St. Patrick Parish News & Updates

January 26, 2024 | Issue 4

A Word from the Pastor

January 26, 2024

On Saturday February 10, we will again hold a Mass for the Anointing of the Sick. This sacrament brings strength to the believer in several ways.

First, the Anointing of the Sick is a sacrament that is celebrated in a state of fragility, as in illness. Through this sacrament, the Lord's power is expressed to save the whole person and bring him to His glory, even the forgiveness of sin. This shows that even illness can be an occasion to manifest the glory of God and grow in union with the Lord.

Furthermore, the Anointing of the Sick sacramentally unites the sick person to Christ at the moment when the power of illness and death appears to triumph. Through this sacrament, the victory of Christ and the hope of eternal life are proclaimed in faith.

Thirdly, the Anointing of the Sick can also strengthen a believer's faith by providing comfort, peace, and courage. It can even grant forgiveness of sins if the sick person is unable to make a confession. Sometimes, if it is God's will, this sacrament can even lead to the restoration of physical health. In any case, the Anointing of the Sick prepares the sick person for the journey to the Father's House.

And so we can see that the Anointing of the Sick strengthens a believer's faith by manifesting God's saving power in the midst of illness, sacramentally uniting the sick person to Christ, and providing comfort, peace, courage, and possibly restoration of physical health. Through this sacrament, Christ's victory over illness is proclaimed and hope in eternal life is strengthened.

This sacrament is intended for those who begin to be in danger due to sickness or old age. Participation in the rites is encouraged broadly. For example, those eligible include: the elderly who are weakened, even though no notable illness is present, may choose to participate in the ritual; those who face surgery due to serious illness; those who suffer serious mental illness.

Our celebration on February 10 will take place at 11:00 am and will be during a bilingual Mass. Those being anointed will be able to receive the anointing in either English or Spanish (as they choose). 

Whether or not you choose to receive the anointing of the sick, it is a beautiful occasion to join together as families and as a parish to pray for our sick brothers and sisters. It takes place on the day before the annual World Day of the Sick (February 11, Our Lady of Loudes). Everyone is welcome to come and offer prayerful support to our weakened brothers and sisters.

May Jesus, the Healer, bring strength and consolation to all who are sick or distressed.

In one Heart,

Fr. Ron 

 [email protected]

Ash Wednesday

February 14 is Ash Wednesday this year. It marks the beginning of Lent. As such, it is also a day of fast and abstinence. Of course, it is also Valentine's Day. For some people, this may create a dilemma. A recently engaged young couple, very much in love, recently said to Fr. Ron: “We can go out to dinner any day. As Catholics, observing Ash Wednesday is important to us.”

Mass with Anointing of the Sick

On Saturday, February 10 at 11:00 am we will celebrate a Mass in our church that will include the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. The Mass will be bilingual and the anointing will be given in the language of your choice (English or Spanish)

Misa con Unción de los Enfermos

El sábado 10 de febrero  a las 11:00 am celebraremos una Misa en nuestra iglesia que incluirá el Sacramento de la Unción de los Enfermos. La Misa será bilingüe y la unción se dará en el idioma de su elección (inglés o español)

Lenten Retreat with Fr. Azam 

“Remove Your Sandals”

(Exodus 3:5)

Reflections, Holy Mass, Confession,

Eucharistic Adoration and Holy Rosary

 Saturday, February 24, 2024

9:00 AM - 3:00 PM 

Green Oak Ranch

1237 Green Oak Rd. Vista, CA 92081

RSVP by Saturday February 10, 2024

Brick Langford

[email protected]

Six Week Lenten Bible Study with the Gospel of Mark

The book of Mark is the earliest gospel written. Mark is all about getting to know Jesus and what it means to become Jesus’ followers. 

We will offer Monday evening and Tuesday morning groups that will meet in the parish center. 

Sign up with Carole King at: [email protected]

  • 760-434-5688 
  • After Masses January 27 & 28
  • In the Parish office
  • Cost is $15 for the booklet
Bible Study info here...

