Dear Friends and Neighbors in Westport,
In recent months, there has been extensive discussion about the need for affordable housing. These discussions have been scant on specific details about how proposed zoning legislation will impact our 169 unique towns.
Nor have any alternative proposals been provided for how best to create more housing options. Most disturbing is the lack of in-depth reporting by the press on these proposals. That is why I believe it is necessary to send you this email explaining my concerns about the majority party’s plans for zoning.

To learn more about Hartford's zoning plans for our towns, click this button:

Sources for zoning proposals:

Some consequences of these zoning proposals:

  • Takes away local control of planning and zoning to the state mandated in a one-size-fits-all model.

  • Requires “as-of-right” middle housing development of "duplexes, triplexes, quadplexes, cottage clusters, and townhouses" in at least 50% of the area within .5 mile radius of train stations, bus stops or other transit hubs or .25 mile radius of areas with concentrated development. See the map above of Westport for what this might mean for changing the character, not to mention parking needs, of Westport.  “As-of-right” means exactly what you think it means – developers have the right to build housing regardless of what that would do to the look, feel and character of the local community.

  • Eliminates single-family zoning in up to 50% of the targeted areas while requiring that middle housing and apartment buildings on at least 10% of the land in municipalities of at least 5,000 persons.

  • Prevents “character” justifications for zoning decisions even in the state sponsored protected Village Districts, which the state considers "Character Preservation" and replaces that word with their preferred architectural standards because this will make zoning commissioners "think more carefully - or work harder - before blocking a housing development."

  • Removes the ability of a local zoning board to consider impact on the town's infrastructure when deciding on a project.

  • Ruling consideration cannot be based on the expert safety opinion by Local Police and Fire only on state fire code - no consideration of municipal capacity to respond to fire or inadequate water supply for larger buildings.

  • Creates a “segregationist” designation for towns and penalizes them if not meeting arbitrary criteria.

  • Local Housing Authorities may be subject to expansion from other nearby city-based public housing authorities. Maps available on the website.
Allow public housing authorities to expand their areas of operation by 15 miles into “opportunity areas.”  Any municipality that has not reached the state-mandated goal of having 10% of its housing stock deemed affordable is an opportunity area.  So, Norwalk, Bridgeport and Stamford’s Housing Authorities, which are within 15 miles of Westport, could build in Westport, since less than 10% of housing in Westport qualifies as officially affordable.
I oppose any attempt to seize control of zoning by the state. One size does not fit all. These decisions must remain under local control of our municipalities to properly take into consideration our natural resources and town infrastructure.

We should consider all options in determining what policies are best for our towns and how best to open housing options to more residents. We can create better opportunities with careful consideration of unintended consequences.

I need your VOTE now by absentee ballot or on November 3rd so that our towns can determine their own futures and to maintain local control of zoning.
Campaign Advisors
Hon. Judith Freedman 
Hon. Gail Lavielle
Hon. Toni Boucher
Hon. Tom O'Dea
Hon. Terri Wood

Campaign Treasurer
Judy Domkowski

Paid for by KIM HEALY FOR CT, Judy Domkowski, Treasurer. Approved by Kim Healy.