What an amazing year. The opening of our Beit Kehillah in October was a highlight that brought a whole new dimension to our Kabbalot Shabbat, prayer services and assemblies. We all enjoyed the roominess, windows, lighting, built-in projectors and screens and a built-in Torah ark with a long-awaited Ner Tamid. The music, more participatory and student-led than ever, the tefillah programs themselves, under the direction of Rabbi Hahn Tapper, seemed more spiritual and meaningful than ever in our new environs. From birthday math challenges and Keshet Krew skits, to the school musical, art walk, modern band performances, class seders, milestones, ceremonies, parent workshops, town hall, guest speakers, teacher workshops and the Israel Scouts Friendship Caravan last week, the Beit Kehillah really became as its name implies, the home of our community. Read More