Haunted by Rent Arrears?
Learn how to manage them following our Pre‐Action Protocol best practices.
An important part of avoiding possession claims is to ensure all parties involved communicate with each other effectively in the first instance before taking any action for repossession through the courts.

Download our free document for a summary of best practice which should be considered before starting the evictions process.
Troublesome tenants? It's time to get serious.

If you've got trouble, you can't afford to mess around. To get things sorted you need to get serious, Damage, unpaid rent, mounting arrears, whatever the issue, a pre-court action letter shows you mean business.
The good news is, ours work in 83% of cases, and we're offering you one free of charge.
🎃 Gourd vibes only 🎃

Don't forget to get involved in our Halloween antics this year. LforL will be having a fancy dress competition tomorrow and will also be carving some pumpkins. Keep an eye on our Twitter, Facebook and Instagram pages tomorrow and help us choose a winner!
Raising dough for an amazing cause

At the start of October we dusted off our rolling pins once again to help raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support. From Biscoff rocky road to gooey brownies and a surprise rainbow cake, it’s safe to say we outdid ourselves this year.
Thank you to everyone who donated to help make a difference to an amazing cause.
TV favourite, Lucy Alexander, backs new RentalPassport

We're delighted to announce Homes Under the Hammer’s Lucy Alexander as our RentalPassport™ ambassador.

RentalPassport™ is a brand new tool, powered by LegalforLandlords, that helps house hunters get ahead.
Simplifying the process of finding a rental property, RentalPassport gives those with the best credentials a head start. It speeds things up so savvy searchers can submit reference checks before viewing a property - it puts them ahead of the game and also proves to you, as their potential landlord, that they are a serious about renting and likely to prove a desirable tenant
Landlords: Sign up for an account

Our landlord-focused services are only available to registered account holders, but registering is simple and free.

Just a few details, an email account and you’ll have an account you can manage yourself, and full access to our pricing and online services.
0344 567 4001
LegalforLandlords are authorised and regulated by the FCA.