Not by Bread Alone: Daily Reflections for Lent 2024

Once again, we are pleased to make these small booklets available for free to our parishioners. They will be available on the patio on the weekend before Ash Wednesday, February 10--11. One per family.

No sólo de pan: Reflexiones diarias para Cuaresma 2024

Una vez más, nos complace poner estos pequeños folletos a disposición de nuestros feligreses de forma gratuita. Estarán disponibles en el patio el fin de semana anterior al Miércoles de Ceniza, del 10 al 11 de febrero. Uno por familia.

Spanish Classical Guitar Pieces

Here are some short classical guitar pieces in the Spanish tradition. There are 10 pieces for a total of about 34 minutes.

Click here to register...
Watch Daily and Sunday Masses Livestreamed from  St. Patrick Church here:

Sunday Collection for: 1/21/2024

Envelope Collection$7,199.00

Plate Collection -          $9,090.00

Online Giving -             $14,131.26

   Total Collection: $30,420.26

  We are grateful for the generosity of all of our parishioners and visitors.

Online Giving Reminder

If you currently use Online Giving for your electronic giving, please make sure you login to the application frequently to make sure your payment method is current and your donations are being processed.

We appreciate your support!

Click on the Online Giving icon below to create or access your account.

Catholic Trivia

"Catholic Trivia”... not because they are trivial but because these might be things that not everyone knows. Test your knowledge by reading the five questions, remember your answers (or jot them down), then click the link below to find the answers.

  1. Why should we pray for Christian unity?
  2. Can Catholics work with other Christians on common projects that benefit humanity?
  3. If a person is baptized in another Christian religion and then wants to become Catholic, does s/he need to be baptized again?
  4. Is it ok for Catholics to receive communion at a Protestant or Orthodox worship service?
  5. What forms of common prayer are permitted between Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants?

Feel free to email Fr. Ron with ideas for future Catholic Trivia questions [email protected]

If you have other members of your family or your friends who would like to be on our email list, just let me know or write to Mary McLain at [email protected] We will be pleased to add them.

Masses are available on our website

We have a YouTube channel where we have daily and Sunday Masses.

YouTube channel here...
Answers to Catholic Trivia here!
Online Giving
Read all of Fr. Ron's newsletters here

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B

First Reading

Deuteronomy 18:15-20

Moses tells the people that God will raise up for them a new prophet.

Responsorial Psalm

Psalm 95:1-2,6-7,7-9

A song of praise to the Lord.

Second Reading

1 Corinthians 7:32-35

Paul expresses his concern that those who are married are more likely to face the distractions of earthly life than those who are celibate.

Gospel Reading

Mark 1:21-28

Jesus heals a man with an unclean spirit and his fame spreads throughout Galilee.

Background on the Gospel Reading

Today’s Gospel continues our reading from Mark and describes what some believe was likely to have been a typical day in Jesus’ ministry. Jesus and the disciples that chose to follow him in last week’s Gospel arrive at Capernaum, a small village on the Sea of Galilee. Jesus teaches in the synagogue on the Sabbath. Mark reports that the people respond to Jesus’ teaching with astonishment, noting Jesus’ authority and contrasting it with the scribes. Early in Mark’s Gospel we already find evidence of the tension that will manifest itself fully in Jerusalem.

After Jesus’ preaching, an even more astonishing thing happens. A man possessed with an unclean spirit calls out to Jesus. As we see in this example and throughout Mark’s Gospel, the spirits and demons seem to know Jesus and are often fearful of him. In fact, they seem to understand Jesus’ identity better than his disciples. As we will read again and again in Mark’s Gospel, Jesus orders the spirit to be quiet and drives the unclean spirit out of the man. Jesus’ ability to heal those possessed by demons is an indication of his power over evil.

In the pre scientific age of Jesus’ time, all illnesses were understood to be manifestations of evil and sinfulness. Our modern understanding of illness is very different. Possession by unclean spirits may have been a way to describe what we might call mental illness today. It may have even been a way of describing certain kinds of physical conditions. There is evidence that there were many kinds of exorcists and healers in first-century Palestine. Jesus appears to be like these healers, but he heals with unique authority and connects his healing activities with the words of his preaching.

