Hart Elementary School
450 Country Club Road
Lucas, TX 75002
October 18, 2018
Message from the Principal
Lacey Moser

Dear Hart Families,

We would like to invite all of our families to tailgate with us before the Homecoming football game on Friday, Oct. 26 at Hart Elementary.  We will have a couple of grills set up on the North side of the building and Mr. Moser and Mr. Ross will be flipping burgers and grilling hot dogs. We will also have chips, water, and soda available. We will start tailgating at 5:00 and we have plenty of food for everyone.  Buses will shuttle anyone parking at Hart to and from the high school. This is a great way to avoid the parking struggles at the high school! Please RSVP using the following form to let us know you will be joining us!

With a Full HeART,
Lacey Moser

Library and Maker Space News

Upcoming Author Visit Oct 24th
TROY CUMMINGS has written and/or illustrated more than 30 children's books, including THE NOTEBOOK OF DOOM series, CAN I BE YOUR DOG?, CARING FOR YOUR LION, LITTLE RED GLIDING HOOD, and MIGHTY TRUCK. We are busy preparing for his visit and will start reading some of his books in the library!

We are thrilled that he will be signing books that day. Students can bring any book that he has written or illustrated for a signing. You may purchase from any store, but we do have several titles available for purchase on our RevTrak page here.

These will be delivered to Hart prior to his visit so we will have them ready for the kids to pick up in the library for signing that day.

An Evening with the Author
Author Troy Cummings has graciously agreed to spend an evening with some Lovejoy ISD students and parents! Any student that would like to enter for a chance to spend the evening with the author and play Pictionary, needs to fill out the Google form linked below.  Please make sure that your child is available to attend should their name be drawn. This event is limited to the student drawn and their parents. Due to space and budget constraints, siblings will not be able to attend.
Date: Tuesday, October 23rd
Time: 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Location: Barksdale Williams House, 780 Country Club Rd. Fairview, TX
Dinner:  A meal will be provided
Google Form - Sign Up Here

First Annual Book Character Pumpkin Decorating Contest: Hart library is hosting a contest for students and their families! Think about a favorite book character and select a pumpkin to decorate. Families can work together to decorate (NOT CARVE) a pumpkin. These can be turned in on Monday, Oct 22nd and remain on display through Oct 31st These will be released to take home on this day.  Students will have a chance to vote on their favorites. Go here for details.


Red Ribbon Week 2018
Schedule of Events
October 29-November 2, 2018

Anything is "Pawsible" when you are drug free!!
Red Ribbon Week is a special week recognized around the country. This week-long celebration of events is designed to educate and increase awareness about drug prevention. At Hart Elementary, we consider this a great time to pledge to be drug free and to reflect on ways that we can maintain a happy and healthy lifestyle. Red Ribbon Week activities will kick off on Monday, October 29th.  During the week of October 29th - November 2nd, we will emphasize making responsible choices that can help students be and do their very best in school and in life. We would like to encourage everyone to bring healthy snacks to school and to participate in the fun dress-up days.

Let's Participate in a Healthy
Activity that Benefits Our Community !
According to research, youth who feel they are contributing members of a caring community are less likely to be involved in illegal drug use. As part of our Red Ribbon Week activities, Lovejoy students will have the opportunity to connect to the Collin County community. We will emphasize participating in a healthy activity that benefits others by participating in a service project to support Allen Community Outreach (ACO). Each year during the month of October, ACO has a fundraiser called the Caring Coins Drive in which they collect donations of spare change to support the ongoing needs in Collin County. Let's encourage our students to contribute to this service organization by bringing in their American coins and/or bills each day of Red Ribbon Week. Their generous contributions will assist residents of Allen, Lucas, and Fairview who are in financial need.

Monday October 29 
Theme: Anything is "Pawsible" when you are drug free!  
Wear RED to kick off our week.
Activity: Temporary tattoos and counselor lessons.
***Penny Day for ACO Caring Coins-Bring your pennies!

Tuesday, October 30
Theme: Team Up Against Drugs! 
Activity: Wear your favorite team shirt or jersey.                 
***Nickel Day for ACO Caring Coins-Bring your nickels!

