St. Patrick Parish News & Updates

November 11, 2022 | Issue 44

A Word from the Pastor

November 11, 2022

St. John Eudes, the founder of the Congregation of Jesus and Mary (Eudist Fathers), was born in a small village called Ri, located in the Normandy region of France. His birth date is November 14, 1601. That makes him 421 years old as we celebrate his birthday this Monday.

The 17th century was a tumultuous time in France. There were political conflicts, and the Bubonic Plague made several visits to the country. For various reasons, it was a difficult time for the Church as well. Priests were poorly prepared for their ministry and ordinary people lacked good catechesis. Many were confused by the push and pull between the Reformers and the staunch defenders of the Gallican Church.

But there was also a strong spiritual reform movement emerging in France at that time. It included priests, religious and lay people. It came to be known as the 17th Century French School of Spirituality. The person credited with initiating this movement was Cardinal Pierre de Berulle who also founded the Oratory of Jesus in Paris. Its purpose was to give a spiritual foundation to priests who were too often motivated by financial gain and had loose morals. John Eudes joined the Oratory as a young man and was ordained there. He shared Berulle’s zeal for renewing the faith in France and giving a proper formation to the clergy.

In 1643, John Eudes founded the Congregation of Jesus and Mary. From the beginning, its clear purpose was the renewal of faith (evangelization) through the preaching of parish missions. John Eudes quickly gained a reputation as an outstanding preacher. His team of priests would go from town to town to stir up and re-awaken the faith in the hearts of lukewarm Christian people.

A second aim of his Congregation was the formation of the clergy. The houses of his Congregation were to be “schools of holiness” where priests would discover the proper orientation of their ministry rooted in a close relationship with the Lord Jesus and his holy Mother (whom John Eudes referred to as “the true superiors of our Congregation”).

As a spiritual motivation for this evangelization and renewal of the clergy, John Eudes offered the devotion to the Heart of Jesus and Mary. (He saw the two hearts as closely united.) This symbol of the Heart invites us to unite ourselves with the love that Jesus and Mary have for each other. It is an apostolic spirituality that sends us out to bring the love and mercy of God to those whom St. John Eudes called “the most miserable of people” (les miseres des misérables), very similar to Pope Francis’ challenge to go to the peripheries. John Eudes wanted us to preach God’s mercy to all, to offer healing to those who were estranged or hurting, and to strengthen the faith of those who had grown tepid. 

As we celebrate the birthday of St. John Eudes this week, we Eudist priests renew our desire to be “missionaries of mercy who offer the world the tenderness of the love of the Heart of Jesus and Mary.”

In one Heart,

Fr. Ron 

[email protected]

Altar Society Christmas Boutique

The ladies of the Altar Society will be holding their Annual Christmas Boutique/ Bake Sale on Saturday November 19th from 1:00pm - 6:00pm and on Sunday November 20th from 7:30am - 1:00pm. Anyone wishing to donate baked goods please drop them off in the hall on Saturday or Sunday morning.

Using the Name of Jesus in Vain

Some people have the bad habit of using the name of Jesus in anger, as a swear word. Read what one man has to say about this.

Read here...

Rondo Alla Turca by Mozart on Classical Guitar

Vera Danilina, a rising star in the classical guitar world, has recorded a fascinating concert in the Siccas Guitars studio. Rondo Alla Turca from Sonata No. 11, K.331 by Mozart is a part of that concert.

WWWA Advent Mini-Retreat

Enter into Advent by pondering Mary’s humble “yes” and reflect on the areas in our own lives where we may be challenged to say “yes” to God’s plan. Anamaria Anthony, Department Chair of Theology at Mater Dei Catholic High School, will facilitate this journey. Wednesday, November 30, 6:30 TO 8:30 PM, at Mission San Diego De Alcala, St Francis Chapel, 10818 San Diego Mission Road, San Diego. Click on the link for further information.

Is it possible to fight inflation without putting thousands out of work? Here’s what Catholic social teaching says.

Bohemian Rhapsody on the Largest Pipe Organ in the World

Organist Joshua Stafford plays his own spectacular arrangement of Freddie Mercury's "Bohemian Rhapsody" on the Midmer-Losh pipe organ—the world’s largest musical instrument ever built with its 33,112 pipes.

Watch Daily and Sunday Masses Livestreamed from  St. Patrick Church here:

Online Giving Reminder

Please remember to log in to your Online Giving account to make sure your payment method is up to date and that your gifts are being processed.

Help us fund our expense on the used van by using the Parish Construction and Repair Fund using Online Giving.

For help with forgotten passwords, please contact Online Giving technical support at 800.348.2886, ext. 2.


Click on the Online Giving logo below to create or access your account.


We appreciate your support!

Catholic Trivia

"Catholic Trivia”... not because they are trivial but because these might be things that not everyone knows. Test your knowledge by reading the five questions, remember your answers (or jot them down), then click the link below to find the answers.