We are missing the point that Mark is trying to make in this Gospel, however, if we try to explain away the healing work of Jesus. The crowds see in Jesus’ cure of the possessed man further affirmation of his authority. Jesus’ power to heal gives greater credence to his teaching. Jesus impresses the crowds through his words, which are manifested with power in his deeds. Mark’s Gospel tells us that because of the authority with which he healed, Jesus’ fame spread throughout all of Galilee.

St. Patrick Catholic School Open House

This Sunday, January 28, 2024

10:00am - 11:00am


Visit our beautiful campus! Experience our school community!                                                                                                                   Be a part of something special! Invite your family and friends.                   

We look forward to meeting you.


Visit our website at

or call the school at 729-1333. 

Scout Sunday

Next weekend we welcome Boy Scout Troop 748 as they celebrate Scout Sunday on February 4. Members of the troop will be present at the 9:00 am Mass and have an informational table on the patio that morning. Stop by and learn more about the good things the Boy Scouts are doing.

Abide with Me

Organist Ben Maton plays this traditional and popular hymn on the organ of St. Martin’s in Salisbury. He demonstrates the many sounds of this magnificent organ.

Una noche de predicación y alabanza con Alberto Blanes 

haga clic aquí para más información

Un Saludo de

parte del Diacono Miguel,

“Había en la sinagoga un hombre poseído por un espíritu inmundo, que se puso a gritar, ‘¿Qué quieres tú con nosotros, Jesús de Nazaret? ¿Has venido a acabar con nosotros? Ya sé quién eres, el Santo de Dios’. Jesús le ordenó, ‘¡Cállate y sal de él!’”

Es tan fácil vivir con ansiedad. Miramos las malas noticias de nuestro mundo y sociedad. Miramos enfermedades, muerte, violencia en todas partes y sólo podemos mirar hacia el cielo y pedirle a Dios misericordia y su ayuda. Otra cosa que nos distrae de las cosas de Dios es el creer que el demonio está “metiendo su cola” en nuestras vidas y causando muchos problemas. Pero se nos olvida que Jesús es más poderoso que cualquier cosa o persona. Jesús, es nuestro Señor, nuestro protector, siempre a nuestro lado. En el Evangelio de San Marcos de este 4º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario, miramos el poder de Jesús que enseñaba con autoridad, y ganaba la admiración de todos. Había un hombre poseído por un espíritu inmundo, y hasta este espíritu inmundo sabia quien era Jesús. Sabía que Jesús tenía el poder de acabar con todos ellos. Y así pasa, Jesús habla con fuerza y le ordena, ‘que salga de ese hombre’ y así pasa, el hombre ese liberado. Jesús quiere hacer lo mismo con nosotros. No tenemos que vivir con ansiedad o temor a nada. ¡Somos de Jesús! Cuando sintamos ansiedad, o que el temor nos vence, es importante calmarnos, ponernos en las manos amorosas de Jesús, confiando en sus promesas, y saber que, con Jesús a nuestro lado, es todo lo que necesitamos. Jesús quiere hacer esto por nosotros, dejémoslo. Que nada nos distraiga del amor de Dios. 

Haced esto en memoria mía: “Los nombres de los santos en la Plegaria Eucarística”. Haga clic aquí:
Perspectiva: “Dejamos el teléfono y nos comunicamos”. Haga clic aquí:
Estudios Bíblicos en Español del Padre Ricardo Chinchilla, cjm... clic aquí


Hablemos del Santo de Dios

3821 Adams Street

Carlsbad, California 92008


  • The Chapel of Our Lady of Guadalupe is open

  • Our parish offices are open, Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 12:30pm and 1:30 to 4:30pm

  • In case of emergency, you can always reach a priest. Call the parish number 760-729-2866 and press number 6 which will connect you directly to one of our priests.

  • If you know someone who does not receive our emails, please forward this to them, or have them reply to this message.

To email a priest at St. Patrick Church click the address below:

[email protected]

Read our Sunday Bulletin here
Visit our website