Wednesday, October 31
Theme: Wear your superhero outfit or dress up as your hero. No masks please.
Activity: Dennis Lee Program
*** Dime Day for ACO Caring Coins-Bring your dimes!

Thursday, November 1
Theme: Don't get mixed up in drugs!
Activity: Wear mismatched clothing!
***Quarter Day for ACO Caring Coins-Bring your quarters!

Friday, November 2
Theme: Lovejoy Leopards are PROUD to be DRUG FREE!
Activity: Wear Lovejoy colors (black and red) or spirit wear. Plant the Promise-students will plant a RED tulips ad a reminder and promise to stay drug free. 
***Dollar Day for ACO Caring coins-Bring your dollars! 

Hart Announcements

Check us out at Hart_Elementary on Facebook and Twitter
Click Here for the Hart Facebook page 
Click Here for the Hart Twitter page 

Elementary School Start and End Times:
7:50 AM - First Bell
8:00 AM - Tardy Bell
3:10 PM - Dismissal
Email Communication:
To receive weekly emails from the Principal:
-Click on Email Express
-Sign up by choosing Hart
Legos Needed
Hart needs your legos!  If you have lego pieces or lego sets that you would like to donate, please send them to the front office. We appreciate your donations!

The lost and found is filling up! Please remind your children to check the steps of the stage. We have a large collection of water bottles and lunch bags. Thank you! 

November 2, 2018 is picture retake day! Please email your teacher if you would like your  student is to have a retake. Retakes may be taken for any reason. If you previously ordered , the FULL package must be returned to the office
. Order forms will be available in the office 

Hart Choir News

It's time to order our Hart Choir t-shirts!  If your child is in the 3rd and
4th grade Hart Harmony Choir please complete this  form and turn it in before October 26th - even if your child already has a choir t-shirt.  The form can also be found on the  Hart Choir website.  This website has detailed information about the choir and PRACTICE TRACKS your child can use at home.  The first choir performance will be Saturday, December 1st at 11AM.  If you have any questions about Hart Choir please contact  Grace_Fulton@lovejoyisd.net.

Upcoming Dates


12-26 Conference Window
19  8:00 AM Reading with The Leopards
19  Little Mermaid performance (10:30 AM)
24  Troy Cummings, Author visit
26  No School
29- Nov 2 Red Ribbon Week 
31  Halloween 
31  Dennis Lee (8:30 AM)


Oct 29-Nov 2 Red Ribbon Week
2    Picture Retakes
2    Thankful Card Contest Due
4    Daylight Savings Time Ends-Fall back 1 hour!!!! 
6    7:30-8:00 AM Donuts with Dad (last name A-L)
6    PTA General Meeting 10:00 AM 
7    7:30-8:00 AM  Donuts with Dad (Last name M-Z)
8    Veterans Day Program 6:45 PM
9    8:00 AM Reading with The Leopards
11  Veterans Day
12-16 Thankful Card Sales
15  Progress Reports go home
16  8:15 AM Hart Beat 
19-23 Thanksgiving Break No School
22  Thanksgiving Day
30   Fine Arts Festival


1   Fine Arts Festival
17 8:30 AM Talent Show Grades K-2 
18 8:30 AM Talent Show Grades 3-4
19 8:15 AM Hart Beat
19 Class Parties 
19 12:00 PM Early Release 
20-Jan 6 Winter Break No School 
24 Christmas Eve
25 Christmas Day
31 New Years Eve

Hart PTA Website 

Check out our new Hart PTA website to stay up to date with upcoming events, volunteer opportunities, forms and much more.

You can also stay informed and up to date with the Hart PTA on Social Media. Click below to:

  Like me on Facebook

Follow us on Twitter

View on Instagram

Early voting starts next week!

Poles open on
October 22nd.

If public education is important to you, please educate yourself on school funding before going to the poles. Please visit the links below for more information. 

You can also follow Lovejoy ISD on Facebook and Twitter using LJ4TxPublicEd.

H-E-B Excellence in Education Awards

The H-E-B Excellence in Education Awards are designed to honor outstanding public school professionals and to thank then for their dedication and commitment. Through this program, H-E-B seeks to pay tribute to those educators who go the extra mile each and every day to serve their students and their communities. They also are an inspiration to others to do the same.