  1. Where did that first Mass on US soil take place?
  2. Which pope said: “Giving our lives in order to help others, by giving them a drink of cold water, for example, leads us to experience God’s generosity and gratitude.”
  3. Which pope said: “Remember the past with gratitude; live the present with enthusiasm; look forward to the future with confidence.”
  4. Which 20th century saint said: ““If you judge people, you have no time to love them.”
  5. Who was the American Cardinal who promoted the “Consistent Life Ethic” which says that all human life is sacred and that every life must be protected?
Feel free to email Fr. Ron with ideas for future Catholic Trivia questions [email protected]
If you have other members of your family or your friends who would like to be on our email list, just let me know or write to Mary McLain at [email protected] We will be pleased to add them.

Masses are available on our website

Answers to Catholic Trivia here!
Online Giving
Read all of Fr. Ron's newsletters here

Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year C

First Reading

Malachi 3:19-20

The day of justice is coming, says the Lord.

Responsorial Psalm

Psalm 98:5-6,7-8,9

Sing praise to God, who rules with justice.

Second Reading

2 Thessalonians 3:7-12

Paul urges the community to follow his example and to earn their keep.

Gospel Reading

Luke 21:5-19

Jesus predicts the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem and warns his followers that persecution will come before the end time.

Background on the Gospel Reading

In the context of Luke, today's Gospel appears near the end of Jesus' teaching in Jerusalem, just prior to the events that will lead to his crucifixion. His warnings and predictions are ominous but can be read in many ways.

To those who first heard Luke's Gospel, those may have been words of encouragement. The destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem by the Romans was history (70 A.D.); Luke's Gospel, Catholic scholars propose, was written between 80 and 90 A.D. His audience was probably Gentile Christians. Luke here tries to interpret the fall of Jerusalem for them and to locate it in God's plans for humankind (salvation history). At the same time, Luke is suggesting to his audience that there will be a considerable elapse of time before Jesus' final coming. Luke's listeners have likely seen much upheaval and are anxious to know if these are the signs of Jesus' coming. Luke is urging greater patience.

In the second part of today's Gospel, Jesus warns that his followers will face persecution for their beliefs. Luke presents persecution as an opportunity for the followers of Jesus for “It will lead to your giving testimony” (Luke 21:13). In persecution God's wisdom and power will be shown in the example of followers of Jesus. Perseverance in the face of persecution will lead to their salvation.

Here Jesus is assuring his followers that God is present to all believers, even in times of trouble. Ultimately, Jesus will be a witness to this with his own death. As disciples of Jesus, we try to follow his example, trusting in God's mercy and protection, even when we are facing difficulties.

Read here for Another Reflection for the Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Monthly Sunday Garage Sale


The Monthly "Garage Sale" Sunday at the Ye Olde Garage will be this Sunday, November 13 from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Come and see what is available. We have our Christmas Items showcased for this month. We look forward to seeing you.


Regular "Garage Sale" Days are Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. For those of you who are new to St. Patrick's, the Ye Olde Garage is located at the furthest North/East corner of the North Parking lot (near Adam Street). Look for the Green sign and the American Flag. That is where we will be.

Next Family Mass

Our next Family Mass will be on Sunday, November 27 at 9:00 am. It will be the First Sunday of Advent and we will focus on celebrating the season of Advent at home. Their will be a special gift for 50 families. Plan to join in this joyful celebration of Advent hope.

Un Saludo de parte del Diacono Miguel,

En aquel tiempo, como algunos ponderaban la solidez de la construcción del templo y la belleza de las ofrendas votivas que lo adornaban, Jesús dijo: "Días vendrán en que no quedará piedra sobre piedra de todo esto que están admirando; todo será destruido".

El próximo fin de semana, cerramos el año litúrgico con la Solemnidad de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, Rey del Universo. En el Evangelio de este domingo, san Lucas nos sigue hablando fuerte de no enfocarnos en las cosas de este mundo. Sino enfocarnos más y más en la vida que nos espera, en la vida eterna con nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Pero las cosas de este mundo, las cosas materiales tienen la tendencia de distraernos de las cosas de Dios. Miramos que otros tienen de más, carros, dinero, ropa, joyas, una cantidad de cosas y “parece” que siempre están en un “party” con sonrisas disfrutando la vida. Nosotros también deseamos lo mismo para ser, según, felices. Pero el precio de estas cosas es muy alto, nuestras relaciones con nuestros seres queridos sufren y son dañadas. En el Evangelio, también los discípulos de Jesús se encontraban tan maravillados por la solidez del templo y las ofrendas votivas que lo adornaban. Pero Jesús les dice, que todo esto será destruido en el final. Le preguntan cuando iba a suceder esto, Jesús les dice que no se preocupen cuando sucederá esto, que sucederán muchas cosas malas, pero que nuestra confianza y mirada en Dios no tambaleé, que él está con nosotros, “que no caerá ningún cabello de nuestra cabeza”. ¿Qué más queremos o buscamos? ¡Dios nos ama! Vivir reflejando su amor.

Otra Reflexión. Haga clic aquí.
Padre Ron Rohlheiser habla de La Presencia Real. Haga clic aquí.


Hablemos del Templo

Estudios Bíblicos en Español del Padre Ricardo Chinchilla, cjm... clic aquí

 3821 Adams Street

Carlsbad, California 92008


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  • Our parish offices are open, Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 12:30pm and 1:30 to 4:30pm

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