Thursday, 4/2/20
Many of you have probably seen these updates and videos on social media, but some are not on social media, so I am making them available here. These are all too good not to share again and again.

Haskell Elementary held a wonderful Wave Parade yesterday. It was so sweet and this might bring a tear to your eye. Haskell has wonderful people who are making the best of these circumstances. You can watch it here .

Mayor Bert Alvarez made an announcement on Facebook yesterday. You can listen to that here.

The Administrator of Haskell Healthcare , Steve King, also did a tribute to those on the front lines and especially those at his facility. You can watch to that here .
And, in case you missed the Haskell Healthcare Wave Parade last week, you can watch it here .

CORRECTION - In the previous newsletter, there was a mistake about the details of COVID-19. One needs to be fever free without medication for 72 hours (3 days) in order to NOT be contagious. My apologies for the misprint.
Although Haskell has yet to see a positive case, it's important to remain vigilant in social distancing and limit excursions to absolute necessities only. Help the medical staff help you by staying home and limiting your exposure to others. #caringforourcommunities #saferathome
(You can follow them on Facebook at Haskell Memorial Hospital.)
As many of you know, yesterday the Governor extended his executive order through April 30th. He added hair salons, barber shops and nail salons to the list of non-essential businesses. While we might all differ about that, please remember our local guys and gals. We appreciate all of them and what they do for us and our community. We look forward to seeing you all opened back up soon.
Double Mountain Coach & Outreach Services - They can help with rides and electric bills.
Experienced Citizens Center of Haskell - (940) 864-3875

If you would like us to include updates from your Haskell entity, business, non-profit, etc., please email [email protected] and we will do our best.
**Please excuse all typos as these emails are being put together quickly.
Links to the previous updates.