Visit our website for a full archive of HappyHR newsletters.

In the September 9, 2024 edition of HappyHR:

  • Announcing New Employment Operations Manager: A New Chapter in HR Excellence
  • Bats to Badges - Supporting Strategic Staffing and Retention in ACC Police Department
  • Coming Sept 19: Opportunity to learn about affordable housing
  • September 13: HR at Rio Grande Campus
  • More Dates to Remember

From the VC

Announcing Employment Operations: A New Chapter in HR Excellence

Riverbat Faculty and Staff,

HR Managing Director Elma Benavides and I are thrilled to announce Alisol Martinez as our inaugural Employment Operations Manager. This week marks her first week in the position formerly held by Erica Breedlove, who is criss-crossing campuses now as our new North Region Business Partner.

As the Employment Operations Manager, Alisol will play a vital role in our ongoing efforts to optimize the Recruit-to-Hire (R2H) process at ACC. In her new position, Alisol will aim to deliver a streamlined, efficient hiring process that meets the needs of our ACC community. After a 90-day observation and onboarding period in the new role, Alisol will work with the HR Extended Leadership Team (HR supervisors and Business Partners) to connect the people and processes who are currently on separate teams: Compensation and Employment. By strategically combining these teams into one Employment Operations team, we aim to streamline the end-to-end management of our hiring process.  

Read More to see how this realignment will benefit ACC hiring.



Interested in Law Enforcement?

Get Paid to Take the Training!

Keeping a police department staffed to capacity is a challenge for departments across the country. Without a full-sized force, public safety is at risk.

At ACC, Chief Lynn Dixon is trying a new approach to filling his ranks: recruiting ACC employees to start a career in law enforcement. The "Bats to Badges" program enrolls eligible applicants in a 6- to 8-month approved Basic Peace Officer Academy at no cost to them.

Read More to see what your salary could be as a Cadet and ACC Police Officer!


Affordable Housing for

ACC Employees and Students

Owning a home seems out of reach for many Austin residents. But Habitat for Humanity is offering an attractive, more affordable option.

Austin Habitat is selling units in Persimmon Point, a newly built community of flats and townhomes in southeast Austin. Prices are far below market rates, but there are some eligibility requirements.

To learn all about it, you're invited to an information session Thursday, Sept. 19, at 10:30 a.m. at the Riverside Campus, Building G Lecture Hall. Representatives from Austin Habitat and United Federal Credit Union will offer valuable home-buying information for interested ACC employees and students.

Do you think you earn too much to quality for a brand new Habitat home? You may be surprised.

Read More to learn all about Persimmon Point pricing and whether you might be eligible.



Mauri Winters

Benefits Program Coordinator

If it's true that all work and no play is a bad thing, we have Mauri Winters to thank for keeping us in line. As Wellness Coordinator, Mauri sets up exercise classes, health and wellness resource fairs, and personal development training.

Mauri's a proud Aggie whose 2002 Kinesiology degree focused on Sports Management. Later, she earned a Master's degree in Recreation Administration.

Before coming to ACC in 2011, she developed programs for youth and teens for the City of Austin Parks & Recreation Department.

"Mauri has an energy about her that is positively infectious!" HR Vice Chancellor Kelly Torrico said. "She is the perfect person for promoting health and happiness for ACC employees."

Kelly and Mauri sat down to talk about why bringing people together is so important.



What constitutes "excessive absences" at ACC?

The most important thing to do when you suspect an attendance problem is is to refrain from assumptions or accusations and involve HR. Your Business Partner can help you review the possible scenarios and suggest what steps to take next. Here are some questions they may ask.

  1. Are there examples of the employee's absence impacting their performance or that of the team's?
  2. What is the employee's accrued leave balance?
  3. What type of leave are they taking? Have you noticed any trends or patterns? For example, is the employee taking a lot of Fridays off, or missing work every time an assignment is due?
  4. Are the expectations laid out in applicable Administrative Rule and Guidelines being followed?
  5. Have you met 1:1 with the employee? Is there is anything they might need from you, such as intervention with an issue in the office, or assistance with ADA or FMLA considerations?

It's important to always maintain consistency in how and when you address attendance issues with all your direct reports, up to and including any necessary escalation in accordance with disciplinary action and performance management policies. Your Business Partner is standing by to help.

Who's your HR Business Partner? Check here.


After a summer hiatus, the HR Team is back on the road, holding monthly Open Door sessions on each of ACC's campuses.

Join us at noon Wednesday, September 13, at the Rio Grande campus for LunchHR.

Bring your own lunch, meet the people who make your people issues easier, ask us your questions, and share your ideas.

Read More to find out where we'll be in October and the rest of the year!




In recognition of National Suicide Prevention Month, the Employee Retirement System of Texas and the Texas Health & Human Services Office of Mental Health Coordination have collaborated to present a series of webinars designed to help us learn how to engage in discussions about suicide and how we can offer help to those who need it.


Thriving Together: Building Workplace Resilience Through Connection

Friday, September 13 at 10 a.m.

Register HERE


Warriors Burden: The Deadly Price of Silent Suffering and How We Can Heal our Military Heroes

Friday, September 20 at 10 a.m.

Register HERE 


Suicide Prevention for People with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Friday, September 27 at 11 a.m.

Register HERE 

Do you know where you're going?

ACC's new interactive wayfinding app can help you get there! Thanks to our colleagues in Facilities and Construction and some bright ACC students, we won't have to simply guess what's around the corner anymore.

Download the app now and click Explore in the top left corner to see building layouts for all ACC campuses. Keep it handy to share with lost-looking students. (And staff, too!)


The Riverbats Employee Bravo Award recognizes employees whose actions reflect exemplary customer service as demonstrated by excellent communication, collaboration, or responsiveness in support of the mission, vision, and values of ACC.

Visit our website to learn about the three different recognition levels and then submit your nomination here. Nominations are being take from now until November 15.


Yes, please! Starting this fall, Cap Metro's Green Pass is available to ACC hourly employees as well as staff, faculty, and students.

Use it for fixed routes, express bus service, MetroRail services, and the limited-area shared ride service called Pickup. Learn more here!


Dual-credit ACC students and siblings Natalie and Amelia Griggs have written a song extolling the virtues of our Human Resources team! They debuted it at our Business Partner Introduction session at Highland.

The girls belong to Lisa Griggs, a valued HR compensation specialist. Thanks, Natalie and Amelia, for understanding us!

HR is the way to go

You know, I know, baby we know

HR is the way to go

Oh you've got an issue so,

We'll fix it,

So you got into a fight in the conference room

Oh, oh

You stand up and now there's drama around

Oh, oh

Our favorite issues

Are your work disputes

Let's get you right, Get you right, Get you right

Our favorite thing

Is the work that's in

The fashion of your issues 

And the passion in the fight

That's right, oh, oh


HR is the way to go

You know, i know, baby we know

HR is the way to go

Oh you've got an issue so,

Oh you've got an issue so



September 9

ACC Board Meeting

September 6-13

Emergency Preparedness Week

September 13

The Riverbat Experience 2.0

September 13 at 1:30 pm

How to Provide Great Customer Service

During Stressful Times

September 19 at 10:30 am

Habitat for Humanity/UFCU Affordable Housing

September 27 at 11 am

Riverbat Retiree Luncheon

September 27 at 1:30 pm

How to Motivate, Engage, and Retain Your Staff

October 1

ACC Flu Shot Clinics Open (Details coming soon!)

November 8

General Assembly

For full descriptions and additional ACC Wellness webinars, click here.

Professional Development webinars are listed here.



Past happyhr newsletters can be viewed on our website here!

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