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In the January 14, 2025 edition of HappyHR:

Keeping Promises

Rebuilding Processes and Positions

Exercise Classes Start

Longtime Leader has a Conversation with Kelly

From the VC:

Reflecting on the Past, Rooted in the Future

Fellow Riverbats,

I recently stumbled upon a FacStaff Digest article from May 2023 titled Checking In With Our New Vice Chancellor of Human Resources. My first reaction was a mix of amusement and anxiety. What the heck did I say back then? Did I follow through on my commitments? And, seriously, that picture!

But as I read it, I found myself smiling. It was a moment of clarity, a reminder of the journey we’ve taken together, and an opportunity to reflect on the promises I made when I stepped into this role. More than anything, it left me feeling deeply proud of what we’ve accomplished and reinvigorated for the year ahead.

What I Said Then and What We’ve Done Since

In that article, I shared a vision of sustaining and improving HR services, building trust and transparency, and implementing a long-term plan to support ACC’s mission. Looking back, I believe we’ve stayed true to those goals:

  • Sustaining and Improving Services
  • Leading with Care
  • Building Trust and Transparency


HR Rebuilds the Org Chart to Better Serve You

As part of HR's continuing efforts to enhance services and the organization that provides them, we have made adjustments to our org chart. The blue chart below represents 2024's organization of the HR department. The red chart represents the enhancement currently underway.

You may recall mention of these HR realignments from Kelly's presentation during the December Town Hall with Russell. The reorganization does not increase HR's headcount. It repurposes vacancies, including what were previously more senior roles, to enhance front-line service and support.

Originally, Compensation and Employment were combined into Employment Operations. With consultant Guidehouse's review of our processes, workload, structure, and their consultation with stakeholders inside and outside of HR, they recommended adding Benefits to that team to create Shared Services. Shared Services allows us to cross-train employees whose individual and unit work was previously siloed, empowering them to now handle a broader range of cases from open to close.

Total Rewards is a more comprehensive way of looking at employee benefits and includes such things as compensation, awards and recognition, wellness, and assets like vacation and leave. HR Information & Systems refers to the team that works to understand HR services and processes and helps improve them through Workday configuration and research and codification of processes to ensure consistency and optimal performance.

Process Changes in Support of Clarity & Fairness

In alignment with our commitment to operational excellence, transparency, and supportive relationships, we are implementing several updates to enhance clarity and accountability in our HR processes. Managers were sent an email last month outlining changes regarding staff transfers, rehire eligibility, hourly employee assignments, and supplemental pay approvals. We are sharing that memo with all employees at this time in the interest of transparency.

Location Change and Staff Transfers to New Managers

Workday will now require approvals for all manager or location changes to ensure consistency and prevent miscommunication or unexpected transitions. This approval-based process ensures impacted parties are notified in advance of any transfer to a new campus or supervisor.

Notifications will include the reason for the transfer and, if applicable, the transfer's end date.

By standardizing this process, Workday supports fair and consistent decision-making, promotes clear and compassionate communication, and ensures individual needs—such as ADA accommodations—are appropriately addressed in all transfer decisions.

Recommendation for Future Employment

Managers processing terminations in Workday will now indicate if they recommend the employee for future employment at ACC ("Yes," "No," or "Maybe"). This recommendation is internal and visible only to HR. It does not determine rehire eligibility, which remains generally open except in extreme cases like criminal activity.

Optional Candidate Rating Feature in Workday

Managers and search committee members can now use predefined templates tailored to educational qualifications to evaluate and pre-screen candidates. This optional feature allows supervisors to set the required degree credential which will prompt workday to highlight candidates who meet that requirement, allowing for faster identification of the most qualified applicants.

Hourly/Temporary Employee Assignments

HR will reinstate semi-annual reviews of hourly/temporary assignments and annual reviews of adjunct assignments. Assignments will be ended in Workday if an hourly employee has not worked or received pay for one full semester or an Adjunct/Continuing Education Instructor/Adult Education Instructor/Hourly Interpreter who has not worked or received pay for one full fiscal year.

These changes are designed not only to help us provide more timely and consistent service, but also support transparency, compassion, and fairness for all ACC employees. We encourage your feedback as we continue to hone these processes!


Ascender Helps Inform Us On Immigration Rights

Ascender, the ACC program that pairs first-year college students with mentors, has teamed up with American Gateways, a nonprofit organization providing immigration legal services, to host a virtual session for all ACC students, faculty, and staff. Attendees will learn immigrants' rights, including what to do if stopped or detained by law enforcement, regardless of legal status.

Friday, January 17

12:00 – 1:30 p.m.

Register here to receive the Zoom link

Are you following us yet on Instagram?

Get Back in the (Exercise Bike) Saddle!

Even if you don't reach all your goals, resolving to move more is one of the best things you can do for yourself in the new year. ACC makes it easy for you by offering an extensive menu of exercise classes, wellness webinars, and events. And they're all free!

Here's the class schedule for everything from yoga to zumba. Classes fill quickly, so sign up now. And because of space restrictions for in-person classes, we will limit each registrant to 3 classes per term. Please sign up only if you can commit to attending regularly. Classes start Jan. 21.



Who IS Neil Vickers? (...aside from being our Executive Vice Chancellor of Finance & Administration.)

Find out as we put Kelly and her boss On the Spot (formerly Ask Me Anything) next month on the Cypress campus. Nothing's off-limits! We'll ask Neil how things are going since he inherited Operations, Facilities, and Police late last year and whatever else is on your mind. Click the button below to submit your questions or topics now!



Erica Breedlove

HR Business Partner

After 25 years at ACC, Erica Breedlove knows just about everyone and how to get things done. And those are just two of the reasons she was hired as one of HR's inaugural Business Partners.

At home, Erica is active in her sorority, Delta Sigma Theta, and helps with the women's ministry at her church. She enjoys walking, jogging, going to the gym, and hanging out with family and friends.

Learn what Erica and the HR Business Partners will be focused on in 2025, and hear Kelly explain why Erica's uniquely qualified for the HRBP position.



What circumstances allow me to change my benefits? And how much time do I have to get it done?

Changes to insurance coverage for yourself or family members can be done only under two circumstances: during the annual enrollment window set by the college (usually in the fall), and when you experience one of the "qualifying life events" (QLE) listed below.

It's important to note that even if you've experienced a qualifying event, you have a limited amount of time to request the change. If changes are not made within 30 days of the event, you will need to wait until the next enrollment period.

To learn more, visit the ERS website.



January 17

Chancellor's Employee Town Hall Meeting

January 21

Exercise Classes Start

January 23

Campus Conversation: Campus Purpose at Riverside

January 27

Campus Conversation: Campus Purpose at Round Rock

January 28

Campus Conversation: Campus Purpose at Highland

January 29 - 10:30 am

Walking Path Ribbon Cutting - Cypress

February 12 - 12:30 p.m.

On the Spot with Kelly and Neil at Cypress

For full descriptions and additional ACC Wellness webinars, click here.

Professional Development webinars are listed here.



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