and excitement.
We are thrilled to share our recent experience with Wells 4 Wellness in several villages. Despite language barriers, we were able to spread love and happiness through our actions. And besides fresh drinking water.
We have just returned from an incredible journey, filled with love, hope, and joy. We witnessed firsthand the raw beauty of a simple life, where people cherish the little things that we often take for granted. I have to tell you we did accept the goat. He traveled with us for a couple of days in and out of the truck every time we stopped. He fell in love with Willie's jacket; he used it for comfort. I am reliving these stories and actually belly laughing as I read what I wrote.
But we could not have done it without you, our incredible supporters. Your generosity and unwavering support are what allow us to continue making a difference in the lives of these beautiful people. We are eternally grateful for your belief in our mission.