For more information and to submit a nomination or application, visit www.heb.com/nominate. 

NEW! Let's Glow Wild!  

Join us for the  Mother & Son glow party Friday, November 2nd from 6:30-9:00pm
It will be a night of  dancing, laser tag, games and fun!! Please click here to use the sign up genius for a laser tag spot.  This event is free thanks to all your PTA donations. Thank you!

Texas PTA Honorary Life Membership

Hart PTA will be recognizing two special individuals who have given outstanding service to our children this year. A nomin ee may be a parent, volunteer, teacher, administrator or a 
commu nity leader. If you would like to nominate someone for this award please take a moment to click the link  here  to fill out the application. The deadline for the application is October 31st. Thank you!

Save the Date for Donuts with Dads!

Tuesday, November 6th for students with last names A-L
Wednesday, November 7th for students with last names M-Z
7:30am-8:00am in the cafe.

Reflections Contest
Heroes Around Me 

Reflections has been a staple arts program in many schools for 50 years. Through the efforts of our Local PTAs, millions of students have found a creative outlet in the areas of dance choreography, film production, literature, music composition, photography, and visual arts. Express your artistic talent with this year's theme "Heroes Around Me"! Entries are due by November 2, 2018. Please look for entry forms in Thursday folders. You will also be able to access entry forms and guidelines on the Hart PTA website. Please click here. Extra entry forms will be in the Reflections Entry Box located in the library! If you have any questions, please contact Rachel Butler:  RachelC.Butler@hotmail.com .

Volunteers Needed:

Please check out our website for all upcoming volunteer needs.

Lovejoy ISD District News 

Foundation for Lovejoy Schools

Foundation News
The Foundation Board of Directors is beginning a search for an Executive Director. Vicki Deerman is serving as the Interim Executive Director and may be reached at vicki_deerman@lovejoyisd.net or 469.742.8043.

Annual Appeal
The Annual Appeal campaign has raised $155,700. If you have not yet contributed, you may make a donation at: foundationforlovejoyschools.org.

Men's Tailgate Tournament
Wednesday, October 24
Tickets on Sale Now!
Gentlemen, please plan to join the Foundation for food, beer, and a double elimination corn hole tournament, guaranteeing all players two games. The tournament will be at the home of John and Kris Dunaway on Wednesday, October 24. Sponsors for the event are Renfrow Dunaway Group, Lee Lewis, Fable Security, Chick-fil-A Stacy Road and Twin Creeks Village, and Lovejoy HVAC.

Click here to register now.
Please contact Vicki Deerman , Interim Executive Director of the Foundation with any questions.

Kendra Scott Gives Back Party
Thursday, December 13
Benefitting the Foundation for Lovejoy Schools

Drug Awareness Parent Presentation
Thursday, October 25
Our Unexpected Journey - Helping Parents Be Prepared
Susan Hoemke will be sharing her son Hayden's story and their dark journey through his downward spiral into drug use, addiction and legal issues. Their seemingly perfect family life came to an abrupt end when they found themselves uneducated about - and unprepared for - managing these issues. They lost their sweet, beloved son Hayden in 2014 just before his 23rd birthday. The Hoemke's experience was tragic, and one they wish no parent would have to experience. Sadly, many will and are today.
Mrs. Hoemke will bring some light to this darkness by sharing her experience in hopes of providing some information about how drug abuse can start, what to watch for, and tools to handle these situations, if they do occur.  All parents in the district are invited to attend the presentation at Willow Springs Middle School in the Band Hall on Thursday, October 25 at 9:00 AM. You may click here for additional information.

Lovejoy High School Thirst Project Hosts Fundraiser
Tuesday, November 6
The Thirst Project is a non-profit organization dedicated to ending the world water crisis. They raise money to provide clean and safe drinking water to those in developing countries, like Africa, India, and the Philippines.
The Lovejoy High School chapter of the thirst project is dedicated to helping out the millions of people facing the world water crisis. Throughout the year, the Lovejoy High School chapter will host events to raise money for the Thirst Project's mission and raise community awareness.
You are invited to join the Lovejoy High School Thirst Project on Tuesday, November 6 at Wild Salsa for a fundraiser. Click here to access the flyer to present at Wild Salsa. 20% of the proceeds will benefit The Lovejoy Thirst Project.
You may click here for additional information regarding the Lovejoy Thirst Project, and to donate.

