STAY UP-TO-DATE - March 23, 2020
A lot changed over the weekend with Governor Abbott's executive order. We see many large cities being forced to shelter in place. This has not happened in the smaller towns yet. If we will do it voluntarily, it won't have to be done. Keep up the good work!
The Haskell County Commissioner's Court will meet Tuesday at 10 a.m. and they will be broadcasting it live on our Facebook page Haskell Texas USA .
The school did pickups for the kids weekly work today. It was reported that it all went smoothly. The teachers had some fun and made something for your viewing pleasure. Check it out here.
There is no reason to skip your workout. Better Bodies has made it easy for you to stay in shape at home. You can do your workouts live with them or whenever you have time. They are also offering some specialized classes to paid subscribers. Check it out.
These numbers will be even more important this year during COVID19. There will be a variety of funding released during the economic recovery of this pandemic. It is imperative that we have accurate data. Thank you in advance for during your census.
  • Men's Prayer Breakfast - Per Steve Miller - We will meet at the front gazebo at Haskell City Park a 6:15 a.m. tomorrow morning. There are several take-out options for us for breakfast. We can swing by Rustic Cafe and there are Mi Familia and Burrito Express which both open at 6 am. I just ask that you grab breakfast on your way to the park then we can, after we eat, join in fellowship, bible study and prayer. Our study tomorrow will start Joshua 10:1.
  • Ranch Hand Cooking located to the east of Stripes Convenient Store opened their doors this weekend. Their hours are 11:30 - 8 p.m. Call ahead and order at 979-412-0982. 
  • Missy’s Boutique – She has closed the storefront, but will continue to post new arrivals daily. You can order online. She will make arrangements for local pick up and shipping is free.
  • Smitty’s Auto Supply is open and on our regular schedule. If you prefer not to come into the store, please feel free to call ahead and we will bring your purchase to your car when you arrive. Our phone number is 864-2607.  
  • Kaleidoscope is still open but they are offering curbside pick up. Watch their Facebook page for fun items.
Many of our churches went to online services this week. I will try to get all the links I can here so you can view those services from home. If I forget anyone, please send me an email. Also, check the Haskell Star for a full directory of churches in Haskell County.

Harvest Community Church First Presbyterian Church
Hopewell Baptist Church Greater Independence
Haskell Grub - This Facebook page is going great. We still haven't solved the delivery problem, but we will come up with something. In the meantime, do curbside pickup and drive through if possible.

If you would like us to include updates from your Haskell entity, business, non-profit, etc., please email and we will do our best.
**Please excuse all typos as these emails are being put together quickly.
Links to the previous updates.