Usually, this time of year a lot of people approach me for voting recommendations. I mostly have 2 right now. Bernie Sanders for President and
Sarah Iannarone for Portland Mayor. If you know me I don't think you'll find either of these picks surprising. Please vote - and then, take the often equally important step of encouraging your friends to vote. Sometimes this means asking them if they voted or not. Here, practice with me. "Did you vote?" Say it out loud. Good, thank you!
I'd love to hear from you. How's life treating you? Learning anything new these days? I had a visit with a friend yesterday who told me all about the fascinating world of storm water management. What are you focused on?
I hope this Spring is finding you growing and learning and celebrating this magnificent life and time we're all sharing.
Much love,
doing Asanas with my new friend and neighbor, Jenner |