Hart Elementary School
450 Country Club Road
Lucas, TX 75002
April 13, 2017
Hoppy Easter Everyone!!
Message from the Principal
Kathy Foster 

Hart Family and Friends,

I want to start by saying thank you to our wonderful PTA for sponsoring today's author visit. Michael Anthony Steele was a huge hit, and the students had a great time! Our kindergarten and preschool friends enjoyed an egg hunt and their baskets were filled to the top when they left at the end of the day. What a great way to head into a three-day weekend!

Happy at Hart,
Kathy Foster 
Hart Announcements

Check us out at Hart_Elementary on Facebook and Twitter
Click Here for the Hart Facebook page
Click Here for the Hart Twitter page 
New! May 18th is KITE day. Please send a fully assembled kite to school with your student. Kites must be ready to fly. During PE we will fly them. 

New! The UIL Competition is next Friday. Letters were sent home today for parents of participants to indicate how your child will be transported to PES for the UIL Competition on Friday, April 21st. Forms must be returned by Monday, April 17th. Thank you for the speedy response.  

New! Thursday, April 20th is Dress like a friend or your teacher day - students and staff will dress up on this day
Save the Date! Our 2nd Grade Field Trip to the Dallas Museum of Art will be on April 25th. Admittance is free for students. You should be receiving information on the trip in your weekly email from the teachers. This program limits the number of chaperones who can attend. Please email your teachers with questions. We are looking forward to a fun and educational trip!
Save the Date! Kindergarten Sneak Peek is May 16th - New Kinder students (2017-2018) and their parents will be invited to the school on May 16th for Kindergarten Sneak Peek from 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Hart Talent Show 
  • Hart K-2 Talent Show will be on Thursday, May 18th at 8:15am on the HES cafeteria stage
  • Hart 3rd and 4th grade Talent show will be on Friday, May 19th at 8:15am on the HES cafeteria stage.
  • Please click here for detailed information about the show from Mrs. Czechowski.
  • If you have given your student permission to participate in the show, please click here to sign up. 
School supplies may be purchased from now until Sunday, June 25th. Click here
Enter the school ID HAR290. Please keep your receipt as confirmation.
This Month - LISD Legacy Reads - Walk a Mile in My Shoes

This is a district wide reading experience that will foster and promote a community of readers.

The goal is to encourage empathy, perspective taking, and acceptance by prompting Leopards to read books,both fiction and nonfiction, about people who are different from themselves.   By immersing ourselves in the stories of others, we can better understand the paths they choose to follow and experience what it means to " WALK A MILE IN MY SHOES ." 

This is our theme for this year's Legacy Read at the elementary schools throughout the month of April.

Each campus will be collecting NEW socks for ACO and USED running shoes to recycle through Run-On. This can be a creative, fun and meaningful Family Project.  Displays will be placed in the library.

Go here for more information: https://www.smore.com/fz24g
Important! Dismissal changes- Dismissal changes must be made by 2:00 p.m. daily. Changes are delivered to classrooms at this time. Please send dismissal change requests by email to Alis_Brantl@lovejoyisd.net and Heather_bouska@lovejoyisd.net (both in case we have staff in meetings or out that day). We appreciate your help in getting your kiddos home safely.

Important! Absences - Attendance is recorded at 10:00 a.m. daily. If your student will not be attending school due to illness or absence, please send an email to their teacher, and to the office staff alis_brantl@lovejoyisd.net and heather_bouska@lovejoyisd.net. It is important that the office staff and the teacher are notified in the event that we have an absence or a substitute teacher working that day. Thank you.
Message from the Nurse


Currently, we are seeing a few viruses (kiddos are testing negative for flu and strep) that are presenting with fever, cough, sore throat, nausea/vomiting, lack of appetite, and lack of energy. Not all are experiencing all of these symptoms. There is a stomach virus going around which most predominate symptoms are nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, and headache. Some symptoms are last up to a few days, kids seem to be feeling better and then symptoms reappear. 

We are also seeing many allergy related symptoms (eye irritation seems to be the worst this week). 

Flu and strep have declined (at the moment). Some are not experiencing typical symptoms of strep throat such as fever and sore throat (some are only complaining of a headache and/or stomach ache).  Symptoms of the flu may include (but may not be experience by all) are: fever, chills, fatigue, nausea/vomiting, cough, diarrhea, headache, body aches, sore throat. It seems that the most common symptoms with Flu this year are fever, sinus congestion, headache, stomach ache, and eye pressure.

