Hart Elementary School
450 Country Club Road
Lucas, TX 75002
December 14, 2017
                     Mrs. Ross               Mrs. Moser          Ms. Kennaugh
Message from the Principal
Lacey Moser

Hart Family and Friends,

We communicated the past two weeks about the spring camp out that we will have on campus in April. Since that email I have had a few parents reach out and tell me they would like to give this experience as a gift for the holidays. If you would also like to do this, we will have themed certificates available for you to pick up in the front office and give as a gift. You will not need to pay the camp fee until registration opens up in February. All you need to do is drop by and pick one up from Heather. We will also have a table set up during the talent shows and Wednesday's Hart Beat.

Please see the schedule below for upcoming staff and student dress up days. We are enjoying the festive atmosphere while we learn these last few days of the semester.

We would like to invite you to join us on Wednesday, December 20th at 8:15am for Hart Beat.Class parties will begin at 10:45, and students will be released early at noon.  

We will see everyone back for the start of the New Year on Monday, January 8th!

With a Full HeART,
Lacey Moser
469-742-8153 (office)
970-309-1581 (cell)
Hart Families,

Lovejoy ISD is partnering with BrightBytes, an educational research organization, to learn more about our students' school and home technology use and the impact it has on instruction.  We are reaching out to ask you to take part in the Technology & Learning questionnaire. This is a semi-annual initiative, and your participation is essential in helping us form a more complete picture of the role technology plays in your students' learning.

Please know that all of your responses will remain anonymous to protect your privacy. Please click here to participate in the survey. 

Student Dress Up Days!

We are celebrating 12 Days of Christmas as a staff. We would like for the kids to join us on the following dress up days:

Dress like the Grinch: Friday, December 15th ~

Wear your PJ's (pajama day): Tuesday, December 19th ~

Wear a Holiday Hat and your Team Shirt: Wednesday, December 20th (early release at Noon) ~

Talent Show Rehearsals 

The TALENT SHOW will be on December 18th at 8:30am (K-2) and December 19th at 8:30am (3rd-4th). 

We will have a rehearsal during the school day on Friday, December 15th, so please have your child bring their costumes, sheet music, and / or props that day.

Plan for the last day of school ~

Join us for the festivities on our last day before the break! 

We will have a Hart Beat on Wednesday, December 20th at 8:15 a.m. Class parties will start at 10:45 a.m. It is also an early release day at Noon. We hope to see you here.

The chilly weather is here and coats are collecting in the lost and found

Feel free to come find the items (lunch boxes, water bottles, coats, etc..) your little ones think they've lost. Our Lost and Found is in the cafeteria. We will donate all items left over the Christmas break to the Allen Outreach Program. 

Get your pictures in the yearbook! 

The Yearbook Staff invites parents to submit photos for the yearbook. If you've got great photos of school events, we need them. Our photographers can't be everywhere. Help us get as many photos as possible to create a terrific book everyone will want to have.

Here is how you can submit photos online through a private site that only the yearbook staff can view - these pictures will not go online for others to view:
* Go to:  https://images.schoolannualonline.com/login
* If it does not automatically log you into the site, enter username: 409413599
* Browse to select the photo(s) you wish to upload.
* Enter information about the photo (names, grade, event) and provide contact information in case the staff needs additional information.
* Click "Save Details".

Some events that we need pictures for:
  • Mother Son Dance
  • Candid Grandparents Day Lunch
  • Veterans Day Performance
  • Hart Beat
  • Fine Arts Festival
  • Ice Cream Social
  • Any grade level special event or party
It's that easy! Submit your photos today - the sooner, the better!
The last day to submit photos is 02/28/2018.

Thank you,
The 2018 Yearbook Staff.

The Yearbook Staff will review all photos and determine final yearbook content. We cannot guarantee that all submissions can be used in the book.

Library News 

Please look for past due library books ~
Our students have been reading which is wonderful! However; that means we need to collect those books back. We currently have 138 students who have had books for more than four weeks. If your child is finished reading their books, please return them to the library before break. Please plan to keep books they will read during the break. 

Use Overdrive!  Read anywhere, anytime on any device! Car, plane, boat or at home
Every Lovejoy ISD student has access to a fantastic FREE online library. Overdrive is an app for any mobile device and can also be used on a computer. The surrounding public libraries offer this resource as well. There are many audiobooks available. Check out this resource here and download this free app today to open up a resource to thousands of books to listen to or read.

