For years, a large amount of the materials you recycled eventually made their way to China. That changed last year when China tightened import restrictions. Now the US is adjusting to the new recycling climate, and it is impacting trash and recycling companies, cities, as well as businesses and consumers. 
Have You Seen Recycling Changes?
We’ve heard from some retailers that over the last year municipal recycling services have been restricted and sometimes discontinued. Have you seen changes in your area? Let us know below.
Click the button next to the phrase that best describes recycling services in your city.
No changes, recycling continues as usual
Recycling costs have increased
Fewer types of items are accepted for recycling
Municipal recycling is discontinued
Recycling Background
Want to know more about the shift in recycling in our country? We’ve rounded up quick and comprehensive sources.

  • Watch this video for a 90-second overview

What's Next?
If recycling services have been drastically reduced or eliminated in your area, here are three options.
1. Drop Off
If your hauler no longer picks up recyclables, drop them off at a local recycling center or city collection point. Contact your local recycling center for details, or search Earth911’s database to find recycling options near you.
2. Buy in Bulk
No plastic recycling in your area? Buy oil and fluids in bulk to cut down on quart and gallon plastic containers used in the service area. 
3. Rethink Beverage Containers
Cut down on single-use beverage containers . Purchase reusable bottles or canteens for employees, and in the customer lounge consider replacing disposable cups with ceramic mugs.
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Chuck Golden
Green Dealer Support