Please remember, if your little ones have had diarrhea, fever greater than 100 (without medications), or vomiting they must be out of school for a full 24 hours so that we can help protect others.

The most effective way to protect ourselves for coming in contact with bacteria and viruses are:
  • Frequent hand washing with soap and water, or use alcohol-based hand rubs containing at least 60 percent alcohol, when soap and water aren't available.
  • Avoid direct contact with body fluids of people who are obviously sick
  • Be kind and cautious with cough and sneezing--cover mouth and nose and use tissues
  • Fever of 100 degrees or higher indicate student should not come to school until 24 hours fever free (without medicine) and additional concerns of illness are best discussed with your Physician
  • Do NOT share food, drinks, utensils with others
  • Flu shots are available in the community
  • Be proactive, contain illness by staying home if you are sick, and prevent the spread of germs
Thank you for your cooperation!
PTA News

It's that time of year when we get to "thank" our wonderful Hart Teachers and Staff. Teacher Appreciation week will be celebrated April 17- 21st.

There's a lot going on and plenty of opportunities to help.
Be sure to check out the specific items for the students to get involved inand what donations are still needed.

Monday - Students bring cards from home for their teacher and adopted staff member
Tuesday  - Treats for teachers~ sign up is full!
Wednesday  Breakfast for teachers ~sign up is full!
Thursday - Students bring a "favorite" to their teacher and adopted staff member
- Lunch- April 21

Breakfast for Staff on STAAR Testing Days - May 8
Click here

Current VOLUNTEER Needs -   

LUNCH BUNCH dates available! Click here

MAKER SPACE  organizing next Tuesday  Click here

Hart PTA~ Parent Powered // 
Counselor's Corner 

In Guidance next week we will continue our lessons in safety. We will discuss who would be defined as a don't know (anyone we don't know). We also define examples of safe side adults (like our Mom and Dad). We will give examples of situations that may be tricky and tips on how to maneuver those. Some of the tips include, don't open the door, beware of tricks, and don't know, don't talk. Students will watch a video that's well received by kids called The Safe Side - Stranger Safety. Please talk to your kids and define your safe side adults (someone you trust that will protect them). 

In the meantime, have a safe and happy Easter. 

Ms. Kennaugh   

Upcoming Dates:

14 -    No School 
17-21 Teacher Appreciation Week
18-     Kite Day 
20-     National Look A-like Day - Staff and students dress Like a friend or teacher day 
21-     UIL Competition at Puster Elementary
24 -    Kinder Ice Cream Sundae Party 3:00 p.m.
25-     7 a.m. Chess, 2nd Grade Field Trip to the Dallas Museum of Art
26-     Yearbooks for sale from 7:30 - 8:00 a.m. this day only - cash or check (no change)
27-     Progress reports go home, Senior Breakfast at Hart at 8:00 a.m.
28 -    STUCO Spirit Sticks For Sale (One Day Only) 

** Order School Supplies on line from now until June 25th. Save your receipt. 
District News 
Register Now! Lovejoy ISD Pre-Kindergarten
Lovejoy ISD is accepting applications for tuition-based Pre-Kindergarten. This comprehensive program will be staffed by credentialed teachers and housed on the Puster Elementary School campus.  This program will offer enhancements in music, fitness, art, library, science, technology, engineering, and math. We are enthusiastic to provide a Lovejoy education for community members looking for a rich learning experience which will provide a firm foundation for kindergarten and beyond. 
To apply, please click here .  To schedule a tour of the Pre-Kindergarten program, please contact Stacey Dillon at 469.742.8003.
Pictured below:  Kevin Parker, Principal of Puster Elementary School, "shoots hoops" with incoming Pre-Kindergarten student, Crew Thomas.
New! GET YOUR SLOAN CREEK LEOPARDS  LIMITED EDITION 2017-2018 T-SHIRT NOW!!!!  We are asking that every 4th Grader wear this shirt on May 17th when they visit SCIS. This will also be our 5th Grade Adventure Camp shirt. Click here for more details. 
Lovejoy ISD Training Pool Open House:  April 8
The Lovejoy Swim and Dive team will host an open house at the new Training Pool on Saturday, April 8th, from 11:00 AM - 1:30 PM. Please join the team for a tour of the 25-yard training pool located inside the dome behind Sloan Creek Intermediate School (440 Country Club Road, Fairview, Texas).
Metroplex Aquatics, the company managing and operating the training pool, will be available to answer questions regarding future program offerings available to the public. The Kona Mobile Shaved Ice truck will be on-site offering refreshments for purchase.  We hope to see you there.
Lovejoy Orchestra Spirit Night:  April 11
Lovejoy Orchestra will host a spirit night at Zoe's Kitchen (Fairview) on Tuesday, April 11th, from 4:00 PM - 8:00 PM.  Please join the Orchestra for a great combo of delicious food, good company, and support of the Lovejoy Orchestra. 15% of the proceeds will benefit the Orchestra Booster Club. When you order please let the cashier know you are with Lovejoy Orchestra. This includes dine in and take out. 
Fantastic Fossils: April 11
Join John S. Mead -- passionate Biology Teacher, Origins Explorer, and Nature Photographer -- as he takes us through his exciting participation in Dr. Lee Berger's excavation of a new human species, Homo naledi, from the Rising Star Cave in South Africa. This species of human ancestor is believed to be 900,000 to 2 million years old and was an incredible find. The discovery of Homo naledi is featured on the October 2015 cover of National Geographic Magazine, and in a current exhibit at the Perot Museum. Mr. Mead will share stories about the discovery, as well as his outstanding photos. This event is sponsored by the Lovejoy Gifted Association (LGA). LGA members and families may attend free. All middle school and high school students may attend the event for free with a current student ID. There is a $5 admission fee for adults who are not LGA members.
Fantastic Fossils
Tuesday, April 11, 2017
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Lovejoy High School Auditorium

