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JUNE 21, 2024

In this edition:

Prepare for PEP

RSVP for Business Partner Campus Visits

From the VC and MD

Designing HR for Excellence: A Focus on Hiring

Riverbat Faculty and Staff,

As the inaugural Communications Coordinator for ACC’s Office of Human Resources, my job is to leverage my journalism background to keep College employees and HR customers informed about HR's evolution aimed at student success. Toward that end, I'm taking over Kelly's column today to lay out the changes going on in HR and the impact they'll have on the College.

HR VC Kelly Torrico and HR Managing Director Elma Benevides -- who oversees HR operational functions including compensation, benefits, and employment -- recently announced to the team a restructuring designed to optimize hiring times. The initiative's co-leads presented a list of actions HR will take by the end of 2024:

  • Merge the Compensation and Employment teams under one Manager to streamline the recruit-to-hire (R2H) process and reduce delays.
  • Complete a procedural redesign and cross-training to ensure a smooth transition and improved efficiency.
  • Shift our Workday optimization and analytics team to report to the HR Managing Director, allowing for better support of HR needs.
  • Establish an HR Strike Team to support hiring managers and reduce R2H time to 30 days by January 2026.

READ MORE to find out how these actions will benefit ACC and what organizational changes HR will undergo to enable a successful transformation.



Start Prepping for PEP!

Performance Excellence Program season is almost here! Between Monday, June 24 and Friday, August 23, ACC employees will have conducted self-evaluations in Workday and their supervisors will have used those evaluations to meet face-to-face with employees.

These meetings do not have to be anxiety-inducing on either side of the table! If employees have a good handle on what they have (or haven't) accomplished over the previous year, and supervisors have been conscientious in their observation and management of employees, the sit-down should be a breeze and will benefit all the players going forward.

READ MORE for "how to PEP" info session times and info about what's new in PEP this year!


LinkedIn Learning is the perfect place to pick up tips to help you through the PEP process. And, don't forget, if you enroll through Workday, you'll immediately get credit toward your required Professional Development hours!

Here are a few courses about giving and receiving feedback to consider.

Open Enrollment Starts Monday

Open Enrollment is the period each year in which you can make changes to your ACC benefits without a life-changing event. Navigating the options and translating insurance-speak can be daunting, so we've set up several information sessions to walk you through it and answer your questions.

READ MORE for the schedule of info sessions and instructions for updating your elections.


HR Business Partners Ready for Your Questions

HR Business Partners Erica Breedlove, Aly Wang, and Donald Jackson are anxious to meet you when they visit your campus next month.

READ MORE to find the whole schedule and learn which BP is assigned to your campus.


Apply Now!

The Office of Staff Professional Development is now accepting applications for the FY25 Supervisor Certificate Program (SCP). 

The Supervisor Certificate Program trains non-faculty ACC employees who have supervisory potential but limited (less than one year) supervisor experience. Through the program, participants gain insight into their own personal leadership style, learn and apply necessary leadership/management philosophies and principles, and gather general supervisory skills and information specific to ACC. 

READ MORE for invitations to information sessions and links to the application.



What's the difference between PEP and PIP?

Here we go with the acronyms again! Last issue, we talked about ERS and TRS. READ MORE to learn the difference between PEP and PIP, beyond their middle letters.


This is one of the rare times you'll see Matthew Olson indoors. Matthew is the farm manager for the ACC Agricultural Sciences Department's 17-acre sustainable student farm. The farm at the Elgin campus has a greenhouse, mixed fruit orchard, market vegetable garden, sheep, chickens, bees, livestock, guardian dogs, and a barn cat. 

READ MORE to see how Matthew feeds the farm and grows successful students!



Dawn Hatten | Process Analyst

Dawn Hatten is an investigator of sorts. But instead of studying people, she studies processes. Which ones work, which don't, and which new processes we need to implement. All of these processes are aimed at making what we do at ACC more efficient and easy to understand.

Dawn has been with ACC for four years and is currently serving as the Business Processes and Initiatives Team Lead. She uses data from Workday to gather insights and improve business processes.

READ MORE to see how Dawn looks past the 1s and 0s in her job ... and how many grandchildren she has!



June 24

June 24 - 1:30 p.m.

June 24 - Aug 23

Tuesday, June 25 - 1pm

Wednesday, June 26 - 10:30 a.m.

Sunday, June 30

July 1 - July 5

Fridays in July

July 15 at 1:30 p.m.

Open Enrollment Begins

Supervisor Certificate Program Virtual Info Session

Performance Excellence Process (PEP) period

Thriving in a Multi-Generational Workplace Environment webinar

Open Enrollment Summer Fair

DEADLINE for Federal Student loan payment count adjustments

Chancellor-Declared NO MEETINGS WEEK!

Chancellor-Declared NO EMAIL FRIDAYS!

Supervisor Certificate Program Virtual Info Session



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