10th Annual Turkey Chess Tournament
Saturday, November 3rd

Register now for Lovejoy's 10th Annual Turkey Chess Tournament. This is a five round USCF (United States Chess Federation) event that will be held at Sloan Creek Intermediate School. Click here to register for the event.


Circle of Partners

Lovejoy ISD is pleased to welcome Tutoring 101 to the Circle of Partners . Tutoring 101 and Lovejoy ISD have formed a revenue generating/sharing partnership to bring their services to Lovejoy families. Please see below for several offerings.
Private tutoring is available for students in grades K-12 in all subjects. Tutoring 101 recommends once a week tutoring for an hour to increase grades and learn subject matter more deeply. A once a week appointment usually results in an increase of one letter grade or more. Turn those C's into B's.
What is your SAT/ACT score? Want a better one? What do you need it to be?
Invest in a PSAT/SAT/ACT Prep program not just a class. Tutoring 101 helps high scorers get top scores, average students raise their scores and poor test takers achieve the scores colleges want. Tutoring 101 students have earned admissions and scholarships, and have saved thousands of tuition dollars every year. 
  • Specialize in working with individual students and their specific needs
  • Day-of-test strategies
  • One-on-one/small groups
  • PSAT/SAT Classes: Tues or Thurs or Saturdays
  • ACT Prep Classes: Mon/Wed or Sat
  • One on One and Online Prep also available
  • School District Employee Discount
Learn about Tutoring 101's all-inclusive PSAT/SAT/ACT programs:
  • 11th-12th Grade SAT/ACT  
  • 10th-12th PSAT/SAT/ACT 
  • 9th-12th Grade PSAT/NMSQT/SAT/ACT 
  • Duke Tip (7th Grade) 
Classes are conveniently located at Lovejoy High School. Call 972.359.0222 or email Robyn@Tutoring101.com for additional information.


On behalf of Lovejoy ISD we would like to thank Reinhard Real Estate for participating in the Lovejoy ISD Circle of Partners. We thank Reinhard Real Estate for their support of Lovejoy ISD and the important value they place on the education of our children.
Reinhard Real Estate pledges 10% of gross commission to several non-profits including Lovejoy ISD. Their website can be found at Reinhard Real Estate. Jeff and Terri Reinhard own Reinhard Real Estate. They are proud Puster parents to fourth grader Ben, and second grader Max.


    Global Read Aloud Project  

Lovejoy K-2 students are participating in the Global Read Aloud Project during the months of October and November.  
The project was created in 2010 with a simple goal in mind; one book to connect the world. From its humble beginnings, the GRA has grown to make a truly global connection with more than 4,000,000 students having participated.  Please click here to learn about the books we will be reading this year. K-2 students will be reading the picture books and responding in Seesaw. Each class will also be making connections with other classes that are participating from around the world. 
2nd Annual Lovejoy Professional Network Golf Tournament
Friday, November 2nd
The Lovejoy Professional Network is pleased to announce the 2nd Annual Lovejoy Professional Network Golf Tournament on Friday, November 2 from 1:30 PM - 8:00 PM at Heritage Ranch. This year the proceeds will benefit the Lovejoy family of Casey and Jamie Sullivan. Casey passed away earlier this year.  He was an avid golfer, music lover, coach and proud father of Ainsley (9th), Ryder (8th) and Piper (4th).
The Lovejoy Professional Network's goal is to fill the course with 144 golfers. The event will include a dinner with a silent auction and raffle giveaway. If you are unable to attend the tournament, you are invited to attend the celebration dinner for Casey. You may click here for details. Please contact Mark Urbin for additional information.   


Fine Arts News          


Upcoming Performances & Galleries
WSMS Theatre and Choir Department
Presents The Little Mermaid, Jr.
Tickets on Sale Now! November 1, 2 and 3
The WSMS Theatre and Choir department will be presenting Disney's The Little Mermaid Jr. Click here to purchase your tickets.


