Hart Elementary School
450 Country Club Road
Lucas, TX 75002
January 10, 2019
Message from the Principal
Lacey Moser

Dear Hart Families,

Welcome back! We hope all of our families had a fantastic break. It has been a great week back with so much important teaching and learning taking place. Our teachers also spent a little time revisiting classroom and school expectations, procedures, and routines. We are poised to have our best semester yet at Hart!

I want to share a couple of new things happening at Hart:

-As we continue to evaluate the safety and security of Hart for all students and staff, we are asking your help with morning arrival. From 7:30-8:00, as you are dropping off your children, if you are entering the building and going beyond the office into the building, we will need you to check in at the front office with your ID to receive a badge. This includes walking your student to class or some other area in the building, meeting with a teacher, turning in lunch money to the cafeteria, etc. This will ensure that we know who is in the building. If you are just walking your child to the front or side doors, please feel free to do so without checking in. If you are going to be entering the building, I encourage you to park in the front parking lot so that you can check in at the front office. Mr. Rhett O'Neal, our school security officer, will be located in between the entrances during the next couple of weeks to help remind parents that are entering the building to check in. Thank you for your continued patience and support as we ensure that Hart is not only the best school, but the safest school.
-We are kicking off our kindness campaign with #hartkind. 
We have the opportunity to choose to be kind in everything we do and in all our interactions.  The kindness campaign will be run by the kids and will help teach them that it is easy to choose to be kind.  When a student has experienced a random act of kindness from another student they are encouraged to record the act on strips of paper in their classrooms . These strips will be hung outside each classroom to form a paper chain.  All Hart students will be challenged to connect this paper chain around the entire schoo l! Students will discuss kindness with Mrs.Scoville during their time with her. We will also facilitate acts of kindness that we can do as a school throughout the semester. We hope you enjoy the video below featuring some of our amazing Hart students!
Let's go out of our way to be kind to each other and help make Hart a great place where everyone will feel that "Lovejoy" and experience kindness.
As always, if there is anything I can do to make sure your child is having the best educational experience here at Hart, please do not hesitate to reach out.

With a Full HeART,
Lacey Moser

Library and Maker Space News

Hour of Code
Hour of Code is happening next week for all Lovejoy students. Hart students will spend one hour engaging in two activities: coding the Dash robots and using computers to progress through self-paced Tynker coding programs. If you would like to volunteer to help students, please use the sign-up genius link below to volunteer in as many spots as you would like! No prior coding experience is needed to help. It will be a great opportunity to see the beginning stages of computer science! Please contact Suzanne Hart with any questions, suzanne_hart@lovejoyisd.net.

MAKERSPACE is in need of
your recyclables!
Starting January 22nd the makerspace will open the upcycling option! We need small items that could be repurposed for new inventions and creations. Please send the following items: plastic caps, boxes, bubble wrap, packaging material (not foam- it falls apart when broken) egg cartons, any container, lids, wire, etc. that could be used for creating. Nothing larger than a 12 x 12 x 12 box, please. Thank you in advance!
Please do not send water bottles (we have plenty on a daily basis) or any item that is not clean.  

Flu Season Reminders/Illness:
We are now heading into flu season. The most common symptoms of flu seem to be stomach ache, cough, fever/body aches, headache, and tired-ness. Currently we are seeing fifth's disease (some kids are not having fever or obvious viral symptoms, however, stomach ache/headache/tiredness seem to be predominate initial symptoms), a stomach virus (12-24 hour virus), and some strep throat.
Please refer to the following links in regards to Parvovirus B19 and Fifth's Disease.
Fifth Disease
Fifth disease is a mild rash illness caused by parvovirus B19. It is more common in children than adults. A person usually gets sick with fifth disease within four to 14 days after getting infected with parvovirus B19. This disease, also called erythema infectiosum, got its name because it was fifth in a list of historical classifications of common skin rash illnesses in children.
Signs & Symptoms
The symptoms of fifth disease are usually mild and may include
  • fever
  • runny nose
  • headache
  • rash
You can get a rash on your face and body
You may get a red rash on your face called 
"slapped cheek" rash . This rash is the most recognized feature of fifth disease. It is more common in children than adults.
Some people may get a second rash a few days later on their chest, back, buttocks, or arms and legs. The rash may be itchy, especially on the soles of the feet. It can vary in intensity and usually goes away in seven to 10 days, but it can come and go for several weeks. As it starts to go away, it may look lacy.
Frequent handwashing is vital to keeping illness at bay. Now is a good time to review proper handwashing practices with young children. Using soap and rubbing vigorously under running water for about 30 seconds to one minute is important to get rid of the germs that cause the flu and other viruses. Asking young children to "sing the ABCs" at a steady rate while washing will help them reach the 30 second mark.
Please remember, if your little ones have had diarrhea, fever greater than 100 (without medications), or vomiting they must be out of school for a full 24 hours so that we can help keep protect others.
If your child is absent from school, written documentation is needed. Please email Alis_Brantl@lovejoyisd.net and Heather_Bouska@lovejoyisd.net with the date and reason for the absence. Thanks for all you do at home to keep your children healthy and in school.
Nurse Alli 

Hart Announcements

Check us out at Hart_Elementary on Facebook and Twitter
Click Here for the Hart Facebook page 
Click Here for the Hart Twitter page 

Elementary School Start and End Times:
7:50 AM - First Bell
8:00 AM - Tardy Bell
3:10 PM - Dismissal
Email Communication:
To receive weekly emails from the Principal:
-Click on Email Express
-Sign up by choosing Hart

