WithinReach's DEI Newsletter: March 2023

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Centering and Celebrating Womxn's History Month

Since 1987, Womxn’s History Month has been a dedicated time that celebrates and reflects on the often-overlooked contributions of womxn to U.S. history, culture and society. The 2023 theme for Womxn’s History Month is "Celebrating Woman Who Tell Our Stories."

This theme recognizes "women, past and present, who have been active in all forms of media and storytelling including print, radio, TV, stage, screen, blogs, podcasts, news, and social media.” We honor these womxn and specifically center those who have been and continue to be erased from mainstream U.S. history. 

READ: Drawn to Art: Tales of Inspiring Women Artists
WATCH: How People with Disabilities Won the Right to Choose Their Own Homes
LISTEN: "Strong Lines, Beautiful Lines": Two Alaska Native Women Make Their Mark* 

*Content Warning: Mentions of Indigenous erasure and Native American boarding schools

How can you celebrate Womxn's History Month?

Support Local Businesses and Creators

Educate Yourself

Readings & Resources:



What else is happening this month?

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Purim (March 6 - 7)

Purim is a jolly Jewish holiday that commemorates the salvation of the Jewish people in the ancient Persian empire from Haman’s plot “to destroy, kill and annihilate all the Jews, young and old, infants and women, in a single day.” 

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Ramadan (March 22 - April 21)

Ramadan is considered one of the holiest months of the year for Muslims. In Ramadan, Muslims commemorate the revelation of the Qur’an, and fast from food and drink during the sunlit hours as a means of drawing closer to God and cultivating self-control, gratitude, and compassion for those less fortunate. 


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Transgender Day of Visibility (March 31)

An international day of celebration that honors the achievements of transgender and gender non-conforming people while raising awareness of the work that continues to be done to achieve justice.

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Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month (March 1 - 31)

A nationwide event to raise awareness about inclusion and addressing the barriers people with developmental disabilities face to ensure everyone has equal access to opportunities in all aspects of life.

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Mental Health Resources and Events

Zero Discrimination Day (March 1)

Zero Discrimination Day is a global movement of solidarity to end all forms of discrimination and highlights how people can become informed about and promote inclusion, compassion, peace and, above all, a movement for change.  

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World Sleep Day (March 17)

The theme for this World Sleep Day is Sleep is Essential for Health. Just like eating well and exercising, sleep is a behavior that is foundational to one’s physical, mental, and social well-being.

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National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week (March 20 - 26)

National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week is an annual, week-long health observance that inspires dialogue about the science of drug use and addiction among youth.  

Learn More 

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) Team Updates

Our team has reviewed all the applications we received and have selected applicants to move forward with—thank you to all those who applied for the DEI Team! We will reach out to ALL applicants this month, to inform you if you were chosen or not. We appreciate and thank you all for your patience during this DEI Team Recruitment process!  

Feedback, comments, questions, ideas? Email the DEI Team or utilize our DEI feedback form. This is a space for you to use your voice and be heard. This form gives you the opportunity to submit feedback anonymously as well.

WithinReach would like to acknowledge that we occupy the ancestral lands of the Coast Salish Peoples, in particular the Tulalip, Snohomish, Stillaguamish, Suquamish and Sauk-Suiattle Tribes and the first people of Seattle, the Duwamish People, past, present and future, and honor with gratitude the land itself. We see you, respect your right to sovereignty and self-determination, and are committed to being better listeners, learners and in lifting Indigenous voices.
Why are land acknowledgements important?
Land Reparations & Indigenous Solidarity Toolkit
Pay Rent to the Duwamish Tribe