3rd and 4th Grade Readers:
The Texas Bluebonnet Book Voting will be January 30th. Read 5 books and join us in the library for a special pancake breakfast and voting. Go here to find out how to save your seat now!
NEW! Save the Date for the first Hart Campus Campout - Late Night Leopards

A Tradition Begins...Save the Date for April 20th and 21st for our first annual Hart Campus Campout Fundraiser! Support our school while spending quality time with our kids. More information went out in the special principal's message earlier this week and in all student folders today.
December 21st 
t hru January 5th.
See you back on 
Monday, January 8th!

Hope you are having a great week! 

Click here  to read our December Student Nutrition Newsletter. 

Message from the Nurse


Currently we are seeing strep throat (seems to be starting out as stomach ache and no fever present) and a flu like virus causing, headache, stomach ache, sore throat, sinus congestion/cough and nausea (some are not experiencing all of these symptoms-and some are only having lower GI symptoms). Some are NOT experiencing fever with this virus. This virus seems to be lasting about 24-72 hours. We are seeing a small rise in Flu A from the last couple of weeks, but still a small number of cases. Mountain cedar has been on the rise so this is causing some allergy symptoms as well.
Please remember, if your little ones have had diarrhea, fever greater than 100 (without medications), or vomiting they must be out of school for a full 24 hours so that we can help keep protect others. 


This is the time of year that brings upsetting incidences involving head lice. Head lice can happen to anyone, so it is important to learn how to recognize, treat and prevent it from happening again! Here's what to look for:
-Persistent itching of the head
-Small white particles attached to hair that are difficult to remove
-Small brown bugs that move very fast
*We no longer conduct "line-up" classroom lice checks but if a child is having any sign/symptoms listed above, they are sent to the clinic for assessment. For more information please refer to the link on our website under Hart Elementary/Clinic drop down tab. On the right side there is a link that is always available for your education.
Thank you for your cooperation!

to feel interest or concern

Upcoming Dates:
15-   Reading with the Leopards
18-   Talent Show K-2 @ 8:30 a.m. 
19-   Talent Show 3rd and 4th @ 8:30 a.m. 
20-   Grading period ends, Class parties start at 10:45, and Early Release @ Noon
(21 - Jan 5) Winter Break

8 -    Return to School  
11-   Report Cards go home
12-   Spelling Bee
15-   No School 
26-   4th Grade Walks the Creek 

Join us for class parties on Wednesday, December 20th, at 10:45 a.m. ~

You can click here  for access to all Hart Teachers and Staff favorites on our website.

Website: Please check out the Hart PTA website to stay up to date with upcoming activities!

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Lovejoy ISD District News 

Foundation for Lovejoy Schools 

2017 Annual Appeal Ends December 31
As the end of the calendar year approaches, the Foundation for Lovejoy Schools would like to say thank you for your generosity to the annual appeal campaign. We have received donations from 555 donors totaling $194,265. This is just shy of our goal of $200,000 and 650 donors. If you have not yet donated or you wish to make a final end of year tax-deductible donation, please click here . Without you, we could not carry out our mission to enhance the educational experience for Lovejoy students and staff. 

Lovejoy Ladies' Night Out
Join us for a Lovejoy Ladies' Night Out to raise funds to award grants to Lovejoy ISD. The event will be held on Wednesday, January 10, 2018, at Cross Creek Ranch in Parker. This event sold out last year. Tickets are on sale now.   
For pricing and ticket information, click here or contact Cindy Booker at 469.742.8043
District News
Inclement Weather
School closures will be determined based on safety. In the event of a school closure, notifications will be announced on the district's website, Facebook, and Twitter pages. We will also announce any closure through the media and by phone. Links to our social media accounts are shown below.
Lovejoy ISD App
The Lovejoy ISD App is available for download on both Apple and Android devices.  To download the app for Apple devices, please  click here .  To download the app for Android devices, please  click here .  
Twitter and Facebook
Are  you following the district on  Twitter ?  Have you liked us on  Facebook ?  Join us on social media for news and announcements.
Lovejoy Lacrosse- Boys' and Girls' Teams Registration Now Open