Upcoming Dates


7    School back in session
17  Report Cards go Home
18  4th Grade Spelling Bee 8:30 AM
21  No School
22 Spring Picture Day
24 3rd Grade Field Trip to Dallas Symphony
25 Bump Up Day
30 Science Night @ Hart-featuring The Tech Truck
31 Bluebonnet Breakfast 7:30 AM


2  Denim and Diamonds-The Party 7:30 PM-Midnight 
5  100th Day Of School 
5  PTA Meeting 10:00 AM
7  Progress Reports Go Home
7  3rd Grade Program 6:30 PM
6-14 Queen of Hart-Heart Sales
14 Valentine's Day
14 Hart Beat 8:15 AM
14 Class Parties 10:45 AM
14 Early Release 12:00 PM
15 No School-Winter Break
18 No School-Winter Break
18 Presidents' Day
22 1st Grade Market Day
22 Father/Daughter Dance-Time TBA


1   Read Across America
2   STEM Festival
5-9 Spring Book Fair
5   Max's with Mom (Last name ending A-L) 
6   Max's with Mom (Last name ending M-Z) 
7   Open House 5:30-6:45 PM
7   2nd Grade Performance 7:00 PM
8   Big Air Assembly 8:00 AM
10 Daylight Savings Time-Spring ahead 1 Hour
11-15 Spring Break-NO SCHOOL
17 St. Patrick's Day
21  Report Cards Go Home
22  Hart Beat 8:15 AM

Hart PTA Website 

Check out our new Hart PTA website to stay up to date with upcoming events, volunteer opportunities, forms and much more.

You can also stay informed and up to date with the Hart PTA on Social Media. Click below to:

  Like me on Facebook

Follow us on Twitter

View on Instagram

Lunch Bunch Volunteers for 2019  are here!!

Please click the attached links to access your signups for this last semester  
Thank you to everyone who made it possible for the teachers to have lunch together on Fridays in 2018.  They truly appreciate that 30 minutes of time.  Thank you for continuing to give your time in this way - it makes a difference!

Save the Date!

Family Science Night January 30th!

Thanks to all your donations, membership, box top collecting, spirit nights and support we're very excited to be able to offer Science Night again!
This year the Perot Museum will be bringing a new program to Hart based on STEM. Along with the Perot museum we are also adding a special section for our Maker Space. This will be such a fun and engaging night! More details to come!

Lovejoy ISD District News 

Foundation for Lovejoy Schools

Denim and Diamonds
Saturday, February 2
Click here 
to purchase your tickets today!

We need your help to make this year's Denim and Diamonds the best yet. How can you help?
Sponsor  -the goal is to raise $100,000 in sponsorships. There are many levels available. Click here for options and/or contact The Party Chairperson, Kelli Litchenburg  for additional information.
- trips, parties, and fun items are needed for the silent and live auctions. Click here   for the donation form. Please note - the donation deadline has been extended.


New! Toy Drive Benefiting the Children of Little Leopards

The Lovejoy High School Work-Based Learning program is accepting new to gently used toys for children birth - 5 years of age. Examples of items needed are as follows:
Play Food
Outside Toys
Musical Toys
Kinetic Sand
Sports Balls
Toys may be delivered to any Lovejoy campus or the Administration building until February 15. To request a donation pick-up, or for additional information, please contact sancy_fuller@lovejoyisd.net.

Lovejoy Offers Group Counseling
Lovejoy is offering group counseling for students for a variety of areas. The groups will meet weekly, during school hours, and will be facilitated by Lovejoy's Social Worker, Noelle Gove, LCSW. The overall goal of the counseling groups is to address student's social/emotional needs that may be impacting their experience and success at school. Groups are being offered, based on need, to every campus in the district, grades K-12.
If you are interested in your student participating in a group, please click here to complete the interest form. Noelle Gove will be in contact with parents regarding further details of the group and to obtain consent for student participation. This form is not a consent for counseling, but rather a survey of interest.
 SafeSchools App Now Available
SafeSchools has launched their new mobile application for anonymous reporting. You may click here for the SafeSchools Alert Mobile Application Download Instructions.
Volunteer Background Application Now Available
For the safety of our students, a criminal history record is obtained annually for every person interested in volunteering at a LISD campus. Upon completion of the background check, applicants will be notified of approval to volunteer.
Please click here to access the Online Volunteer Application. The online application is a secure link.
All information regarding volunteer applications received for the 2017-2018 school year has been deleted. If you submitted an application prior to August 2018, you will need to complete another application.
Thank you for your assistance with this very important matter. Your interest in serving as a volunteer is appreciated. Should you have any questions, or require assistance, please contact:
Stacey Dillon
Assistant to the Superintendent
Receive Text Messages from Lovejoy ISD
Lovejoy ISD is adding text messaging capability to SchoolMessenger, the system we use for phone calls and email communications for information such as school closings due to inclement weather. SchoolMessenger will be configured to send text messages to your wireless phone number(s), with your approval. 

To get started, please confirm we have your accurate wireless phone number in the PowerSchool Parent Portal and then opt-in to participate by following the directions below:

In order to receive messages from Lovejoy ISD or your student's school via SMS text we must have your wireless number(s) in SchoolMessenger and receive an "Opt-In Confirmation" from your wireless device. 

You can easily opt-in by simply sending "Y" (or "Yes"), via text message, to our SchoolMessenger Short Code number 67587. 

The wireless number(s) you enter into the PowerSchool Parent Portal are updated nightly. If you update your wireless number, or add a new number, in the PowerSchool Parent Portal, the new number will automatically be sent an Opt-In message.

To access the PowerSchool Parent Portal, please click here.  If you have any questions, or if we may be of any assistance, please contact Stacey Dillon at 469.742.8003.