Special Events

LHS Majestics Dance Team
Mums the Word!
The Lovejoy Majestics will be selling mums in the high school commons area during A, B and C lunch now through October 22 between  11:25 AM and 1:00 PM; and in the evenings, on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 5:30 PM and 8:00 PM.
Majestic Mums are a great Lovejoy tradition with all profits supporting the Majestics Dance Team. A dazzling array of mums and garters will be offered to suit any taste and budget.  Unique custom designs are available for mums and garters with numerous decorative ribbons, bling, and sports specific trinkets from football, basketball, baseball, band, theater, choir, fishing, wrestling and so much more.  Come by the LHS Commons Area to see the offerings.  Click here for additional information.


WSMS Theatre
Save the Date! Saturday, October 20
Sebastian and Friends Sing-A-Long

Join Sebastian and his "Under the Sea" friends for a morning of singing your favorite Disney's The Little Mermaid tunes! Meet the characters and enjoy fun activities with the cast of Disney's The Little Mermaid, Jr. Click here for more information. Tickets $25 per student and can be purchased online at the Parent Payment Portal.


LHS Band Spirit Day
Tuesday, October 23
The LHS Band will host its second Spirit Day on Tuesday, October 23 from 10:30 AM - 8:30 PM at Kelly Family Farms Burger Stand, located at 1989 W. Lucas Road.
Just mention you are there for the Lovejoy High School Band and Kelly Family Farms will donate a percentage of their sales to the band.

LHS Band Garage Sale
Saturday, October 27
Join the Band for the Lovejoy Community Garage Sale on October 27 from 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM. The event will be held in the back parking lot of Lovejoy High School by the tennis courts. You rent a spot, you keep the profits!  Click here to rent a spot or click here for additional information. 


Lovejoy Fine Arts Festival
Save the Date! November 30 and December 1
The Lovejoy ISD Fine Arts Festival is around the corner. Click here for updates on performance schedules, art galleries, and more!

3rd Annual Running Over Depression
Saturday, November 10th

Please join us for the 3rd Annual Running Over Depression Run on Saturday, November 10th at Lovejoy High School. The 1K Fun Run will begin at 8:00 AM and the 5K Run will begin at 8:30 AM at Leopard S
tadium. Running Over Depression is an event being organized by Lovejoy Seniors Brett Pedersen, Michael O'Brien and Carson Hockersmith for their Senior Projects. The goal of this run is to raise awareness about teenage depression and suicide prevention. All proceeds from the run will be donated to The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Please click here to register. If your business is interested in sponsoring Running Over Depression please email runningoverdepression@yahoo.com.

Volunteer Background Application Now Available
For the safety of our students, a criminal history record is obtained annually for every person interested in volunteering at a LISD campus. Upon completion of the background check, applicants will be notified of approval to volunteer.
Please click here to access the Online Volunteer Application. The online application is a secure link.
All information regarding volunteer applications received for the 2017-2018 school year has been deleted. If you submitted an application prior to August 2018, you will need to complete another application.
Thank you for your assistance with this very important matter. Your interest in serving as a volunteer is appreciated. Should you have any questions, or require assistance, please contact:
Stacey Dillon
Assistant to the Superintendent
Receive Text Messages from Lovejoy ISD
Lovejoy ISD is adding text messaging capability to SchoolMessenger, the system we use for phone calls and email communications for information such as school closings due to inclement weather. SchoolMessenger will be configured to send text messages to your wireless phone number(s), with your approval. 

To get started, please confirm we have your accurate wireless phone number in the PowerSchool Parent Portal and then opt-in to participate by following the directions below:

In order to receive messages from Lovejoy ISD or your student's school via SMS text we must have your wireless number(s) in SchoolMessenger and receive an "Opt-In Confirmation" from your wireless device. 

You can easily opt-in by simply sending "Y" (or "Yes"), via text message, to our SchoolMessenger Short Code number 67587. 

The wireless number(s) you enter into the PowerSchool Parent Portal are updated nightly. If you update your wireless number, or add a new number, in the PowerSchool Parent Portal, the new number will automatically be sent an Opt-In message.

To access the PowerSchool Parent Portal, please click here.  If you have any questions, or if we may be of any assistance, please contact Stacey Dillon at 469.742.8003.