
Did your kid ever have a tendency to question you? When we ask Amelia, our five-year-old, to do a chore, or we give her instruction about what she needs to do next, she has gotten into an all-too-familiar habit of saying “but…”

It reminds me of the often used adage after September 11th, "We don't negotiate with terrorists" It can feel like that when fielding five-year-old retorts. Sometimes we just have to let her know who the boss is and how our house is going to be run.

Amelia's school had a Thanksgiving presentation and family feast earlier this week. We're pictured below at her school.
It's easy to find ourselves doing the familiar “But, I can’t” or “But, I need.” We allow ourselves to slip into a negative headspace where we question more things than we should. Obviously, money and our income can be a big source of discontent and a topic we question.

In fact, a recent survey of 2000 people found that it would take a significant pay increase for them to be content. The folks polled had a median salary of $65,000 and the median pay increase needed for contentment according to respondents was $95,000. The highest earners polled said they needed a pay increase of $100,000 to be content. Zig Ziglar use to say, “Money isn’t the most important thing, but it ranks up there with air and oxygen.”
I believe one of the easiest ways to become more content is to exercise gratitude. According to Jon Gordon, research states we can’t be stressed and thankful at the same time. Think about it. If you’re feeling upset and you consciously begin thinking about how much you love your spouse or kids it becomes harder to be sad at that point in time.

The challenge we have in our culture is we’re incentivized to always be busy. While the invention of the Internet was a phenomenal thing, it has increased our ability to have a jam-packed schedule. I find the busier I am the easier it is for me to not take time to show gratitude, and then I’m susceptible to entering a negative headspace. Nobody performs optimally when we go down a negative mental path in our minds, and often those we love the most are impacted the worst.

Give Ansley a leaf and the sunshine and she's happy!
Ansley in the sun
Despite the political disfunction we witness daily on the TV or iPhones, despite the uncertainty about wars and pandemics, despite the unknown health challenges some of us face, we are truly living in a time of vast opportunity.

About 5.5 years ago I had Lasik surgery on my eyes. The thought of someone cutting on my eyes terrified me so much that over the years I asked four different eye doctors whether they thought I was a good candidate for corrective eye surgery. They all said I was.

I enjoy living an active lifestyle and when it got hot and humid outside glasses were a pain. I wore contact lenses for many years, but I got to a point that when six or seven in the evening rolled around, I had to take them out. Finally getting Lasik was truly a life-changing event for me. I know. This may sound trivial, but I’ve had a better quality of life because of it. My point though is that opportunities like this weren’t available 30 years ago. Shoot, a couple hundred years ago I would have really struggled!

And if she can't find a leaf or sunshine, a cover on the couch will do just fine...
Think about the many luxuries we are afforded just because we were born during this period. We could create a long list if we thought about it for a few minutes. We can always find the good if we look for it.

Clients Excel turned five years old in September of this year. The time has flown by, and I know in a blink our company will be ten years old. I thank God every day for the ability to start a company, employee people, create the life that I have, and for the ability to serve our clients. It’s truly a gift that I don’t take lightly. I appreciate you reading, and I hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving!

Until next week,

David C. Treece,
Financial Planner
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Clients Excel, LLC is an independent financial services firm that utilizes a variety of investment and insurance products. Investment advisory services offered only by duly registered individuals through Creative One Wealth. Creative One Wealth and Clients Excel, LLC are not affiliated companies. Neither the firm nor its agents or representatives may give tax or legal advice. Individuals should consult with a qualified tax professional for guidance before making any purchasing decisions. Clients Excel, LLC is not affiliated with or endorsed by the U.S. Government or any governmental agency. Clients Excel, LLC has a strategic partnership with tax professionals and attorneys who can provide tax and/or legal advice. Published on 11.22.2023.