The Ohio State University
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International Film Series
The Office of International Affairs collaborates with the Gateway Film Center to host a monthly international film series. Students have the chance to view films from around the world for free! The next film is the Korean film, "Parasite" and it will be shown on Wednesday, October 23 at 7 p.m. at the Gateway Film Center. The film tells the story of two families that come to rely on each other, until greed and class discrimination threaten the newly formed symbiotic relationship. Admission is FREE for students with a BuckID and offered at regular price to the public. Contact Danya Contractor with questions.
Event Details
Join the Conversation
Global Engagement Night invites international and domestic students to interact and have cross-cultural discussions. Global Engagement Night takes place on Tuesdays at 6 p.m. in 160 Enarson Classroom Building during spring and autumn. The next Global Engagement Night will be on October 22, and we will celebrate Halloween! Come in your best costumes and enjoy food, music and games. There will also be pumpkin carving, a costume contest and trick-or-treating! Families and friends are welcome.
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Scam Alert
An increasing number of international students and scholars are targeted by scams. The most common scams encountered are those involving tuition, taxes, traveling, employment and immigration. Student Legal Services has resources against scams targeting international students. As the holiday season approaches, please be suspicious if anyone who demands that you wire them money. Do not share your personal or financial information with unknown persons, and remember that government officials will never call you and ask you for money.
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Dates Vary
4-5:30 p.m.
140 Enarson
Career Counseling Workshops for International Students
International students thinking about applying for a job or internship in the United States are invited to attend a 7-week career counseling workshop series to help you navigate the job search process.
October 24
3-4 p.m.
160 Enarson
Academic Reading
This workshop will provide students with general guidance on how to read effectively for academic purposes.
October 30
5:30-6:30 p.m.
100 Enarson
Preparing Effective Papers
This workshop will help students with the most common writing assignments at the undergraduate level.