How Does Having a Child With PANS/PANDAS Affect Family Life?
We are inviting you to take part in a 40-70-minute research study, conducted by the Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard University, assessing the impact of the symptoms of PANS/PANDAS, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and other related conditions on family dynamics. This survey is completely anonymous , and will ask you questions regarding your and your child’s medical history, your relationship with your child, the severity of your child’s PANS/PANDAS, and your relationships with other family members. Please click on the link provided if you are interested in participating. Thank you!
NYS Dept of Health
PANDAS/PANS legislative advocates in NY State worked with the department of health and Dr. Swedo last spring to educate DOH officials. As a result, the attached letter was sent to all providers in New York State, and information on PANDAS/PANS was added to the NYS DOH website here  
The NYS PANDAS/PANS legislative advocates are collecting contact information from NY State families interested in receiving communication about PANDAS/PANS related legislation, research and fundraisers. Families can complete a contact information survey here