Ephesians 5:14 NIV
14 This is why it is said:
“Wake up, sleeper,
    rise from the dead,
    and Christ will shine on you.”

Dec 8 - 15, 2021
Sunday Nite Youth will return this Sunday!
Please join us for Sunday Nite Youth this Sunday, December 12th, 4:30-6pm at the Leonardtown Campus. We will have some snacks, fun and a lesson. Please visit our Snack Signup to provide a snack for SNY. Friends are always welcome and please bring a mask.
Confirmation & Deep Discipleship
Confirmation and Deep Discipleship will meet this Sunday, December 12th. Please visit our SignUp Genius to provide a meal for our meetings.
High School Boys will meet for small group this Friday morning, 6:30-7:30 am @ Panera. If you would like to be part of this group, please contact Melinda.

Deep Discipleship will meet on Sundays, 6-7:45pm at the Leonardtown Campus. Please email Mr. Shaffer if you are interested in being part of this group.

High School Girls will meet on Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8pm. If you are not part of a girls small group and are interested in joining, please contact Misha.
Youth Christmas Parties
Mark your calendars for the Harbor Youth Christmas Parties on Sunday, December 19th. We ask everyone bring a NEW pillow or twin size comforter to donate to Sleep In Heavenly Peace.
The Middle School Party will be from 4:30-6pm at the Leonardtown Campus. We will hold Chili Cook-Off with prizes for the best traditional chili and the most unique chili. Start sampling chili recipes or ask mom, grandma, or someone you know that can cook for their best recipe for you to bring.
The High School Party will be from 6:30-8:30pm at the Shaffer's Home. We ask everyone to bring a side or dessert, and Chili & corn bread will be provided. There will also be a White Elephant gift exchange so bring something you own but don't want for the gift exchange.
Confirmation Service
Please be in prayer for our Confirmands: Piper Bard, Travis Flagg, Collin George, Brody Marchlewicz, Crosby McGlothlin, John Praktish and Eva Watson. Save the date for our Confirmation Service on Saturday January 8th starting at 4pm at the Leonardtown Campus. Dinner will be provided following the service.
7 & 8th Grade Small Groups

**NEW Starting January 9th**, we will offer a small group for 7 & 8th grade boys and girls. These will be two separate groups. They will meet from 6-7:15pm on Sundays following SNY. We will be asking families to provide dinner. If you have a 7-8th grader that is interested in small group, please email Melinda.
General Announcements
Harbor Youth will require an annual permission form for all students attending our events. Thank you to those who have submitted. If you have not submitted one for your student, please download the permission form HERE and submit at your next event or email an electronic copy to This permission form is good for events such as Sunday Nite Youth, Summer Nites, Small Groups, Youth Christmas party or other day event at the church or another location where we are not providing transportation. Please note any overnight event or ones we provide transportation, will require a separate permission form.