Registration is now open for the boys' and girls' 2018 Spring season of Lovejoy Lacrosse.  Join the most exciting, fastest-growing sport in the country. 
Register now for Boys: Grades Kindergarten through High School
Register now for Girls: Grades Kindergarten through 8th grade
Visit www.lovejoylacrosse.com for information regarding the program and the upcoming Spring season. 
Hurry, as rosters are filling quickly!
LHS Collecting Donations for Coats for Kids
Lovejoy High School is collecting donations to buy coats for S.M. Wright's Christmas in the Park Event. The purpose is to provide funding and resources for underprivileged children and families through the nonprofit organization For Kids Foundation. Every $15 donated will provide a child in the Dallas area with a new coat. This is a great opportunity for everyone to give back this Christmas.  click here to donate. Search for Lovejoy High School Coats for Kids. 
MySchoolBucks Convenience Fee

MySchoolBucks, the district's online meal prepayment program, has provided notification regarding an increase in the convenience fee paid by parents using the online payment feature. The fee will be increasing from $1.95 per payment to $2.49 per payment and will be effective as of December 11, 2017. This increase is the result of an increase in card scheme fees. The district does not receive any convenience fee funds from MySchoolBucks.
In light of the increase, the district contacted MySchoolBucks. They agreed to increase the maximum payment from $120 per deposit to $240 per deposit. This payment deposit increase is effective immediately. You may contact MySchoolBucks directly by telephone at 855.832.5226 or via email at support@myschoolbucks.com .
Kindergarten Gifted and Talented Referrals

Referrals for kindergarten Gifted and Talented services will be available through the PowerSchool Parent Portal from December 1, 2017 - January 12, 2018.
An information session for the parents of kindergarten students will review the referral process, as well as the G/T services offered in Lovejoy.
Lovejoy ISD Administration Building
Board Room
December 4 or 15, 2017
9:00 AM or 4:30 PM (Session information repeats)
If you are unable to attend and would like more information, a slideshow presentation will be available on the Gifted and Talented Webpage  after the December 4th presentations.
All kindergarten students will be tested at their home campuses in January. Additional testing for referred students is scheduled for both Saturday, February 10th and 24th. Services for identified kindergarten students begin March 1, 2018.
For questions regarding referrals, please contact Kari Lockhart (469.742.8015) or Brie Smith ( 469.742.8032) .
BYOP® (Volleyball Winter and Spring Sessions): Pre-registration ends December 22
BYOP® Program Overview:   This training program is designed for any volleyball player, no matter what skill or ability level, as long as their goal is to become the best they can be. Parents must be fully dedicated to being actively involved in this program. BYOP® will provide excellent volleyball fundamental skills training, as well as life lessons to both player and parent.
BYOP® Program Details:  Each training session will build upon a solid foundation of all fundamental skills needed to participate in the sport of volleyball. Parents must be engaged in every training session and involved in the home training program involving physical and skills activities.
Click here for full details regarding Session 1 (January, February and March) and Session 2 (April and May).
Relay for Life Luminarias

Relay for Life is selling Luminarias for the Relay for Life event on April 6th at Lovejoy High School. Luminarias honor those whose lives have been affected by cancer. You may dedicate a Luminaria to a loved one who lost their battle with cancer, someone currently battling cancer, or anyone who has overcome cancer. When you attend the Relay event, you will see the Luminarias placed around the track, decorated with names and sometimes messages to whom they are dedicated. Luminarias are $10. If you would like to purchase one, please click here .  
Relay for Life Gallery Wall Opportunity

Relay for Life is an annual event held at Lovejoy High School to raise awareness of cancer and donate to cancer research. This year's initiative is to bring the Lovejoy community together as a whole to promote a sense of community and care. The entire Lovejoy community is invited to participate in this event on April 6, 2018.
To encourage participation of students at the elementary and intermediate school levels the LHS Relay for Life organizers are hosting a coloring page activity. Students may click here to print the coloring page and decorate it as creatively as they can. Beginning December 11th, they may turn the page into the receptionist desk at their campus to receive a pencil, sticker, or other prize.  The event organizers will use all coloring pages to create a gallery wall the night of the event which will represent loving support for those whose lives have been affected by cancer.
We hope you will save the date of April 6th and join us for Relay for Life.
We're sending hugs (from all of us at Hart) home with you for the holidays! Enjoy your break!
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