Fourth Quarter 2018
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Board of Directors
Kevin McCraney

David Buddenbaum

Jerry McHan

Kristie Rucker
Richard Silpe  
John Osley
Larry Torrence
Natalie Floyd

Barbara Cronic

Brandy Floyd

Gail Blackwell 

Ray Stowers
The next Board Meeting is July 19th , 2018 at 8:15 a.m. at City Hall.

Inspirational moment: 

"Success is not the key to happiness, happiness is the key to success."

-Albert Schweitzer

Chamber Ambassadors

Amanda Baker
Amedysis Tugaloo Home Health

Beth Brewer
Farmers Insurance

Ganine Derleth
Dancing Gardens Lake Hartwell

Stacy Jones

Jenn Johnson
Bailes Cobb

Terri Partain
Keller Williams- Living Down South Group

Nikki Peters
Absolute Home Loan Mortgage Services

Jessica Seawright
Pinnacle Bank

Sherry Wheeler
Coldwell Banker- Fort Realty


Chamber Ambassador of the Quarter
Terri Partain

  • Hart County Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce that Terri Partain is our Ambassador of the Quarter for Q3 of 2018!  Terri is a real estate agent with Living Down South Realty, located in Hartwell, and the founder of the Lake Hartwell Active Aging Resource Network.   She has shown dedication and support to the Chamber by helping with events, participating in planning committees and taking part in networking events.  We are very proud to have her as one of our Ambassadors and as our quarterly Ambassador winner! 


Welcome to our NEW MEMBERS!


     Hartwell Marina has been locally owned and operated by the Tew Family since October 1999. They are located at 149 Hartwell Marina Road and are a full service marina providing new and used boats, dry stack and slip storage, boating equipment and repair services in Hartwell, GA. They also offer boat rentals. They have partnered with Singleton Marine Group to offer the finest watercraft available for sale.
They are the host home of the Lake Hartwell Annual Antique Boat Festival. This event brings thousands of visitors to our community and is the kick-off event for the summer season. In addition, they help our community with hosting fundraising events throughout the year for many of our community causes.
They have shown to be a wonderful business partner in our community, good neighbor, and supporter to our community. The Chamber is proud to highlight "Hartwell Marina" as Business of the Month for November.



Business Tips: Do you have your
 Elevator Pitch ready?

Networkers and business development professionals you better be ready!
An elevator speech is a clear, brief message or "commercial" about you. It communicates who you are, what you're looking for and how you can benefit a company or organization. It's typically about 30 seconds, the time it takes people to ride from the top to the bottom of a building in an elevator.
It is important to have your speech memorized and practiced. Rehearse your 30 second elevator speech with a friend or in front of a mirror. The important thing is to practice it OUT LOUD. You want it to sound natural. Get comfortable with what you have to say so you can breeze through it when the time comes.
Change your elevator speech to match your audience. Whether it is a networking event in front of a small group, a job conversation, or a cold sales call? It should sound natural and conversational, not rehearsed.
Example- Networking Event
Tip #1- Smile and introduce yourself- name and company, shake hands if it is appropriate at the time. Don't forget to wear a name tag and company shirt if you have one.
Example: Hi, I'm Tom Hyde with Georgia National Bank. I work in the business loan side of banking.
 It's a pleasure meeting all of you.
Tip #2- Describe your business (what sets you apart from the pack) and select one thing to highlight and how that would help THEIR business.
Example: We are a new bank in town known for giving that personal touch to every customer and I just wanted to let you know we have a loan program for small businesses that can help you get over the seasonal hurdles of running a 12 month business. The great thing is it is a quick approval process with easy documentation.
Tip #3- Leave a Call to Action - make sure you have business cards to hand out and be ready to set appointments after the event. TAKE THEIR CARD if there is some interest. You are the best one to follow up, don't wait for them to call you.
Example: It that sounds like something you want to know more about, let's exchange cards or better yet, mention it to me after this event and I will set up a short appointment with you at your place of work. We are here to help our community.
Tip #4- Thank them and repeat your name and company. People sometimes forget names and may not want talk to someone whose name they forgot, so repeating it may help.
Example: Thanks for allowing me to take some time today. Don't forget if you are in need of a banker, I'm Tom Hyde, with Georgia National Bank.


Hot Shots Dance Company

Hart County Chamber of Commerce | 
PO Box 793
Hartwell, GA 30643