New! Softball Presents Little Leopard Night:  April 13
Join Lovejoy Softball for Little Leopards/WSMS Night on Thursday, April 13th for the JV (5:30 PM) and Varsity (7:00 PM) games. Little Leopards will join the Varsity girls on the field for the National Anthem before the Varsity game. There will be posters for autographs, running the bases, stickers, and raffle items between the Varsity game innings.
Friends of Fairview Firefighters Association Pancake Breakfast:
April 22
The Friends of Fairview Firefighters Association will host a pancake breakfast on Saturday, April 22nd from 8:00 - 11:00 AM at Fairview Fire Station #2.  Click here for details.
E-Waste Recycling Event: April 22

In conjunction with the celebration of Earth Day, Lovejoy High School will host an e-waste recycling day on Saturday, April 22nd from 9 AM - Noon in the LHS parking lot. Please
click here for additional information regarding the e-waste collection.
Oxfam Hunger Banquet:  April 30
An Oxfam Hunger Banquet is a memorable, interactive event which brings hunger and poverty issues to life. After 40 years, this volunteer-led effort is still going strong and has changed hundreds of thousands of lives.
Draw a ticket and expand your world by attending Carrie Duke's Oxfam Hunger Banquet.  
WSMS Independent Studies student, Carrie Duke, is planning this hunger banquet for her 2nd semester project.
Participants will choose an income card which will depict what they will have for dinner. Depending on the income card, attendees will receive either a more nutritious and a higher quantity of food, or a less nutritious meal.
Join Carrie on Sunday, April 30th, from 5:00 - 6:30 PM in the WSMS Cafeteria (1101 West Lucas Road, Lucas, TX, 75002) for a learning experience which will change your outlook on world hunger. See hunger in a whole new way.
For additional information, please visit Carrie's website by clicking here .  

Register Now! Summer Enrichment Camps have been finalized, and we are excited to offer opportunities for Pre-K through 12th grade.  You will find everything from dodge ball to robotics, and cooking to coding.
Summer Enrichment Camps will be offered in three sessions:
Session I:  June 12-16
Session II:  June 19-23
Session III:  July 10-14
Click here to see all of the exciting summer enrichment camp offerings.  Registration is open. 
With a few exceptions (athletic camps and Lovejoy theatre camp), information for all enrichment camps is available through this link.  If there is a need to register through the camp provider, the link will be provided with the session description for each session (e.g., PSAT Prep from Princeton Review).
Please review the enrichment camps and consider one or more of these excellent opportunities for your children this summer.
Register Now!  Lovejoy ISD Athletic Summer Camps and Performance Course

Registration is now open for Lovejoy ISD Athletic Summer Camps.  Click here for details.
Lovejoy Athletics is pleased to announce its partnership with Geno Pierce's Performance Course for the 2017-2018 school year.  Performance Course brings with it a proven track record of championship success.  Performance Course offers many different courses from high-intensity to foundational programs.  There is something for everyone.  Click here for details and registration links.
Camp Invention: June 19-23
Camp Invention will be held at Sloan Creek Intermediate School from June 19th through 23rd for children entering K - 6th grades.  Click here for additional information. 
Easter is the only time of year when it is perfectly fine to put all your eggs in one basket.  Enjoy!
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