Bollengier Wins!
By Joe Berkeley

As Ken Read was packing up his radio controlled yacht late yesterday morning, he was asked for commentary regarding the conditions. Read noted that “Sail Flow’s prediction was spot on” as the breeze had been building as forecast. Looking down the backsides of the black meanie puffs, Read did not think the Laser fleet would be able to compete.

Moose thought otherwise. After launching the mark boat, Moose concluded the southwest was above threshold. Then he noted the breeze came down a bit 15 minutes later, and sailing was on.

While many Fleet 413ers were enjoying the warmer climate at Masters’ Week in Florida, eleven sailors rigged up for six races. Moose’s Whaler was coated in three inches of ice and between races he literally froze his ass off. Kelly Ferro and Marina Barzaghi ran the mark boat and kept an eye on those who capsized. For the record, if she did not have RC duty Barzaghi would have been kite boarding. 

The day was a reminder that hard work pays off. Chris Bollengier was victorious with a 1-1-2-2-3-3 for a total of 12 points. A graduate of The Peter Shope Second Beach Training Academy, Bollengier handled the conditions well and displayed smart boat handling. Both Coach Peter Shope and Uncle Peter Vasella are proud of Chris. Well done.

No one can flip a Laser and pop it back up faster and dryer than Christine SHOPE. She finished the day in second overall and went like a scalded cat downwind. Christine won a race and went home happy that she was out on the water. The official score keeper of Fleet 413, Christine SHOPE is a greeter of youth and an ambassador for the sport. Christine SHOPE'S husband Peter will be pleased to note that Christine SHOPE'S last name was reported correctly. If your name is not in the scores Christine SHOPE will correct the situation. Her email is in the score sheet.

Ted Hood won two races, one of which because he knew the course was a W. Four boats ahead of him opted to sail a Triangle instead, so Ted merrily pointed his bow at the leeward mark and showed them all his transom. Ted also won the last race of the day which finished at the beach. Good stuff. 

In fourth overall, boat 77 who won a race. I don’t have a name on the scores so there you have it. I was fifth on the day. 

Henry Lee of Portsmouth High School was sixth and he looked like the future of the fleet. He started out with a pair of twos and hung in there. Henry punches above his weight. Henry Lee, remember that name. 

Fleet Surgeon Dr. Ben Hodgson  was seventh for the day. Bodhi Becker eighth. CJ Congrove, 9th. Boat 6042 tenth. Tyler Meadows, eleventh.

At the IYAC after sailing, the fleet enjoyed Aquidneck Pizza and Chowder. Thanks to Jack McVicker as Aquidneck Pizza is far superior to Domino’s. 

The fleet wishes to express profound gratitude to Moose and Kelly for their steady RC service this  year. As the college season starts at URI, Moose is unavailable for 413 RC. A graduate of URI, Moose loves all Rams sporting events. Back in the day, he used to go to every Rams basketball game with his teammate Ken Legler, the legendary Jumbo Coach.  The pair lived very close to the school gym, tickets were free, and why not. Decades later, Moose and Ken are still in the game, still in love with sport in general and sailing in particular.

Fleet Co-Captains Jack McVicker and Scott Pakenham kindly remind you to pay your dues, sign up for RC and come sailing. 

Joe Berkeley writes fleet news to make a difference. He writes, shoots, and directs for corporate clients to make a living. His work is at